
The latest course of fertilization techniques for High yield of Soybean

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Soybean is one of the most important food crops in China, which has a long history and a wide planting area, so it is very important to apply fertilizer when planting. So how to fertilize soybeans? When is the best time to fertilize? What kind of fertilizer should be applied? Come to the pro-agricultural network to have a look at soybeans.

Soybean is one of the most important food crops in China, which has a long history and a wide planting area, so it is very important to apply fertilizer when planting. So how to fertilize soybeans? When is the best time to fertilize? What kind of fertilizer should be applied? Come to pro-agricultural network to take a look at the high-yield fertilization technology of soybean.

1. Apply sufficient base fertilizer

It is very important to apply sufficient base fertilizer when planting soybean, base fertilizer is used for seedling growth, seedling growth needs nutrients, but the root system is weak, it has not yet grown, and can not absorb the growth needs from the soil, so base fertilizer can make seedlings grow rapidly and improve disease resistance. The base fertilizer should account for 50% of the total fertilizer, about 60% of the total fertilizer, and the base fertilizer is recommended to use compound fertilizer and organic fertilizer, generally eating compound fertilizer 30kg per mu, while mature organic fertilizer is about 2000kg.

2. Skillfully applying seed fertilizer

Seed fertilizer is a fertilizer applied with seeds when sowing sowing soybeans, mainly to improve seed germination and provide nutrients, so that its emergence is smooth and safe. When applying seed fertilizer, attention should be paid to avoid direct contact between seeds and fertilizers, so as not to cause burning seedlings to seeds and buds and affect the budding rate of seeds. When fertilizing, the fertilizer is first applied and covered with a layer of fine soil before sowing, so that nutrients can be absorbed and seedlings can emerge quickly after the seeds germinate.

3. topdressing at the right time

The purpose of base fertilizer and seed fertilizer is to meet the fertility needs of seedlings and the early and middle stages of growth, but in the later stage, these fertilizers have been basically depleted, and the plants are often malnourished, which affects the yield and quality. Therefore, topdressing is needed to ensure nutrition supply and increase yield. Generally, topdressing is mainly based on root topdressing and foliar spraying. Root topdressing at seedling stage and flowering stage, according to the state of plant growth and flowering, topdressing is mainly urea, while foliar spraying is to supplement the trace elements that the plant lacks, especially boron, molybdenum, zinc and other trace elements, generally in the podding stage.

4. Fertilization method

Nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer in the early stage, supplemented by phosphorus fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer can promote plant growth, blossom and bear pods earlier, while phosphate fertilizer can improve plant disease resistance and reduce the incidence of disease. When it comes to the podding stage, it is necessary to give priority to phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and apply less nitrogen fertilizer, when the plant has developed and there is little demand for nitrogen fertilizer, when podding needs more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. In the later stage, appropriate amount of organic fertilizer should be applied to provide trace elements to achieve the purpose of high yield and high yield.

The above is the soybean high-yield fertilization technology brought by the pro-agricultural network, soybean planting friends can according to the actual situation, reference to the above content, reasonable and scientific fertilization. Hope to help you, more agricultural knowledge, please pay attention to the pro-agricultural network.