
The latest course of planting techniques and methods of adzuki bean

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Adzuki bean, also known as adzuki bean, adzuki bean, etc., is an annual erect herb of Leguminosae. Adzuki bean is rich in nutrients, including starch, protein and other substances, which has high medicinal and edible value. Planting history of adzuki bean in China

Adzuki bean, also known as adzuki bean, adzuki bean, etc., is an annual erect herb of Leguminosae. Adzuki bean is rich in nutrients, including starch, protein and other substances, which has high medicinal and edible value. Adzuki bean has a very long history in China, and the planting area is also very extensive. So how to grow adzuki beans? The following editor brings you the planting technology of adzuki bean, let's have a look!

1. Variety selection

The selection of an excellent variety is the key to ensure the robust growth and high yield of adzuki bean. When we select seeds, we should pay attention to observe the appearance of seeds and select varieties with large grains, bright colors, high yield and strong disease resistance. Then select the seeds to remove withered, cut seeds and impurities. Ensure the purity of the seeds, then put the seeds in the sun for about 3 days, and then coat the seeds and mix the seeds with Shilin Shen and other chemicals. Eliminate the germs of the seeds, improve their disease resistance, and then air-dry them for sowing.

2. Soil preparation and fertilization

Adzuki bean has strong growth ability and low requirements for soil, but if you want to achieve high yield, you should try to choose sandy soil with normal drainage and irrigation, strong water and fertilizer conservation capacity and humus. The previous crop should not be leguminous to avoid serious soil-borne diseases, affect the root development of adzuki bean and reduce the yield and quality. The top soil capacity of adzuki bean seedlings is relatively weak, so it is necessary to do a good job of soil preparation, leveling fine rake, ridging and suppression, so as to improve the water retention capacity of the soil. Then apply sufficient base fertilizer according to the soil area and fertility, the base fertilizer is mainly rotten farm manure, compound fertilizer, to ensure to meet the growth and nutritional needs of adzuki bean.

3. Sowing seeds at the right time

Adzuki bean is more suitable to grow in a warm environment, the temperature after sowing should not be lower than 8 degrees, and the optimum temperature for germination is about 15-16 degrees. Therefore, we should pay attention to the sowing time, not sowing too early. When sowing, the average soil temperature should not be lower than 15 degrees. Generally speaking, the best sowing time is about May to June every year. Ridge cultivation is the main method when sowing, the distance between plants is controlled at about 12 cm, and the depth of the sowing hole should not exceed 4 cm. Pay attention to the sowing density to prevent the density of sowing from affecting the growth of adzuki bean in the middle and later stage, and the soil should be pressed down after sowing.

4. Field management

It is necessary to wait for time after the seedlings are ready, usually when the seedlings grow the first true leaf, based on the principle of staying strong and removing weakness. Then it is necessary to do a good job of weeding and ridging before flowering to prevent weeds from grabbing adzuki bean growth nutrition and plant lodging. Then in the early flowering stage, it is necessary to apply fertilizer properly and spray the leaves after mixing with water with potassium dihydrogen phosphate and other chemicals. Then to keep the soil moist, timely watering, but to pay attention to the amount, not too much watering, too much or too much rainy days to pay attention to drainage work. Prevent stagnant water retting root rot resulting in plant growth hinder, reduce yield and quality.

The above is a brief introduction of adzuki bean planting technology, adzuki bean planting management is actually relatively simple, but everyone's management should not be too lax. Attention should be paid to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, such as root rot and aphids, which will cause varying degrees of harm to all parts of the plant and seriously affect the growth of adzuki bean. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all!