
The Ministry of Agriculture held an on-the-spot meeting for the prevention and control of major diseases and pests of autumn grain crops. "

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, At present, major diseases and pests of autumn grain crops have entered a peak period of occurrence and damage, and doing a good job in pest control is very important to win a bumper harvest of autumn grain. On July 21, the Ministry of Agriculture held a national autumn grain harvest in Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, in order to carry out a solid campaign to prevent diseases and pests and win a bumper harvest.

At present, major diseases and pests of autumn grain crops have entered a peak period of occurrence and damage, and doing a good job in pest control is very important to win a bumper harvest of autumn grain. In order to solidly carry out the action of preventing and controlling diseases and pests and winning a bumper harvest of autumn grain, on July 21, the Ministry of Agriculture held a national on-the-spot meeting on the prevention and control of major diseases and pests of autumn grain crops in Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, to analyze the occurrence situation of major diseases and pests of autumn grain crops, to exchange local prevention and control practices and experiences, and to deploy the prevention and control of diseases and pests of autumn grain crops.

The meeting pointed out that the new normal of economic development and the new situation of agricultural development have put forward new requirements for plant protection work, and it is necessary to closely focus on the main line of "stabilizing grain income, adjusting structure, improving quality and increasing efficiency," and take the "action of zero growth in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides by 2020" as the starting point to earnestly strengthen the "two services." First, it should serve the adjustment of the agricultural structure, do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of major crops in the region, and ensure a steady increase in grain income. The second is to serve the transformation of agricultural development mode, improve the effect of prevention and control, reduce the use of pesticides, reduce production costs, and improve quality and efficiency. The transformation of the mode of agricultural development requires that the work of plant protection should also speed up the realization of the "five changes", that is, from single grain crop pest control to equal emphasis on grain and cash crop pest control, from single pest control to crop pest solution during the whole growth period, from single chemical control to integrated control, and from decentralized control by one household to specialized unified control. From single area prevention and control to inter-regional joint prevention and control.

According to the analysis of the meeting, affected by the El Nino event, the occurrence of major diseases and insect pests in autumn crops this year is expected to be more serious than that of last year. The meeting demanded that agricultural departments at all levels should be based on disaster resistance and win a bumper harvest, act quickly, pay close attention to the implementation of various prevention and control measures, and spare no effort to ensure a bumper harvest, reduce pesticides and control pests, and save costs and increase efficiency in agriculture. First, strengthen organizational leadership. We will raise the work of pest prevention and control to a government action, implement the responsibility for prevention and control at various levels, and increase financial support to ensure that the work of prevention and control is carried out in a strong and orderly manner. The second is to strengthen monitoring and early warning. According to the occurrence law and harm characteristics of major diseases and pests in autumn grain crops, we should organize crop disease and pest forecasting network, strengthen monitoring and investigation, grasp the occurrence dynamics in time, and issue early warning information in time to provide support for scientific prevention and control. Third, we should pay close attention to the reduction and control of pesticides. Relying on new agricultural operators, pesticide production and management enterprises and specialized pest control service organizations, we should strengthen cooperation between agriculture and enterprises, jointly build a demonstration base for the integration of specialized unified prevention and control and green prevention and control, and carry out technology integration, product direct marketing and guidance services. we will further promote zero growth in the use of pesticides. Fourth, strengthen supervision and guidance. During the critical period of prevention and control of major diseases and insect pests, we should organize government cadres, technical personnel, and relevant experts to go deep into the production line, carry out technical training and itinerant guidance, and ensure that prevention and control measures are in place and prevention and control technologies are implemented in the field.