
The national summer grain harvest is expected to hit a new high after 90% of the harvest.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, After all the wheat was harvested, Xu Gongxiang, the king of wheat in Taihe County, Fuyang City, Anhui Province, was busy with field management, preparing to harvest more autumn grain on the basis of the bumper harvest of summer grain. Judging from the agricultural situation dispatching of the Ministry of Agriculture and the actual harvest in various places, at present, the national summer grain harvest has exceeded 90%.

After all the wheat has been harvested, Xu Muxiang, the "king of wheat" in Taihe County, Fuyang City, Anhui Province, is busy with field management, preparing to harvest more autumn grain on the basis of a bumper summer harvest. Judging from the agricultural situation dispatching of the Ministry of Agriculture and the actual harvest in various places, at present, the national summer grain harvest has exceeded 90%, a bumper harvest has become a foregone conclusion, and the summer grain harvest is expected to hit a new high. Under the circumstances that the situation of global wheat production is not optimistic this year, China's wheat production has risen against the trend, and it is of great significance to realize the "twelve consecutive abundant", which has effectively boosted the confidence of winning a bumper agricultural harvest for the whole year and laid a good foundation for increasing grain production for the whole year.

Good policy to implement grain production capacity in the field.

Grain is the foundation of all industries. This year's Central Committee document No. 1 proposed that it is necessary to continuously increase grain production capacity, further improve and implement the grain governor responsibility system, strengthen the policy preference towards major grain-producing provinces and counties, and ensure that major grain-producing counties attach importance to agriculture and obtain substantial benefits and development. We will explore the establishment of functional areas for grain production and implement the production capacity of food rations in the fields. The central government has continued to increase support for the policy of strengthening farmers and benefiting rich farmers, and the central government has increased its investment in agriculture.

The good policy has stimulated the enthusiasm of farmers to grow grain. Zhang Yisong, a large grain grower in Niuzhong Village, Niujiaodian Town, Donga County, Shandong Province, said that his family transferred more than 1000 mu of arable land, with a net income of 500 to 600 yuan per mu, and the state subsidized it every year. Last year, he spent 130000 yuan on a harvester, and the subsidy for agricultural machinery given by the state alone was 32000 yuan. In the "three summers" this year, he harvested wheat for others in the local area and Xinyang, Henan Province, and earned more than 30,000 yuan for the machine harvest alone.

Good policies come one after another. With the approval of the State Council, this year, China will start the adjustment and improvement of three agricultural subsidy policies, namely, subsidies for improved varieties of crops, direct subsidies for grain farmers, and comprehensive subsidies for agricultural materials. pilot projects will be carried out in five provinces, including Anhui, Shandong, Hunan, Sichuan and Zhejiang, and the three subsidies will be merged into "agricultural support and protection subsidies." The subsidy object is all the farmers who have the right to contract the cultivated land, and the farmers who enjoy the subsidy should not abandon the cultivated land and keep the soil fertility from declining. Through the "three in one", we will give more effective play to the role of financial funds in supporting grain production.

We will earnestly protect the interests of grain farmers and relieve them of their worries about selling grain. At the beginning of the year, the state announced the purchase price of wheat. Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the implementation Plan for the minimum purchase Price of Wheat and Rice in 2015. According to the plan, the minimum purchase price of white wheat, red wheat and mixed wheat is 1.18 yuan per catty. The main wheat producing areas to implement the plan are Hebei, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong, Henan and Hubei provinces, and the implementation time is from May 21 to September 30, 2015.

Financial support for grain acquisition has been steadily improved. From January to April this year, the bank issued a total of 210.9 billion yuan in grain and oil purchase loans, an increase of 27.598 billion yuan over the same period last year, an increase of 15.06 percent, according to data from the Agricultural Development Bank of China.

Good policy, spring breeze and rain. The sown area of summer grain across the country has steadily increased slightly, and the enthusiasm of farmers for spring ploughing and summer harvesting and summer management is high. From the analysis of the components of summer grain yield, first, the area increased slightly, reaching 415 million mu, an increase of more than 1 million mu over the previous year. Second, there is a steady increase in per unit yield. According to expert analysis, among the three factors of wheat yield components, the number of spikes per mu increased, the number of grains per spike increased slightly, and the 1000-grain weight decreased slightly.

Zeng Yande, director of the planting Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, said, "overall accounting, per unit yield is increasing."

The growth of summer grain depends on the progress of science and technology.

The bumper harvest of summer grain is not easy to come by, and science and technology has played a very important role in grain production. Guo Tiancai, deputy head of the wheat expert guidance group of the Ministry of Agriculture, said: "this year, the wheat population is suitable, the number of spikes is sufficient, the spikes are not small, and the per unit yield of wheat has increased, thanks to scientific and technological progress."

