
The latest planting time and matters needing attention of buckwheat

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Buckwheat is one of the miscellaneous grains, because the nutritional value and efficacy of miscellaneous grains are now known by more and more people, so there is more and more demand for miscellaneous grains in the market. The most common form of buckwheat is in the form of buckwheat steamed bread and nutritious powder.

Buckwheat is one of the miscellaneous grains, because the nutritional value and efficacy of miscellaneous grains are now known by more and more people, so there is more and more demand for miscellaneous grains in the market. The most common form of buckwheat is in the form of buckwheat steamed bread and nutritional powder, many people see the business opportunity and began to grow buckwheat. Next we will introduce the planting time of buckwheat and some problems that need to be paid attention to in the process of planting.

Planting time

The planting time of buckwheat has a lot to do with the temperature. Buckwheat should not be exposed to high temperature when it blossoms, otherwise it will seriously affect the fruit rate of buckwheat. At the same time, it must be harvested before the temperature gets cold, that is, frost. There are two sowing times for buckwheat in China, the first period is from the end of March to the end of April in spring, and the second period is from the end of July to the beginning of August. It is most appropriate to sow buckwheat at these two times, neither too early nor too late, otherwise it will lead to low yield because of the climate.

Matters needing attention

Living environment: buckwheat is particularly sensitive to temperature, so you should pay attention to adjusting the temperature when planting buckwheat. If the temperature is relatively low in March or April, you need to keep it warm, while the temperature in July and August is still relatively high, so it is necessary to dissipate the temperature to keep buckwheat at a suitable temperature for survival. In addition, the moisture of buckwheat to the soil is also related to the intensity of sunlight, it needs an appropriate amount of sunlight to carry out photosynthesis, but also to ensure the degree of moisture of the soil, but the heavy moisture of the soil can not be too much, otherwise it will lead to rotten roots.

Crop rotation: if buckwheat is planted in a separate area, the yield will not be very high, so it is necessary to carry out multiple crop rotation, such as corn, potatoes, peanuts, rape and so on. This is conducive to the growth of buckwheat and increase yield at the same time.

Sowing and fertilization: there are three ways of sowing buckwheat: the first is to sow seeds directly on the whole land, and then spread a layer of farm manure to wait for the seeds to germinate, and the second is to sow seeds in a row, so that buckwheat will grow more neatly. the last one is to dig a hole to plant, that is, to put some seeds in a cave. Fertilization is usually done during soil preparation, followed by a single fertilization when the seedlings are about five or six centimeters high, mainly using compound fertilizer, and the second fertilization is when buckwheat blossoms. This time the fertilizer is mainly boron fertilizer, in order to make the fruit fuller.

Disease prevention: if the growth environment of buckwheat is up to the standard, there will basically be no disease, generally speaking, buckwheat will appear at most in the flowering season, and buckwheat hook thorn will only come out in flowering season. therefore, in order not to let it cause damage to flowers and affect the yield, we will often pay attention to the emergence of buckwheat hook thorn, once it appears, it is necessary to carry out drug treatment.

The labor value of buckwheat determines its economic value, so farmers who grow buckwheat must pay great attention to it. The above is what we need to know about buckwheat planting today. I hope it can be helpful to everyone. At the same time, follow our pro-farm network and you will learn more about the root you want.