
Matters needing attention when the latest wheat overwintering

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Wheat is divided into winter wheat and spring wheat, spring wheat can not survive the winter, too low temperature will lead to frost damage of wheat. Winter wheat is sown in autumn and harvested before and after Ching Ming Festival after winter. Winter wheat has strong cold resistance, but it also needs me.

Wheat is divided into winter wheat and spring wheat, spring wheat can not survive the winter, too low temperature will lead to frost damage of wheat. Winter wheat is sown in autumn and harvested before and after Ching Ming Festival after winter. The cold resistance of winter wheat is relatively strong, but we also need to do a good job of management when we are overwintering in order to make the wheat survive the winter smoothly. So what aspects do we need to pay attention to when wheat overwinters? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Fertilization

It is important to apply winter fertilizer, because the temperature in winter is very low and there is less nutrition in the soil, so we should apply enough base fertilizer before overwintering. However, it should be noted that the amount of fertilizer should not be excessive. For some plots with sufficient nutrients, strong wheat growth and strong seedling growth, winter fertilizer should be applied less. The topdressing of winter fertilizer is usually carried out with watering, and there is no need to topdressing for plots that do not need to be watered. According to the lack of nutrients in the soil, the corresponding winter fertilizer was applied.

2. Watering

The plots with dry and hard soil, difficult soil preparation and poor soil moisture should be watered in time, soften the soil, promote the growth of roots and ensure the development of tillers. Plots with good soil moisture should be irrigated less or not according to the actual situation, otherwise excessive watering will lead to excessive growth of wheat. The best time to water is when the temperature drops to about 4 degrees. Usually at the end of November, wheat may suffer frost damage if it is watered too late. After watering, the soil should be consolidated and treated in time to preserve water and soil moisture.

3. Preserving soil moisture

Now many farmers are using the method of returning straw to the field to improve soil fertility, and the straw should be suppressed at the seedling stage in time after returning straw to the field. In addition, the vigorous and long wheat fields that are ploughed, have not been suppressed, or whose repressive effect is not obvious should also be dealt with in a timely manner. Soil compaction can increase the contact area between root and soil, promote root development, improve soil moisture conservation capacity and prevent plant growth.

4. Weeding

Weeding should be carried out when the wheat grows to the three-leaf stage, because the wheat leaves are not fully mature in winter, resulting in weeds. However, these weeds are fragile and not resistant to drugs, so we can use corresponding herbicides according to the type of weeds. When spraying, you should pay attention to the partial spray, and be sure to spray it all in place. Otherwise, it will also have a certain impact on the growth of wheat. if the weeds are not removed, they will compete with wheat for nutrients, affecting the growth of wheat and malnutrition.

5. Disease prevention

Many friends think that diseases and insect pests will not occur in winter, in fact, there will be some improper management in winter. The most frequent occurrence is the golden needle worm, we should strengthen the prevention and control work, when the disease is serious, choose the corresponding agents to properly spray and kill. Digging several ditches in the field and mixing the chemicals with soil or water into the ditches can be effectively controlled.

The above is a brief introduction to the matters needing attention when wheat overwintering, in fact, it is also some of our management aspects. The cultivation of winter wheat needs to pay special attention to prevent frost injury during overwintering. In fact, the above is almost to prevent frost injury. Freezing injury will affect the growth of wheat, hinder the absorption and transport of nutrients, and indirectly affect the yield and quality of wheat. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.