
The latest method and time of planting sweet potato

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sweet potato is also called sweet potato. It is a kind of crop that is easy to grow in grain products, and its yield is also very good. In rural areas, people who plant sweet potatoes are mostly used to raise pigs and cattle, because they experienced the great famine in the 1960s. So a lot of people see

Sweet potato is also called sweet potato. It is a kind of crop that is easy to grow in grain products, and its yield is also very good. In rural areas, people who grow sweet potatoes are mostly used to raise pigs and cattle, because they experienced the great famine in the 1960s. So many people lose their appetite when they see sweet potatoes. Now the use of sweet potato has been promoted, sweet potato leaf is also a very delicious vegetable, and sweet potato can be made into a variety of delicacies, it can be said to usher in a new era. Today, the pro-agricultural network shares with you the planting time and methods of sweet potatoes. Let's take a look.

Planting time

Sweet potatoes can generally be harvested in autumn and winter, after a long period of growth, for example, first after raising seedlings, and then in the cuttage, and finally the formal growth. Generally speaking, the time of sowing sweet potato is between April and May every year, and the best time to sow is in mid-May, when the temperature is basically stable at 15 to 20 degrees. At this time, sowing sweet potatoes can germinate quickly.

Planting method

1. Seed selection

Although the planting of sweet potato looks simple, selecting good seeds is not only the basic condition for high yield of sweet potato, but also the basic requirement for it to take root and sprout. When selecting seeds, we usually choose larger sweet potatoes. First of all, we will observe whether there are any defects in sweet potato seeds, or where they have been bitten by insects and mice. If not, we will continue to see whether there are many bud points in sweet potatoes. Vitality is not exuberant, so it's basically fine.

2. Sowing seeds

When sowing, soak the sweet potato in multi-fungus solution for more than 10 minutes, which can effectively prevent some diseases, and at the same time, it can also prevent the seed potato from being eaten by mice before it germinates, and then sow. When sowing, we have to distinguish between the head and the tail, otherwise the seedlings can not grow out, if it is really not clear, it can be slanted, and finally, the seed potato is covered with a layer of withered grass and rotten wood. Then cover it with a thin layer of soil, and if we are afraid that the temperature does not meet the requirements, we can cover it with a film. When the sweet potato seedlings grow out of 30 to 40 centimeters, we will cut them off, and then cut them into small nodes with three leaves, which can be cut at an interval of about 30 centimeters per plant.

3. Fertilization

The first fertilization is needed after planting. The main purpose of this fertilization is to let the cuttage sweet potato seedlings grow new roots, so it is generally the application of human feces and urine. The second fertilization is after the sweet potato survives. Because the growth is different, it looks uneven. This time, it is mainly for the seedling, generally using urea, and the third fertilization is to lift the seedling fertilizer, which is also urea, but it needs to add some compound fertilizer. Finally, there is the most important strong fruit fertilizer, which generally uses potash and boron fertilizer.

4. Shunmiao

In order to facilitate the follow-up harvest and make unnecessary branches and leaves consume nutrients, we have to smooth the sweet potato seedlings in the field, sort out the sweet potato vines in the field in one direction and let them grow in one direction, so that there will be a lot of aspects when harvesting at that time. Secondly, just take off some extra branches and leaves in the seedling.

5. Disease prevention

Those that harm the growth of sweet potatoes are generally leaf rollers and aphids as well as grubs and voles. Leaf curlers and aphids generally harm sweet potato leaves and affect photosynthesis, while grubs and voles generally prefer to eat sweet potatoes in the field, and they will bite the sweet potatoes in the field one by one. Generally speaking, it is good to use trichlorfon solution to kill pests that harm branches and leaves, but it is not effective to spray and kill voles, so it is generally used to trap and kill voles' favorite food mixed with rodenticide in the field.

6. Harvest

Harvest is usually in September. First of all, we have to cut off the sweet potato seedlings, and then dig out the sweet potatoes. The excavated sweet potatoes generally need to be stored in the cellar, otherwise the water will be easily lost and rot easily.