
The causes and control methods of the latest white spike of wheat

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When wheat is about to mature, there will often be a large number of white spikes, resulting in a serious decline in yield, many farmers do not know what caused it. What is the cause of white spike in wheat? it is caused not only by diseases, but also by environmental and man-made causes.

When wheat is about to mature, there will often be a large number of white spikes, resulting in a serious decline in yield, many farmers do not know what caused it. What is the cause of white spike in wheat? it is not only caused by diseases, but also caused by environmental and man-made causes. Let's take a look at the details of wheat.

1. Disease

There are many phenomena of wheat white spike caused by diseases, which are generally caused by wheat total erosion disease, wheat root rot, wheat sheath blight and wheat sheath blight. When the total erosion disease occurs, the wheat is low, with yellow leaves, and the roots are black. when infected at the filling stage, the rhizome will gradually turn black, preferably the whole plant withered and dead, resulting in white ears. During the onset of root rot, dark-brown fusiform spots or stripes appeared at the base of leaves and stems, and finally the roots rotted and died, resulting in white ears. The symptoms of sheath blight are similar to those of root rot, with brown spots appearing at the onset, which gradually expand and cover the whole stem, which in severe cases lead to stem base rot and plant death. Scab mainly occurs at flowering stage and filling stage, and is more serious in overcast and rainy weather.

2. Low temperature freezing injury

Nowadays, the plant wheat is generally spring wheat and winter wheat, and they all experience the cold season when they are planted. If the temperature is too low, the plants will be affected by freezing injury, while the tillers and growth points of the cold-intolerant varieties will freeze to death, which will lead to the incomplete growth and development of the spike. As a result, the grain can not be formed, forming the phenomenon of empty spike, and finally causing a large area of white spike when it matures.

3. Insect pests

Like diseases, insect pests are also one of the causes of white spikes in the later stage of wheat. with the increase of productivity, the previous tillage is gradually replaced by mechanization, and unscientific pest control measures will lead to the aggravation of insect pests year by year. After suffering from insect pests, it will often lead to the phenomenon of dead and rigid seedlings of wheat at the seedling stage, coupled with greater climate change, it will often lead to the occurrence of dead seedlings in the early stage and dead ears in the later stage.

4. Man-made or mechanical injury

Mechanized tillage mode is gradually replacing the traditional planting mode, which may lead to wheat stem damage due to some man-made and mechanical reasons, which can not absorb and transport nutrients normally during growth, and easily lead to plant water loss and white spike.

5. Prevention and control measures

Attention must be paid to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, such as reasonable crop rotation, reducing pathogens and insect sources, making the plant grow healthily, strengthening fertilizer and water management, applying more organic fertilizer and increasing phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and improving the disease resistance of the plant. timely treatment of diseases and insect pests. Choose more hardy varieties to resist the loss caused by low temperature.

The above are the causes and control methods of wheat white spike. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about wheat planting, please follow us.