
The latest prevention and control methods of common diseases and insect pests in taro

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Taro has strong disease resistance and few diseases occur, but if it is not managed properly, it will still be disturbed by diseases and insect pests, which will harm the growth of taro and seriously affect the yield and quality of taro. So for these diseases and insect pests, such as

Taro has strong disease resistance and few diseases occur, but if it is not managed properly, it will still be disturbed by diseases and insect pests, which will harm the growth of taro and seriously affect the yield and quality of taro. So how to prevent and control these diseases and insect pests? Let's get to know it with the editor.

1. Taro blight

Taro blight is not only a fungal disease, but also one of the main diseases that harm the production of taro. The disease mainly harms the leaves and corms of taro, which is the peak in the annual high temperature period. In the case of high temperature and humidity or excessive close planting and partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, the disease is very easy to occur, when the disease occurs, the leaves appear brown spots, the corms rot, and finally the planting dies.

Prevention and treatment: the disease is mainly prevented, and alternately sprayed with mancozeb, chloramphenicol and metalaxyl before the disease occurs, the effect is better.

2. Soft rot

Soft rot has the characteristics of rapid spread, many ways of transmission and difficult treatment. It is easy to occur in high temperature and humid climate when the plant is growing vigorously. It mainly harms the rhizome, and there are watery spots at the time of the disease. with the development of the disease, the disease spot expands, the plant rhizome tissue softens continuously, and it is easy to rot in the wet environment.

Control methods: select varieties with strong disease resistance when planting, such as red bud taro, reasonable rotation to reduce pathogens. Strengthen the field management during planting, increase the application of organic fertilizer, improve disease resistance, and find that diseased plants should be drained and sunburned in time to prevent germs from spreading the whole field. Spray% copper oxychloride suspension once every 10 days, 2-3 times in a row.

3. Spot disease

Spot disease is a bacterial disease, its symptoms are not obvious, mainly good taro leaves, the leaves appear some small brown spots, when the disease is serious, the spots will be connected to form small patches, there is a sense of stickiness in the wet environment.

Prevention and treatment: when a small number of diseased plants are found, they should be pulled out and taken out of the field in time, and disinfection measures should be taken to the disease points. If a large number of plants are found to be infected, 77% can be sprayed at the initial stage of the disease to kill 800 times of wettable powder or 500 times of 12% green copper EC.

4. Insect pests

The pests of taro include aphids, Spodoptera litura, red spiders, etc., the adult larvae of aphids can be harmful, they gather in the leaves of taro, constantly suck the sap of the leaves, making the leaves grow curly deformities; while Spodoptera litura is infested by the larvae, constantly nibbling on the leaves, and in serious cases, the mesophyll tissue is eaten clean, leaving only veins; like aphids, red spiders also suck leaf juice, resulting in poor leaf growth.

Control methods: pests can be sprayed with dimethoate and imidacloprid pesticides, and spray attention should be used alternately to avoid drug resistance of pests.

The above are the prevention and control methods of common diseases and insect pests of taro. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about taro planting, please follow us.