
The cause and Control of the latest Corn Seedling death

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Corn is an important grain crop, which is planted in many areas of our country, and the yield is relatively high. I don't know if you have ever encountered the phenomenon of dead seedlings when planting corn. If there is an encounter, then how do we solve the problem?

Corn is an important grain crop, which is planted in many areas of our country, and the yield is relatively high. I don't know if you have ever encountered the phenomenon of dead seedlings when planting corn. If there is an encounter, then how do we solve the problem? How can we plant corn to prevent it from dying? Now let's read the wonderful content below.

1. Changes of symptoms

The corn seedling does not mean that the dead seedling dies immediately, it must have a process of change, so what we need to understand is what situation may lead to the final death of the seedling. Before the corn seedlings die, one of the first phenomena is that the leaves will fade green and turn yellow slowly. If there is rain, the leaves will rot. Of course, some of the leaves will rot directly. If it is not paid attention to, then the yellowing leaves will become more and more, until the whole plant loses its vitality, and finally the stalks of the corn seedlings hang upside down and eventually die. Or the stalks of corn seedlings rot and the plants die.

2. Causes of dead corn seedlings

There are several main causes of seedling death, simply speaking, drug damage, fertilizer damage, high temperature and drought, diseases and insect pests. There are mainly four kinds of drug damage, which are excessive concentration of pesticides, improper use of pesticides, improper use of pesticides and improper use of herbicides. The fertilizer damage mainly refers to the excessive concentration of fertilizer when sowing, or the fertility is too close to the root of corn seedlings and sprinkling fertilizer on corn seedlings when fertilizing. High temperature and drought means that when planting corn, the temperature is too high, and there is no cooling treatment, and there is no proper watering, which leads to the death of corn seedlings due to dehydration. The main diseases are seedling blight, brown spot, white spot, root rot and so on, while the pests are aphids, leaf rollers, drill worms, mole crickets, ground tigers and so on.

3. Control methods of dead maize seedlings.

In order to minimize the occurrence of dead seedlings in corn, it is first necessary to select corn seeds with good quality of drought resistance, disease and insect resistance and high temperature resistance, and then sow the seeds after disinfection and soaking with potions, so as to reduce diseases and insect pests. There is the use of formula fertilizer, scientific fertilization, timely, appropriate amount of fertilizer, do not sprinkle fertilizer on the seedlings or too close to the seedlings. In the spraying of pesticides in accordance with the instructions for use, the concentration of pesticides should be reasonable deployment, should not be too concentrated, but also should have efficacy. Herbicides should not be used too late, and the concentration should be controlled. Finally, in the weather with higher temperatures, watering is carried out in the morning and evening, which can not only cool down, but also ensure an adequate supply of water.

4. What about the dead corn seedlings?

What happens after the corn seedlings die? This is an issue that many people are more concerned about. If the corn seedlings die shortly after emergence, then we can also replant the corn seedlings. However, if the death of corn seedlings occurs in the peak growth period, then we can only think of other ways, because if we replenish the seedlings, there is nothing to make up for the yield of corn. Usually we can use the way of interplanting, such as replanting soybeans and sweet potatoes in corn seedlings, and the yield is also very good.

I believe that the above content is basically understood, so in the later planting, we also know what to do. Thank you for your reading. If you have any other questions, please leave a comment and leave your footprints.