
The main reason for the empty root of orchid

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There are many reasons for empty roots, in addition to water, it may also be caused by insect bites or fungi, if the tendon in the middle of the root is black, it is an empty root caused by pathogenic bacteria, if the tendons are normal rice-white, and the empty root does not have stagnant water, smell the unique fragrance of Langen, it is due to the exuberant root fungi, this is a normal phenomenon.

There are many reasons for the empty root, in addition to the water, it may also be caused by insect bites or fungi, if the tendon in the middle of the root is black, it is the empty root caused by pathogenic bacteria, if the tendon is normal rice white, and the empty root does not have stagnant water, and the smell of the unique fragrance of Langen is caused by exuberant root fungi, this is a normal phenomenon. If the empty root has stagnant water and the tendons are gray, most of them are caused by trauma. There is also a kind of empty root due to the dissolving root caused by the disease of the orchid plant, which shows that the diseased root has white plaque and stagnant water. The new craft orchid is easy to make the orchid root water-stained and rotten, while the old craft orchid is easy to make the orchid root dry and hollow. How to keep Langen moist around us requires us to gain valuable experience in our daily experiments and comparisons. In the continuous summary, the scientific allocation of plant materials to manage good water, this is the key to Yihao Orchid. One reason is to retire the old root; the second is that the water is too rotten; and the third is to dry the empty root. As long as the orchid is normal, no problem. Usually the old root will be empty, but the new root will grow before it is empty! Maybe for a certain period of time, such as a business trip, the implant is too empty. Is it all empty? I have a pot like this. The new buds are only 1 big and 3 tall. The most important thing is that the basin has been dry, so remember to water the basin violently. This is the easiest way to get free. If the root skin is white and elastic because of lack of water, if the root skin is brown and soft, the water is large. White empty root is dry, black or gray empty root is water and fertilizer. After the dry root is empty, it is easy to empty the root after eating hot. There should be no problem with the plant material you use. If the original plant material used by the newly bought orchid plant is quite different from the one you use, there will be root change if you manage too much water. Check that if the old root is empty, it will send out a lot of new roots and grow normally, so don't be careful. This phenomenon also exists in the downhill grass. Plant material should be OK, it may be a problem of water management. Lack of water-the root is uneven in thickness and has obvious segments. Too much water-the root is thick, the number is small, the growth is slow, and the front end is black. Dry too much and then wet, or wet too much and then dry, nine out of ten. After putting on the basin, the water is watered repeatedly for the first time until the water flowing out from the bottom hole becomes clear, which can wash off the powder and reduce the occurrence of rotting roots. Bricks and pond cornerstones should be soaked in enough water before they can grow orchids. After the dry seed was planted, it was not enough to absorb the water, and it was still dry in the basin one or two days later.

Cause some rotten roots, some empty roots, some good, the main reason for this phenomenon is generally due to different sizes of orchid pots, different plant materials, different sizes of orchids, the implementation of a unified watering management method, so that some orchids do not need watering, some orchids happen to need watering, some orchids have been short of water, so some rotten, some empty, some good phenomenon. If when watering, according to the dry and wet condition of the plant, it may be better. At the same time, if there are more orchids, because they are watered separately, they will not suffer from backache caused by watering. I used to water uniformly, and it takes more than two hours to water once, which not only tires me, but also does no good to orchids. Now I change to observe and water orchids at any time. I feel very relaxed, and orchids can get water in time. Orchids grow well, so they are neither tired nor worried.

The novice watered the dead flowers, and the veteran dried them. Granular materials should be managed by wet method, but it does not mean that watering every day is wet method. We should pay attention to whether the basin soil remains moist, especially once the immortal soil has been dried once, it is difficult to pour through again, the water is poured away quickly, and it is not preserved at all. I have learned a painful lesson. After a careful analysis of the reason, the main reason is that the surface tension of the plant material produces hydrophobicity, and the problem can be solved by breaking the surface tension. I successfully solved the problem by pouring household detergent (1000 times diluent). This method is also effective for humic soil culture. It is similar to the way the ancients bathed orchids: using grass ash or soapy water.

The causes of rotten root and empty root: 1. When the orchid was newly planted, the plant material did not have full contact with the orchid root. Sometimes, due to the well-developed root system of the new plant, there are too many roots when planting bluegrass, and the orchid basin is small, and the root and root are squeezed together, so it is difficult to tap the pot wall orchid root and plant material. 2. When the orchid was newly planted, the new orchid root did not go through the process of washing with water, strict disinfection and drying. 3. The crystal head of Langen is injured, or it is broken by external force, and the bacteria invade. 4. Langen is exposed in the basin, coupled with insufficient humidity in the environment of orchid, Langen has been in contact with the air for a long time, and the whitening of Langen leads to empty root over time. 5. The plant material particles are too large, the humidity in the basin is not enough; no matter what kind of plant material is too dry; foreign varieties are introduced, due to changes in plant materials and planting environment, especially some seedlings that have used hormones, when we introduce them, we use the traditional seed method. There are a small amount of seedling withdrawal and empty roots.