
The latest course on techniques and methods of Rice heading Poplar florescence Management

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rice in heading poplar flowering stage is the most critical period of rice growth, it is related to the yield and quality of rice, if it is not managed properly, it may lead to yield reduction or no harvest. So how to manage the flowering stage of rice heading poplar? come to the pro-agricultural network to have a look at rice heading.

Rice in heading poplar flowering stage is the most critical period of rice growth, it is related to the yield and quality of rice, if it is not managed properly, it may lead to yield reduction or no harvest. So how to manage the flowering stage of rice heading poplar? let's take a look at the management technology of rice heading poplar flowering stage.

1. Water management

Rice heading poplar is extremely sensitive to water when it needs the most water at flowering stage. In this period, the most important thing is not to lack water, to ensure sufficient water, and to keep the deep water level of 3cm at the lowest, so as to make rice absorb and transport nutrients, increase photosynthesis and promote floret differentiation. In low or high temperature areas, the water level can be properly deepened and the temperature can be adjusted to avoid affecting heading due to the high or low temperature. During the flowering period of poplar, it can not be managed in deep water for a long time, which will lead to premature senescence of root system, so it is common to keep the soil moist and cover wide to promote the healthy growth of rice.

2. Fertilization management

The flowering stage of rice heading poplar is related to yield and quality, so we should pay special attention to fertilization, skillfully apply panicle fertilizer, the combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and apply fertilizer according to rice variety, climate, soil and so on. In general, early-maturing varieties generally do not need panicle fertilizer, while those with middle and late maturity should apply panicle fertilizer appropriately. When applying panicle fertilizer, we should pay special attention to the sandy land with low fertility and poor fertility. In addition, if the second black is not significant at booting stage, flower fertilizer can be applied to improve seed setting rate. If symptoms such as yellowing appear on the leaf surface, foliar fertilizer can be applied to prevent premature senescence of leaves and achieve the goal of high yield.

3. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

In the rice heading and flowering stage, the control of diseases and insect pests is essential, the main diseases are sheath blight, rice blast, rice false smut, bacterial blight and so on, and the main pests are rice planthopper, rice leaf roll, borer and so on. We should adopt the combination of agricultural control technology and ecological control technology, give priority to the prevention of diseases, trap, capture and make use of natural enemies to control pests, and use fewer pesticides as far as possible. Even when the diseases and insect pests are serious, we should also choose high-efficiency and environment-friendly pesticides, master the dosage and methods of pesticide application, and carry out treatment.

4. Rational use of drugs

Generally, when using medicaments, the recommended medicaments, applicable time and methods are used according to the instructions for the use of medicaments, which generally will not cause drug residues, but if they are not carried out in accordance with the regulations, excessive and repeated use, the drug residues will exceed the standard and endanger people's health. During the heading and flowering stage of rice, it is extremely sensitive to fungicides, so if the fungicides and insecticides with high concentration are irrationally sprayed, it will cause growth malformation, rice pollen abortion and no harvest. Therefore, the use of pesticides must strictly abide by the standards for the safe use of pesticides and the guidelines for the rational use of pesticides.

The above is the rice heading and poplar flowering management technology brought by the pro-agricultural network. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about rice, please pay attention to the pro-agricultural network.