
Accelerate the integration of urban and rural development

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out during the collective study of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on April 30 this year: it is necessary to take industry and agriculture, urban and rural areas as a whole, and promote urban and rural areas in terms of planning and layout, allocation of elements, industrial development, public services, ecological protection and so on.

During the collective study of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on 30 April this year, Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out: "it is necessary to take industry and agriculture, urban and rural areas as a whole and plan as a whole. we will promote the integration and common development of urban and rural areas in planning and layout, allocation of factors, industrial development, public services, and ecological protection." He stressed: "We must step up our work, increase investment, and strive to make major breakthroughs in the overall planning of urban-rural relations, especially in cracking the dual structure between urban and rural areas, promoting the equal exchange of elements between urban and rural areas, and the balanced allocation of public resources, so as to inject new impetus into rural development, so that the broad masses of farmers can equally participate in the process of reform and development and share the fruits of reform and development." This important speech has lofty intentions, oversees the overall situation, profound thinking, and rich connotations, and has pointed out the direction and added impetus for promoting the integration of urban and rural development and building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.

Promoting the integration of urban and rural development is a strategic thought that must be adhered to.

Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out: "promoting the integration of urban and rural development is an inevitable requirement for industrialization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization to a certain stage, and an important symbol of national modernization." This profoundly reveals the nature and inevitable relationship between urban and rural development. Promoting the integration of urban and rural development is a process of taking urban and rural areas as an organic whole, promoting the equal exchange of urban and rural factors of production and the balanced allocation of public resources, and promoting the overall coordination and common development of urban and rural areas. It is not an expedient measure, but a strategic move.

The inevitable requirement of speeding up the process of new-type industrialization. The new industrialization is the evolution of the human mode of production, which is not only a process of adjusting the industrial structure, but also a process of changing the mode of development. From the perspective of historical development, with the acceleration of industrialization, the urban economic strength continues to improve. At the same time, in developing countries, due to the flow of population to cities and the concentration of industry to cities, the dual structure of urban and rural areas has been formed. that is, the advanced modern economy dominated by industry in cities and the backward traditional economy in rural areas coexist. This state not only affects industrial development, but also hinders the transformation of the mode of economic development. Industry and agriculture are interrelated and promote each other. Without the development of agriculture, it is difficult for industry to start; without the drive of industry, it is difficult for agriculture to develop. This requires cracking the dual structure of urban and rural areas, promoting the integration of urban and rural development, and opening up a broad space for the interaction between industry and farmers and the integration of urban and rural areas for the new type of industrialization.

The necessary stage to improve the level of new urbanization. Urbanization, on the one hand, shows the process of absorbing agglomeration, that is, in the initial stage of urbanization, the rural population and factors of production are accelerated to concentrate to the city, resulting in the separation of urban and rural areas; on the other hand, it is shown as a process of diffusion and radiation, that is, with the enhancement of urban economic energy and industrial upgrading, it is required to expand geographical space, transfer primary industries, and move towards urban-rural integration. This is the universal law in the process of urbanization. It is precisely because of the gradient effect of agglomeration radiation in different stages of urbanization that "urban agglomeration" and "metropolitan area" with complementary functions are formed. For a long time, most of the cities in China have expanded in the way of single center, circle and "spread cake", which not only affects the urban agglomeration, but also affects the urban quality. To solve this problem, there is an urgent need to crack the dual structure of urban and rural areas and innovate the mode of urban development. The integration of urban and rural development is a new path and a new stage of urbanization, which includes not only population urbanization but also economic structure urbanization.

The only way to promote rural modernization. Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out: "Agriculture is still a short leg for the synchronization of the four modernizations, and rural areas are still a short board for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way." "accelerating the integration of urban and rural development is not only a strategic task put forward by the 18th CPC National Congress, but also an inevitable requirement for the implementation of the" four comprehensive "strategic layout. To build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, the most arduous and arduous task lies in rural areas, especially in poor rural areas. " Due to historical reasons, China has implemented the urban-rural dual system for a long time in the past, which did not integrate agricultural development, rural construction, farmers' interests and cities into an organic whole, resulting in regional division, resource division and urban-rural division. resulting in poor rural foundation, less investment and slow development. To promote rural modernization, we must break the dual structure of urban and rural areas, speed up the extension of urban infrastructure to rural areas, the coverage of public services to rural areas, the spread of modern civilization to rural areas, and build a harmonious symbiotic relationship between urban and rural areas. to form a good situation of common prosperity between urban and rural areas.

Promoting the integration of urban and rural development is an urgent task that must be completed.

Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out: "in recent years, the CPC Central Committee has persisted in taking solving the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers as the top priority of the whole party's work, continuously strengthening the policy of strengthening agriculture, benefiting farmers and rich farmers, and significantly strengthening the position of agriculture as the foundation. Rural social undertakings have been significantly improved, and significant progress has been made in the overall planning of urban and rural development and the adjustment of urban-rural relations. At the same time, due to excessive debts and weak foundation, the unbalanced and uncoordinated contradiction between urban and rural development in China is still relatively prominent, and the significance of accelerating the integration of urban and rural development is more prominent and the requirement is more urgent. " Promoting the integration of urban and rural development is an urgent task that we must accomplish.