The popularization rate of improved varieties is getting higher and higher. In Huimin County, Shandong Province, China seed Group reached a docking agreement with Lu Renqiang, a major local grain grower. Shandong Luyan Agricultural improved Variety Company, a subsidiary of the China seed Group, provided him with "Luyuan 502" wheat seeds. This year, a total of 600mu of wheat seeds have been planted, and the variety performance is quite good. The tillering rate is high, the ear is large, resistant to lodging, and the average yield per mu is 1100 jin. Tan Renqiang is not to mention how happy he is: "I'm going to plant another 400 to 500 mu next year."

"one spray and three prevention" curbed the diseases and insect pests of overwintering wheat. Affected by the warm winter, the overwintering base of wheat diseases and insect pests is high this year, the disease time of wheat stripe rust and other diseases and insect pests is early, and the disease area is large, which increases the difficulty of prevention and control in spring. The agricultural department has strengthened the early warning and monitoring of diseases and insect pests, released information on diseases and insect pests in a timely manner, vigorously promoted the rule of specialized unified prevention and control, and highlighted the monitoring and control of the source and perennial recurrence areas of major diseases and insect pests, such as migratory, epidemic, and explosive, and organized actions to prevent diseases and insect pests and win a bumper harvest in spring.

Cross-district machine collection plays the role of the main force. In late June, the large-scale cross-regional machine harvest in China's main wheat producing areas was completed in an all-round way. A total of 560000 combine harvesters have been put into operation in various localities in the "three summers" this year, with a machine yield of more than 92%. The meticulous organization and scheduling of the summer harvest by the competent agricultural departments, the popularization and application of a number of new agricultural mechanization technologies, and the increasing maturity of the cross-district operation market have enabled this year's summer harvest to be successfully completed in a race against the clock and in an orderly atmosphere, with an area of more than 10 million mu per day for 11 consecutive days.

Han Changfu, minister of agriculture, said that at present, the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress in China is more than 56%, the improved varieties of major crops are basically fully covered, the comprehensive mechanization of farming and harvest is more than 61%, and the proportion of effective irrigated farmland is more than 52%. This is a remarkable historic achievement.

The way turns, "the same bumper harvest, different growth."

When asked about the new characteristics of this year's summer grain harvest, Zeng Yande, director of the planting Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, said bluntly: "the harvest is the same as in the past, but it highlights the different growth mode from the past, that is, the green growth mode of agriculture."

The way to change, turn to green growth.

In Houpian Village, Huadian Town, Qihe County, Shandong Province, villagers and reporters talked about a "green" bumper harvest. "my wheat has been harvested, and the average yield per unit area of 360mu is 1360 jin, which is more than experts estimate." Zhao Jincheng, a big grain grower, said: "the amount of chemical fertilizer has been reduced, but the output has not been reduced at all."

The plot of Zhao Jincheng is located in the key field of 300000 mu green wheat yield increase model in Qihe County. In early June, the reporter followed the expert guidance team of the Ministry of Agriculture to survey the yield on the spot and witnessed how to lose weight and reduce drugs without reducing production of wheat in Qihe County adopting the "green" planting mode this summer.

Zeng Yande said that by 2020, China's zero growth in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is being carried out throughout the country. For a long time, the amount of chemical fertilizer used in our country is relatively large. From 1979 to 2013, the amount of chemical fertilizer used in our country increased from 10.86 million tons to 59.12 million tons. In recent years, due to the vigorous promotion of soil testing and formula fertilization, the growth rate of chemical fertilizer use is gradually declining to the growth level of 1.5%. The average annual use of pesticides was 311000 tons from 2012 to 2014. It is urgent to reduce chemical fertilizers and pesticides, subtract unreasonable fertilization and application, improve utilization efficiency, and take the road of cost-saving, efficiency and sustainable development.

The way to turn, turn to the green to tackle key problems. "I have used all the techniques such as the return of straw to the field, the combined application of efficient nitrogen and potassium, and the integrated control of scab." As one of the 15 demonstration areas of green wheat yield increasing model of 1000 mu in Woyang County, Anhui Province, Sun Zifu, a big grain grower, is very satisfied with the green yield increasing technology. Since last year, in accordance with the ideas and requirements of the green production increase model, a total of 58 local high-yield and high-efficiency technical models have been integrated, each focusing on "one control, two reductions and three basics", which has really broken through the bottleneck of grain production and greatly improved the utilization rate of resources.

Transfer mode, turn to the reuse of straw. Straw burning is a long-standing difficulty, everywhere to deal with straw problems, crushing and returning to the field, biomass energy, papermaking, power generation. This year, Jiyukou Town, Qianjiang City, Hubei Province, will no longer see the burning of straw, because the straw has been recycled. Liu Changhua, director of the Hubei Provincial Bureau of Agricultural Machinery, said that this year, the mechanized returning area of straw in Hubei has exceeded 20 million mu, increasing soil organic matter, enhancing soil water storage capacity, and promoting agricultural production and efficiency.