
The latest Sorghum seed Price and planting methods

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sorghum is one of the common cash crops, also known as sorghum, peach millet, millet, etc., which is an annual herb of Gramineae sorghum. It is widely cultivated in China, with the most in Northeast China. Sorghum grains are eaten for food and wine, and sugar sorghum stalks can be used to make syrup or raw food.

Sorghum is one of the common cash crops, also known as sorghum, peach millet, millet and so on. it is an annual herb of Gramineae sorghum. It is widely cultivated in China, with the most in Northeast China, eating sorghum grains for food and brewing wine. The stalks of sugar sorghum can be used to make syrup or raw food, and brooms can be used to make brooms or cooking brooms. Let's take a look at the seed prices and planting methods of sorghum.

How much is the sorghum seed per jin?

The price of sorghum seeds is generally about 610 yuan per jin, but the price varies greatly due to different varieties, such as forage sweet sorghum seeds, imported high-yield sorghum seeds, white sorghum seeds and wild sorghum seeds. It is worth noting that variety selection is one of the most economical and effective technical measures to increase sorghum production. The variety growth period needs to adapt to the local climatic conditions, which should be safe and mature before frost and should not be too short.

Land selection and preparation of Sorghum

1. Site selection: sorghum roots are well developed and have strong water absorption and fertilizer absorption, so flat, loose and fertile plots should be selected for planting. Low-lying and waterlogging-prone plots or barren and dry saline-alkali plots can also be planted because of their resistance to drought, waterlogging, salt, alkali and barren. The requirements for the previous crop are not strict.

2. Soil preparation: the soil preparation quality of sorghum is the key to grasp the whole seedling and determine the yield. Before sowing, fine soil preparation, rake and fine rake must be achieved, autumn soil preparation should be advocated to ensure soil moisture in spring, and autumn ploughing, autumn raking and autumn ridging should be achieved.

3. Rotation: continuous cropping of sorghum is avoided, and reasonable rotation is the key to increase sorghum production. The ideal first crop is soybean stubble, followed by corn stubble, potato stubble and so on. Because of sensitivity to pesticides, the plots with long residual pesticides in the previous crop should not be selected.

Sowing method of Sorghum

1. Seed selection and seed drying: sorghum was selected or screened before sowing, small, shrunken and diseased seeds were eliminated, large and full seeds were selected for production, and sunny weather seeds were selected for 2-3 days to improve seed bud potential and bud rate.

2. Chemical seed dressing: seed dressing of sorghum with high-quality seed coating agent can control smut, seedling diseases, element deficiency and underground pests, etc., and 25% vermicellin wettable powder can also be used to mix seeds according to 0.3-0.5% of the seed amount.

3. Sowing time: the determination of sowing time of sorghum is based on the growth period of varieties, soil temperature and soil moisture, early sowing of late-maturing varieties, timely late sowing of early-maturing varieties, timely early sowing in mountainous areas, sloping fields and Chaoyang plots with serious spring drought, low-lying prone to waterlogging and suitable late sowing in flat land.

4. Sowing density: sorghum sowing density is based on the principle of "fertile land should be dense, thin land should be sparse", usually 65-70 cm ridge, double-row equidistant strip sowing on the ridge, kidnapper seedlings, small row spacing 12-15 cm, plant spacing 18-20 cm, seedling protection 120000-150000 plants / ha.

5. Sowing depth: sorghum sowing depth is 3-4.5 cm, low-lying wet place can be slightly shallow, dry land should promote sprouting water seed, different soil types should be flexible in sowing depth, sticky soil is compact and easy to consolidate, shallow sowing should be done, and sandy land can be sowed properly.

Planting methods of Sorghum

The main results are as follows: 1. Seedling fixing: sorghum seedlings in the period of 3-4 leaves and 5-6 leaves, the seedlings should be equally spaced, strong seedlings and normal seedlings, no double seedlings and second stubble seedlings should be left, and miscellaneous plants should be pulled out to improve the purity and give full play to the yield-increasing effect of improved varieties.

2. Timely mid-tillage: sorghum seedling ploughing was carried out for the first time combined with fixed seedlings, and the second time after 10-15 days. Before and after jointing, mid-tillage should be combined with topdressing and soil cultivation to promote the growth of sorghum and enhance the ability of preventing wind, lodging and soil moisture storage.

