
Fertilizer requirement characteristics of the latest winter wheat

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Now it is the sowing season of winter wheat, and everyone continues to prepare for the sowing of winter wheat. Winter wheat is relatively cold-resistant, but it also needs sufficient nutrition to improve the growth ability of winter wheat to ensure that it can survive the winter successfully. No.

Now it is the sowing season of winter wheat, and everyone continues to prepare for the sowing of winter wheat. Winter wheat is relatively cold-resistant, but it also needs sufficient nutrition to improve the growth ability of winter wheat to ensure that it can survive the winter successfully. However, many people do not strictly control the nutrient ratio of fertilizers, resulting in the failure of wheat cultivation and extremely low yield. Today, the editor brings you the renewal characteristics of wheat. Let's take a look at it.

1. Characteristics of fertilizer requirement

The fertilizer requirement of winter wheat is relatively large, and there are different requirements for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. And the demand for winter wheat varies greatly with different varieties and growth stages, and the application ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be determined according to planting area, climate environment, planting mode and so on. However, there is still a general direction to follow. The proportion of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus required by winter wheat throughout the growing season is about 3:3:1.

2. Nitrogen fertilizer demand

Winter wheat has a large demand for nitrogen fertilizer in the growing period, so the application of nitrogen fertilizer should be reasonably controlled according to the growth progress of winter wheat. Among them, when the winter wheat was in the tillering stage, the proportion of nitrogen demand reached 1 to 5. Because when the winter wheat is in the seedling stage, the winter temperature is low, which is very disadvantageous to the growth of the seedlings, so sufficient nitrogen fertilizer is needed to enhance the cold resistance of the seedlings and improve the growth rate. Then, when the winter wheat grows to the jointing stage, when the winter small growth capacity is the strongest, the demand for nitrogen fertilizer will also rise in a straight line. The demand for nitrogen fertilizer is the greatest during the whole growth period of winter wheat. However, nitrogen fertilizer should not be too much, otherwise it will lead to excessive growth of tillers and excessive growth of tillers, resulting in large plant population and poor quality of winter wheat.

3. Phosphate fertilizer demand

When the winter wheat grows to the flowering stage, the demand for phosphate fertilizer is the greatest, and the demand for phosphate fertilizer at the flowering stage reaches 7 / 10 of that of the whole growth period. In this period, sufficient phosphorus should be ensured, which is beneficial to the flower spike differentiation of winter wheat, promote the photosynthesis of wheat and increase the carbohydrate accumulation of wheat. Secondly, the more important is that when the winter wheat returns to green, although the demand is far less than the flowering stage, the phosphorus element also has a great impact on the growth of winter wheat. It can promote the differentiation of winter wheat, improve the rooting ability of roots, and increase the number of tillers and new leaves. It can protect winter wheat well through the winter, so we must increase the proportion of phosphate fertilizer when applying base fertilizer.

4. Potash fertilizer demand

The demand for potassium fertilizer is not too high in the early growth stage of winter wheat, and the maximum demand for potassium is when winter wheat grows to booting stage. The potassium requirement in this period can reach 3x5 of the total amount, which is also the best period of potash fertilizer conversion rate. The provision of sufficient potassium fertilizer at this stage can make winter wheat grow healthily, improve plant nutrient absorption and transport, and accelerate the speed of grain filling. When the winter wheat reaches the flowering stage, the proportion of potash fertilizer can be seen to decrease slowly, because too much potash fertilizer will produce the phenomenon of potassium excretion. Not only waste fertilizer, but also reduce the content of potash fertilizer in the plant.

The above is the editor's brief introduction to the fertilizer characteristics of winter wheat. Many friends will only pay attention to the application of potash fertilizer when planting winter wheat. The two basic fertilizers, phosphorus and potassium, are often ignored. the application of nitrogen fertilizer in winter will not only lead to insufficient nutrition of winter wheat, but also prone to various problems, which have a great impact on the growth of winter wheat. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.