
Set up the management platform of teacher capital bank to promote the cultivation project of new professional farmers.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Recently, the national training pool of new professional farmers has been launched and implemented. Nearly 70 responsible comrades from agricultural science and education departments of 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and agricultural radio and television schools are in Beijing to discuss the construction of a new type of professional farmer training pool to help promote the new.

Recently, the national training pool of new professional farmers has been launched and implemented. Nearly 70 responsible comrades from agricultural science and education departments of 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and agricultural radio and television schools are in Beijing to discuss the construction of a teacher-capital pool for the cultivation of new-type professional farmers, so as to promote the further implementation of the project of cultivating new-type professional farmers.

In accordance with the principle of "demand-oriented, open declaration, overall planning of resources, hierarchical construction, co-construction and sharing", select professional and technical teachers of different industrial types and general knowledge teachers in rural management, agricultural policies and regulations, farmers' entrepreneurship and so on. Rely on all levels and types of education and training institutions, agricultural universities, scientific research institutes, technology extension units and farmers' professional cooperatives to recommend excellent teachers, experts and talents to participate in the training of new professional farmers.

The national teacher pool for the cultivation of new professional farmers is the basic platform for opening and sharing. According to the requirements of industrial development and the training needs of farmers in their respective areas, agricultural departments at all levels select suitable teachers from the pool of teachers, establish and improve the pool of teachers at the same level, and jointly serve the training of new-type professional farmers. The teaching staff is divided into four levels: central, provincial, prefectural (municipal) and county levels. the county-level teachers mainly undertake the tasks of education, training and follow-up services for local new vocational farmers; provincial and prefectural (municipal) teachers mainly undertake the tasks of local demonstration training or high-end training. The central contingent of teachers for the cultivation of new-type professional farmers is mainly responsible for the national demonstration training of new-type professional farmers and the training of "network lecture hall", and the development of high-quality courses of national education and training for farmers. carry out theoretical research and work supervision on the cultivation of new professional farmers.

At present, various localities are stepping up efforts to improve the management system for the use of teacher resources, establish a scientific resource allocation and assessment management mechanism, enhance the ability of teacher training, and complete the relevant work of teacher reporting and examination by the end of the year. In 2016, a teacher pool of more than 100000 people will be built to create a new type of professional farmers training teachers with sufficient quantity, reasonable structure and high quality, so as to provide support and guarantee for the training of high-quality new professional farmers.