3. Irrigation management: the water requirement of sorghum at seedling stage accounts for about 10% of the total water requirement at the whole growth stage, 50% at jointing and booting stage, 15% at booting to flowering stage, 20% at filling stage, and about 5% at mature stage, with emphasis on proper irrigation at jointing and booting stage, flowering stage and filling stage.

4. Reasonable topdressing: do not expose fertilizer on the ground surface when topdressing sorghum. After topdressing, you should water it in time. Each topdressing and watering should be controlled according to crop growth, weather and other conditions.

① sorghum can be fertilized according to the situation of seedling emergence.

② sorghum can apply rotten agricultural fertilizer 1000 kg / mu and urea 10-15 kg / mu at jointing stage.

③ sorghum can apply 1000 kg / mu of agricultural fertilizer and 20 kg / mu of urea at booting stage.

④ sorghum can apply 1000 kg / mu of agricultural fertilizer and 10 kg / mu of urea at filling stage.

⑤ sorghum was sprayed with appropriate amount of potassium dihydrogen phosphate from heading to filling stage to promote early maturity and increase yield.

Disease Control of Sorghum

1. Seedling blight

[harm] Sorghum can occur when it grows to 4 or 5 leaves, which starts from the lower leaves and expands upward. The infected leaves produce purplish red stripes and gradually unite, resulting in the gradual death of the leaves from the top and the browning of the seeds.

[prevention and control] crop rotation should be carried out for more than 3 years, reasonable close planting, application of fully mature organic fertilizer, timely drainage after rain, flood irrigation is strictly prohibited, and health protection or Sanbaoqi flowers should be used in the seedling bed for once and then transplant.

2. Anthrax

[harm] the disease at the seedling stage was harmful to the leaf and leaf sheath, resulting in leaf withering, causing seedling death, and harming the stem base and ear in the middle and later stage, resulting in stem rot and ear rot, especially in leaf and leaf sheath.

[prevention and control] the diseased and residual bodies should be treated in time after harvest, the rotation should be carried out for more than 3 years, the seed treatment should be carried out strictly, and the pesticide should be applied from booting stage in epidemic years or individual seriously diseased fields, and the medicament can be protected by health insurance or Sanbaoqi flower.

3. Purple spot

[damage] occurred in the middle and later stages of sorghum growth, mainly damage leaves and leaf sheaths. The lower leaves first fell ill and gradually expanded upward, and in severe cases, the sorghum leaves died ahead of time from the bottom up.

[prevention and treatment] turn the land deeply after autumn, fertilize in time in the later stage of growth, get rid of 1 or 2 old leaves in the lower part of the diseased plant as soon as possible, and use drugs to prevent and cure the disease at the initial stage of the disease.

4. Smut

Sorghum smut includes head smut, loose smut, hard smut, flower smut and long grain smut, all of which are harmful to the ear.

[control] rotation with non-host plants, use fully mature organic fertilizer, pull out diseased plants in time after the emergence of "Wumi" but before it is broken, and concentrate on deep burial or destruction.

5. Armyworm

The damage to the larvae mainly occurred in the seedling stage of sorghum from May to June, which could eat all the leaves and stems of sorghum, resulting in serious loss.

[prevention and control] use sweet and sour pots, black lights and other traps to kill adults to keep the insect population down. According to the prediction, it is necessary to apply pesticide in time before the 3rd instar of larvae.

6. Mango fly

[harm] when the larvae are harmful to sorghum, the newly hatched larvae invade the heart leaf from the trumpet mouth or leaf gap before more than 7 hours, and then drill through the heart leaf space into the vicinity of the growing point to feed, resulting in withered heart seedlings or ear deformities.

[prevention and control] sowing at the right time, pulling out the dead heart seedlings in time, baiting and killing adults, killing poisonous soil or filling the heart with liquid medicine.

7. Aphids

[harm] Sorghum generally occurs at seedling stage and heading and filling stage, and adult and nymph aphids cluster on the back of the lower leaves of sorghum to absorb juice, making the damaged leaves red and the heavy leaves withered.

[control] intercropping with soybeans at 6:2 to improve field ecological conditions, yellow board sticking and spraying at the initial stage.

8. Sorghum stripe borer

[harm] reticular spots and many irregular holes can be seen in the injured leaves, and stem decay begins after 3 years old. The early ones can bite off the growing point and cause withered seedlings, while the late stalks are easy to cause wind break and die.

[prevention and control] it is appropriate to use sorghum twice before and after flowering and in the early stage of grain filling, such as Qingyuanbao, Sanbaoqi flower, green crystal biological preparation, Bt preparation and so on.