
Are the latest edamame beans the same as soybeans?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Edamame bean is a vegetable soybean that specializes in fresh and tender pods in soybean crops. Its nutritional value is very high. There are almost all the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other edamame beans that the human body needs every day. If you eat more edamame beans, you can get balanced nutrition.

Edamame bean is a vegetable soybean that specializes in fresh and tender pods in soybean crops. Its nutritional value is very high. There are almost all the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other edamame beans that the human body needs every day. If you eat more edamame beans, you can get balanced nutrition. Let's take a look at whether edamame beans and soybeans are the same.

Are edamame beans the same as soybeans?

Edamame beans are actually soybeans, but edamame beans are fresh soybeans, which are usually green. When edamame beans get old, they turn yellow and are called soybeans. Fresh edamame beans are generally used to make cold soybeans, old soybeans usually boil soup or grind soya-bean milk, although the appearance is not quite the same, but they all belong to the same kind of beans, but their periods are different. If edamame beans are not picked and grow for another month to two months, they will become soybeans at that time.

Nutritional value of soybeans

1. The protein content of soybeans is very high. It contains about 40% protein, which is comparable to animal protein in quantity and quality. The protein content of 500g soybeans is equivalent to 1500 grams of eggs or 6000 grams of milk or 1000 grams of lean pork. So soybeans are known as "plant meat" and "green dairy cattle".

2. Soybean protein contains all the essential amino acids, in which the amino acids are close to the ratio needed by the human body, so it is easy to be digested and absorbed. In particular, it is rich in lysine, which can supplement the deficiency of lysine in cereals, while the lack of methionine in soybeans can be supplemented by cereals.

3. The fat content of soybeans is 1820%, which accounts for the first place in legumes. The advantage over animal fat is that it contains less cholesterol and is rich in linoleic acid and linseed oil dilute acid. These unsaturated fatty acids make soybeans have the effect of lowering cholesterol. Its lecithin is also more, which is of great significance to the development of the nervous system.

4. Soybeans contain inorganic salts such as potassium and sodium, some essential trace elements and soybean flavonoid glycosides, dyed xylosides and soybean saponins. Although dried soybeans do not contain vitamin C, they can produce vitamin C after germination and can be supplemented in the off-season of vegetables. In addition, it also contains vitamins A, B, D, E and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and iron.

What is the effect of soybeans?

1. Improve immunity: soybeans contain plant protein and enjoy the reputation of "plant meat". If the human body lacks protein, it will show symptoms such as decreased immunity and easy fatigue. Eating soybeans can supplement protein and avoid the problem of high cholesterol in meat.

2. Protect blood vessels: lecithin in soybeans can remove the cholesterol attached to the blood vessel wall, prevent vascular hardening, prevent cardiovascular disease, protect the heart, and prevent the accumulation of too much fat in the liver. thus it can effectively prevent fatty liver caused by obesity.

3. Whitening and skin care: soybeans are rich in soybean isoflavones, which can effectively improve skin aging and relieve climacteric syndrome. In addition, soybeans contain a large amount of linoleic acid, so it can effectively prevent the synthesis of melanin in skin cells.

4, improve energy: the protein contained in soybeans can increase the excitement and inhibition function of the cerebral cortex, and then improve the efficiency of study and work, but also help to alleviate depression and depression. Therefore, friends who often use brainpower can often eat fried soybeans.

5. Improve intelligence: soybean lecithin is one of the nutritional elements contained in soybeans, which is an important component of the brain. Eating soybeans regularly can help prevent Alzheimer's disease. In addition, sterols in soybean lecithin can also increase neurological function and vitality.

6. Strong organs: soybean lecithin can also promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and strengthen various tissues and organs of the human body. In addition, regular consumption of soybeans can reduce cholesterol and improve lipid metabolism, which can effectively prevent and treat coronary atherosclerosis.

7. prevention of deafness: supplementation of appropriate amount of iron can dilate microvessels, soften red blood cells, and ensure the supply of blood to the ear, so it can effectively prevent hearing loss. The contents of iron and zinc in soybeans are much higher than those in other foods, which plays an auxiliary role in preventing deafness in the elderly.

8. Prevent constipation: the soluble fiber contained in soybeans can not only moisten the intestines and relieve defecation, but also reduce the content of cholesterol.

9. Cancer prevention: soybeans contain protease inhibin, which can effectively inhibit a variety of cancers, and the inhibitory effect on breast cancer is the most obvious.