
My opinion on the market of lotus orchid

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Anhui Orchid Association Vice President Gong Renhong new product Huilan.

It has been nearly ten years since the continuous decline of the lotus petal orchid market to its current low point, and these years have been passing in concern. Once famous for a time "five golden flowers", there are several varieties now less than the price of common grass, a cluster of "Dian Mei" less than 30 yuan, the average price per seedling is less than 5 yuan, the price of other varieties is also very low. In fact,"Dianmei" is an excellent variety worthy of appreciation in lotus petal orchid. It is excellent in terms of petal type, color, stability, leaf posture, etc., but why does its value not match the price? "Dianmei" phenomenon is now a representative of the lotus petal orchid market, the reasons, personally think as follows:

I. Once crazy speculation created bubbles in the lotus petal orchid market

The wild speculation of lotus petals that began at the end of the 20th century greatly exaggerated the value of lotus petals and drove up the price. Ordinary people are more willing to believe that a seedling orchid can be exchanged for a house or a car, expecting miracles to come to their heads. But in the end, no miracle came. Instead, many debt investors had nightmares and lost miserably. Later, people summed up the lotus petal orchid as "who buys who loses, what buys what loses". The end result is that some people withdraw from Lan City sadly, and those who do not withdraw from Lan City are unwilling to believe in lotus petal orchid again, and invest in other varieties instead. After more than 20 years of development, many famous products in Lotus Petal Orchid have already had a certain number, lost buyers in domestic and international markets, and relied solely on consumers and investors in Yunnan, Sichuan and other places to buy them.

II. Lan family pursues excessive use of drugs to damage Lan you's enthusiasm

Once hype let orchid price double, many orchid home in pursuit of economic benefits, use hormone germination, flower, high temperature cultivation, contrary to the orchid growth law, destroyed the orchid immune system, produce a variety of phytotoxicity, disease. Investors buy such orchid seedlings are extremely perishable buds and fallen seedlings, causing losses, which greatly damage the enthusiasm of investors and buyers. In addition, the market is flooded with high-tech grass-hybrid, tissue culture varieties on the market, so that people are difficult to distinguish between true and false orchids, resulting in losses, unwilling to buy again.

Third, the market development of lotus petals is late, and the breeding of famous products is not strict.

It took less than 30 years to develop the lotus petal orchid market on a large scale and push it to the whole country. However, hundreds of famous products can be selected and registered in such a short time, and the award-winning varieties praised by orchid exhibitions of various scales are even more serious. Such a short period of time, unprecedented scale of development, resulting in varieties breeding is not strict, some varieties have not yet passed the stability test, with two or three flowers on the registration of famous products, resulting in "jade rabbit" into "hare","Xinhai butterfly","Gold Coast" and other open flowers. These flowers do not have the qualification to register famous products. In order to pursue economic interests, they are eager for quick success and instant benefit, resulting in many jokes today and discrediting friends outside the province and abroad. Perhaps some people will say that can not blame the breeder, but the lotus petal orchid itself caused by instability, then I would like to ask "sword Yang butterfly" why not bloom,"Dian Mei" why not bloom float. Personally, there are various varieties of unstable flowers. Chunlan and Cymbidium in Jiangsu and Zhejiang also have unstable ones. The difference is that unstable Chunlan and Cymbidium are not registered as famous products, so people don't know it.

Faced with such a dilemma, where is the way out for the lotus petal orchid market? Personally, I think it's time for us to think calmly, sort things out, and regain confidence. We should not bury the superior resources of lotus petal orchid, and find ways to push it back to domestic and international markets. I personally summarized a few ideas for reference.

I. Rational and objective understanding of lotus petal orchid, re-selection and evaluation of new "five golden flowers"

We should examine Yunnan lotus petal orchid with rational and objective vision, face up to the problem of lotus petal orchid market, especially the breeding of famous products should be more strict, and the stability assessment should be paid more attention to. Remove the unstable varieties in the existing famous products, such as "Gold Coast","Jade Rabbit Color Butterfly","Xinhai Butterfly", etc., and re-examine the existing famous products. Re-select and evaluate the new "five golden flowers" that really have gold content and stand the test of history, and create a new Yunnan "five golden flowers" business card.

II. Improve the moral level of those who raise orchids and change orchids

The current market environment has created conditions for us_now the price of orchids has come down, and the phenomenon of counterfeiting and selling fake products has been reduced as crazy as before, but this is not enough. We still need to start from two aspects: first, we need the government departments to make efforts to let the industrial and commercial departments increase the punishment for counterfeiting and selling fake products, and set up a special "Office for Supervision and Punishment of Orchid Fake and Selling" in the centralized trading place of orchids. For the government's measures can only be suggestions, hope that people of insight can pay attention to, for the city of Lan, for the benefit of the people; second, improve the quality of love Lan, Yi Lan, pay attention to integrity, this can start from holding Lan culture exhibition. Mr. Li Yinglong, a famous Bai orchid farmer, once held such an orchid culture exhibition and established an orchid museum. Personally, I think we can promote similar orchid culture exhibitions to the people, so that ordinary people can understand and learn the character of orchids, so that orchid farmers and orchid vendors also have the opportunity to learn orchid culture. This requires the organization of orchid associations everywhere, and more importantly, the joint efforts of every orchid lover.

III. Advocate natural breeding without deliberately pursuing seedling development

Now the depressed Lan City environment gives us such an opportunity, orchids are not so expensive, there is no need to use some extraordinary means to deliberately pursue hair seedlings. Create a natural environment for orchids to thrive in the morning light. Put aside hormones and drugs, nature is the most beautiful and healthy. I am not opposed to science and technology, but most of us do not have that kind of conditions and economic strength, do not force, harm others and harm ourselves. A Lanyou once told me that he could make the orchid seedlings multiply several times a year and make the normal seedlings dwarf... Don't be moved, such a person can not pay, no orchid heart only money. Zhejiang orchid city than lotus petal orchid market development in the morning a hundred years, now more people in the pursuit of old species, original species, they have more than we know, the beauty of nature is the most reliable, long-lasting.

4. Continue to hold orchid exhibitions to let more people have a new understanding of lotus petals

Now Dali Prefecture is led by the government every year, and the Orchid Association sponsors the Orchid Bonsai Exhibition. We should not only do it, but also intensify our efforts to invite foreign and even foreign Lanyou to participate in the exhibition. At the same time, we can also try to take the lotus petal orchid exhibition to other provinces. Through the mutual contact between the government and the orchid association, we can take Yunnan lotus petal orchid to other provinces to hold orchid exhibition, so that more provincial orchid friends can re-know lotus petal orchid and regain their interest in lotus petal orchid, but don't boast, seek truth from facts and communicate sincerely.

The above is a personal lotus petal orchid market some of the thinking and views, due to personal knowledge and limited experience, there must be a lot of deficiencies and inappropriate, but also hope to contain. My purpose is goodwill, sincerely hope that the lotus petal orchid market can develop well, create a strong brand, go domestic, want to go international.