
How to grow the latest taro?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Taro is also called ground chestnut, yellow chestnut taro, it is very similar to taro, but there are some differences, but in some places taro is also called taro. The taste of taro is very good, and it is a very popular food in the market at present. So today, our Lord,

Taro is also called ground chestnut, yellow chestnut taro, it is very similar to taro, but there are some differences, but in some places taro is also called taro. The taste of taro is very good, and it is a very popular food in the market at present. So today we are mainly here to learn the planting techniques of taro. Let's read the wonderful content below.

1. Soil preparation and fertilization

Taro has the characteristics of warm, moist, cold-resistant, afraid of strong light and salt-alkali tolerance, so it has certain requirements for planting land. The planting land of taro should generally choose the soil with fertile soil, loose soil, good drainage, water and fertilizer conservation, but not suitable for planting in heavy clay and saline-alkali land. Winter ploughing is the best choice for soil preparation, which can increase the surface temperature, enhance soil permeability and living soil layer. Soil preparation should be carried out in combination with base fertilizer, and the amount of fertilizer should be controlled at about 1,500 jin per mu, of which organic fertilizer is the main fertilizer, supplemented by a small amount of compound fertilizer to turn the soil and fertilizer evenly, but it should be noted that compound fertilizer can only be applied in ditches, otherwise it will affect the growth of taro.

2. Sprouting method

Taro needs to sprout before sowing, which can improve the emergence rate of taro and ensure the quality of taro seedlings. The simplest way to promote sprouting of taro is to mix the selected taro seeds in the wheat straw. The wheat straw needs to contain a certain amount of water, then prevent and cure the sprouting in a ventilated place, and cover it with film or straw to play a role of heat preservation and moisturizing. The temperature of sprouting should be kept at 20 to 25 degrees. Of course, we can also do it through indoor budding, that is, putting taro seeds on indoor shelves to control the budding temperature, so the effect of budding is also very good.

3. Sowing and cultivation

When the surface temperature slowly picks up, it will be possible to sow seeds when the surface temperature reaches about 15 degrees. When sowing, we should control the density of sowing. Generally, the sowing amount per mu is controlled at about 200 jin, that is, the spacing between rows is 60 cm, and the spacing between plants is about 20 cm. After setting up the taro seed, cover it with soil. If the temperature is not enough, you need to cover a layer of plastic film to keep warm. Wait until after the emergence of taro, because taro is not resistant to strong light, so it is necessary to build a shade shed in time, the height of the shade shed is generally controlled at about 1.5 meters, must be tightly tied up.

4. Cultivation and management

In the seedling stage of taro, we generally need to apply fertilizer twice to promote the growth of seedlings and accelerate the growth rate of taro, mainly with human and animal feces. Until the growth period of taro, mainly in order to promote the growth of taro tuber, according to the growth of taro, appropriate topdressing compound fertilizer, and intermediate ploughing weeding, mainly shallow weeding. In addition, during the growth period of taro, we also need to prune the branches and leaves of taro in the field to maintain the normal permeability in the field, so as to improve the yield and quality of taro. Of course, we also need to pay attention to soil moisture management, to keep the soil moist, avoid drought, avoid stagnant water. Finally, it is necessary to do a good job in the control of diseases and insect pests, especially leaf-eating pests and grubs.

The yield of taro planting is generally quite good, unless the planting area is really not suitable for planting taro, and it belongs to extensive planting, which will seriously affect its yield, otherwise, as long as a little management, the output is still OK.