
The causes and control methods of the latest premature senescence of wheat

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Wheat is an important economic crop in China, with a wide planting area, but the leaves will be yellowed in planting, and the plant has died before harvest, which has seriously affected the yield and quality of wheat. In fact, this is the phenomenon of premature senescence of wheat, when the plant can not be normal.

Wheat is an important economic crop in China, with a wide planting area, but the leaves will be yellowed in planting, and the plant has died before harvest, which has seriously affected the yield and quality of wheat. In fact, this is the phenomenon of premature senescence of wheat, when the plant can not grow normally, senescence and death ahead of time, resulting in shortening of the filling period of wheat and decrease of grain weight, so what is the cause of premature senescence of wheat? Let's take a look at its prevention and control methods.

1. Drought and water shortage

During the filling period, wheat needs sufficient water, if the climate or soil is dry, resulting in difficulty in water absorption or loss of water in the roots of wheat, resulting in metabolic damage. Especially in the later stage of growth, when the temperature is high, the transpiration of the plant is large, and the lack of water will lead to the plant wilting, so that the filling can not be carried out normally, shorten the filling time, and improve the senescence and death.

Control methods: in wheat growth to do a good job in fertilizer and water management, drought should be timely watering, to supplement the needs of plant growth, especially in the filling period, water is very important.

2. Lack of nutrition

Lack of nutrition is also one of the main causes of premature senescence of wheat, poor soil, lack of nutrition, photosynthesis of wheat is affected, synthetic nutrition decreases, but in the later growth stage, the nutrition needed is larger, and there is not enough nutrition supply during the filling period. it will lead to plant nutrient deficiency and premature senescence, affecting yield.

Prevention and control methods: in relatively barren planting, it is necessary to increase the application of organic fertilizer, combined with deep tillage to improve soil fertility, and pay attention to the reasonable combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer when topdressing, which is the basis to ensure the steady growth of wheat and prevent premature senescence.

3. Soil stagnant water

Too much water will lead to poor soil permeability, lack of oxygen, difficulty in root breathing, affect photosynthesis, and decrease the synthesis and accumulation of nutrients. And with the continuous growth of plants, the waterlogging tolerance of wheat will gradually decline, and the phenomenon of "hanging to death" will appear at the filling time, resulting in green loss of leaves and premature senescence and death.

Prevention and control methods: contrary to drought and water shortage, it is also necessary to do a good job in water management, keeping the soil moist and slightly dry when planting, not watering too much, timely drainage and waterlogging prevention in rainy season, and loosening the soil when weeding or fertilizing. Increase soil permeability, make root respiration and photosynthesis normal, prevent premature senescence.

4. Diseases and insect pests

It is inevitable to suffer from diseases and insect pests in wheat planting. If diseases and insect pests are not controlled in time, it will lead to the outbreak of diseases and insect pests, and finally lead to premature senescence of plants, decrease grain weight and affect yield and quality.

Prevention and control methods: it is necessary to build intact and sound measures for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, and the prevention and control work should give priority to prevention and prevention, supplemented by treatment, strengthen daily inspection, strive to inspect once every two days, and timely deal with the hazards of diseases and insect pests to avoid further harm to diseases and insect pests. Strangle it in the cradle.

The above are the causes and control methods of wheat premature senility. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about wheat planting, please pay attention to us.