
The main points of the latest cotton topdressing

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cotton is essential in our life. Many friends think that cotton is a processed product, but in fact, cotton is grown directly. Its planting area is very large in our country, because cotton is our necessity, such as cotton jacket, quilt and so on.

Cotton is indispensable in our lives. Many friends think that cotton is a processed product, but in fact cotton is directly planted. Its planting area is very large in our country, because cotton is our necessity, such as cotton-padded jacket, quilt and so on are made of cotton as the main material. In fact, planting cotton is relatively technical, correct topdressing is the key to successful planting, so how to plant cotton topdressing? Let's take a look below!

1. Seedling fertilizer

Seedling fertilizer is the first topdressing in the planting process. Appropriate topdressing of seedling fertilizer can effectively promote the development of plant roots, make roots extend and expand, enhance absorption capacity, speed up transportation and improve seedling growth. Nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer when dressing seedlings, but attention should be paid not to over-apply, the specific amount of application depends on the growth of seedlings and soil fertility. If the basal fertilizer application is insufficient, the seedling growth becomes weak, high nitrogen compound fertilizer can be used to promote growth, if the soil fertility is sufficient, the seedling growth is strong, the seedling fertilizer application can be stopped.

2. Flower bud fertilizer

After the emergence of buds in cotton plants, the need for nutrition is relatively large, so at this time to strengthen the supplement of nutrition, reasonable topdressing in the bud stage, conducive to the late plant hair. Not only can the plant keep nutrition and reproduction grow together, but also can accelerate the growth speed of the plant and make it bear fruit as soon as possible. Bud fertilizer can be used compound fertilizer, dig a ditch around the plant, using the method of furrow application. However, attention should be paid not to let the plants come into contact with fertilizer, especially the roots, otherwise the fertilizer will burn the roots, causing root injuries and blocking nutrient absorption and transportation.

3. Flower and bell fertilizer

As mentioned above, when cotton buds appear, the amount of fertilizer required gradually increases. When cotton grows into the flowering and boll period, it is the period when the amount of fertilizer required in the planting process is the largest. Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to ensure sufficient nutrients for plant growth, and its fertilizer can also be replaced by compound fertilizer. The topdressing time depends on the growth situation. The soil fertility is less, and the cotton growth is weak. Appropriate early fertilization can be made. Fertilization is mainly carried out after flowering of plants. When the flowering rate of plants reaches 4/5, 1-2 plants with strong growth are selected to start topdressing.

4. Top fertilizer

The main purpose of topdressing is to prevent premature senescence of cotton due to lack of nutrition at the later fruiting and mature stage. Top-covering fertilizer can enhance plant resistance, maintain plant growth rate, reduce plant disease incidence, but also conducive to increase yield and improve quality. The method and time of fertilizer application are mainly to apply topdressing outside the roots of plants after topping, and different fertilizers are decided according to the lack of fertilizer in plants. For example, urea should be applied for nitrogen deficiency and potassium dihydrogen phosphate should be applied for phosphorus deficiency. It can effectively prevent the phenomenon of yellow leaves and early senescence in the late stage of plants.

The above is the technical point of topdressing in the process of planting cotton. The economic value of planting cotton is very high, because its demand and price are very large in our country. However, we should pay attention to the technology of topdressing. Correct topdressing can make the growth and development of cotton better promoted, so as to achieve the goal of high quality and high yield. This is the end of today's introduction, I hope everyone can return with full load.