
The key points of the latest management of sunflower bud stage

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Sunflower is a kind of special flower, which is not only an oil crop, but also one of the main food crops. Its seeds are the most common melon seeds in our daily life. due to the increase of market demand, the planting area of sunflowers in our country is also getting larger and larger. To

Sunflower is a kind of special flower, which is not only an oil crop, but also one of the main food crops. Its seeds are the most common melon seeds in our daily life. due to the increase of market demand, the planting area of sunflowers in our country is also getting larger and larger. Sunflowers have different growth stages, and each growth period has different management methods. What the editor brings to you today is the key points of the management of the flower bud stage of sunflower. Let's have a look!

1. topdressing at the right time

Sunflower in the growth of the demand for nutrition is relatively large, if only rely on base fertilizer and seed fertilizer is far from enough for sunflower growth. Therefore, timely topdressing is the key measure to ensure the normal growth of sunflower and increase the yield. The demand for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in sunflower buds reached 1x3 of the total, so we should fertilize in time before the bud stage. If the fertilizer is applied too late, the fertilizer efficiency will be significantly reduced. When topdressing, we should give priority to nitrogen fertilizer, pay attention to the location of fertilization, do not hurt the roots of sunflowers, to prevent fertilizer damage. In the later stage, the application of nitrogen fertilizer should be stopped to prevent excessive growth, resulting in a reduction in yield and oil content.

2. Rational watering

The water demand of sunflower is also relatively large, in the bud stage, its demand in the whole growth period almost reached more than half. In the period of disk formation, we should water reasonably according to the weather change, soil moisture and the growth of sunflowers. It can not only increase the output, but also increase the oil content. When watering, it is necessary to give priority to furrow irrigation, not flood irrigation, to prevent excessive water from causing sunflower waterlogging and affecting root nutrition absorption. After watering, we should do a good job of ploughing and loosening the soil to avoid soil consolidation and reduce water evaporation.

3. Forking in time

Timely branching is very important for the growth of sunflowers, because if too many branches are not knocked off in time, they will consume too much nutrition. It leads to insufficient nutrition of disk, unable to expand, reduce yield and affect quality. Therefore, in order to concentrate the nutrition on the disk and promote the expansion of the disk and the fullness of the grain, we should do a good job of forking. Try to fork as early as possible, so as to be comprehensive and thorough. It should be forked at least twice during the whole bud period. At least there are no branches and lateral branches on the sunflower plant.

4. Artificial pollination

Sunflower is a cross-pollinated plant, which is mainly pollinated by bees and various insects during pollination. So it is necessary to keep bees properly when planting sunflowers, or to do a good job of attracting bees when the time for pollination is reached. If there are no bees, then artificial pollination is needed. Cover the cotton with tin foil paper larger than the disk, then rub it on the disk and pat it on another plate until it is done. Can also be adjacent to the two disk "face-to-face" to gently pat friction. Pollination should be at about 10:00 every day, or after 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Artificial pollination can increase the success rate of pollination, reduce the rate of empty grain, enhance grain plumpness and increase yield.

The above is a brief introduction of the main points of sunflower bud stage management, flower bud stage management is very important to the growth of sunflower. Because the management work in this period is directly related to the grain quality and yield of sunflowers, so we must do a good job in management to protect their own planting benefits. This is the end of today's introduction, this article is for reference only, friends who want to know more relevant information, please continue to follow us!