The fundamental way out is to optimize the allocation of elements, promote the interactive development between urban and rural areas, and enhance the overall strength of the region. Practice has proved that the improvement of regional competitive strength depends on the interaction and integrated development between urban and rural areas. An important reason for the strong economic strength and high income of residents in some coastal and central areas is the equal exchange of urban and rural elements and the common prosperity of urban and rural economy. However, in most places, the foundation of rural economic development is not solid enough, and the space for the allocation of urban resources is not big enough. Practice tells us that it is not feasible to ignore the connection between urban and rural areas, to focus on "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" or on cities, which not only affects the optimal allocation of resources, but also hinders the common development of urban and rural areas. the result must be the lack of motivation for rural development, the lack of foundation for urban development, and the lack of stamina for regional development. The integration of urban and rural development is not only conducive to the expansion of development space and the flow of resource elements, but also helps to improve the driving force of the central city and enhance the coordination of regional development.

Fundamental measures to ensure and improve people's livelihood, narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, and build a harmonious society. The long-standing urban-rural dual structure leads to the unequal exchange of elements between urban and rural areas, increases the difficulty of harmonious urban-rural relations, promotes the interaction between workers and farmers, and widens the development gap between urban and rural areas. This is shown not only in the uneven allocation of public resources between urban and rural areas, but also in the fact that some migrant workers who have long participated in urban construction and services can not become urban residents and serve the city but can not enjoy urban life. as a result, they lack a sense of belonging to the city, and even lack a sense of trust in society. Especially the new generation of migrant workers, yearning for the city but not accepted by the city, rooted in rural areas but increasingly alienated from rural areas. The contradiction between urban and rural areas has intensified, affecting social harmony. Only by promoting the integration of urban and rural development can we reduce the contradiction between urban and rural areas, narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, and promote the harmony between urban and rural areas.

Adhere to the fundamental way of promoting agriculture through industry, achieving common prosperity in urban and rural areas, and improving the quality of life. The progress of human civilization is a process of interdependence and mutual promotion between urban and rural areas. Rural development lays a good foundation for urban prosperity, and urban prosperity provides a strong driving force for rural development. Since the reform and opening up, although both urban and rural areas have achieved rapid development and the appearance of urban and rural areas has changed greatly, the gap between urban and rural areas has not narrowed significantly. Especially in the aspect of social investment that directly affects the future development, the proportion of rural areas is not high. An important reason is that the long-standing institutional obstacles make it impossible for farmers to turn resources into assets and assets into capital, optimize the allocation of resources and attract social investment through the market mechanism, which restricts farmers from developing production and increasing income. Only by deepening the reform of agriculture and rural areas, accelerating the integration of urban and rural development, integrating rural resources and increasing agricultural investment, can we improve the level of rural production and the quality of life of farmers, and promote the common prosperity of urban and rural areas.

Promoting the integration of urban and rural development is a development opportunity that must be grasped.

Comrade Xi Jinping stressed: "at present, China's economic strength and comprehensive national strength have been significantly enhanced, with the material and technical conditions to support the integration of urban and rural development, to the development stage of industry feeding agriculture and cities supporting rural areas." Under the new normal of economic development, promoting the integration of urban and rural development is not only the driving force of growth, but also the opportunity for development.

Promoting the integration of urban and rural development is in line with the policy orientation of maintaining sustained and healthy economic development. At present, the recovery of the world economy is weak, it is very difficult for external demand to improve greatly, and the domestic economy is facing downward pressure. Under such circumstances, it is necessary to further expand domestic demand and play the basic role of consumption and the key role of investment. What is the focus of investment and the hot spot of consumption? Increasing rural investment and stimulating rural consumption is undoubtedly the inevitable choice for stable growth, structural adjustment and transformation under the new normal economy, which will greatly stimulate the potential of rural investment, open up rural market space, and promote industrial upgrading, thus promoting China to maintain medium-and high-speed economic growth.

Promoting the integration of urban and rural development is in line with the reform orientation of efficient allocation and utilization of resources. Focusing on a larger space for the integration of urban and rural areas to efficiently allocate, integrate and utilize resources is not only the requirement of development, but also the orientation of reform. For a long time, the dual structure of urban and rural areas has hindered the equal exchange and optimal allocation of urban and rural resources. This is not only a prominent problem facing urban and rural development, but also a key link that must be broken through in deepening reform. Promoting the integration of urban and rural development has become an important focus to break through the institutional obstacles that restrict the development of our country. The reform not only provides impetus for the integration of urban and rural development, but also creates opportunities for the integration of urban and rural development. At present, the bottlenecks of urban-rural dual structure, policy constraints and development problems will be gradually solved with the advance of the reform.

Promoting the integration of urban and rural development is in line with the development trend of economic restructuring and upgrading. Under the new normal of economic development, the investment and consumption structure, the internal and external demand structure, the regional structure, the income distribution structure and the dynamic structure of economic development all need to be deeply adjusted. Promoting the integration of urban and rural development can not only provide more room for manoeuvre and strong power support for these aspects of structural adjustment, but also improve the relevant systems and mechanisms. It can be said that promoting the integration of urban and rural development is not only the basic support for the adjustment and upgrading of economic structure, but also an important measure to lead the adjustment and upgrading of economic structure, which will effectively promote the transformation and upgrading of China's economy.