
The planting time and method of the latest sweet potato

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Sweet potato is a traditional Chinese medicine plant, also known as ginseng potato, which generally grows in the south and southwest and northwest regions, such as Zhejiang, Sichuan and Xizang. This sweet potato is mainly used to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the treatment of diarrhea is beneficial to the lungs and kidneys. It is often used as a medicinal material. Sweet potato with sweet potato

A traditional Chinese medicine plant, also called ginseng, generally grows in the south and southwest northwest regions, such as Zhejiang, Sichuan, Xizang region, there are growth. This hairy potato mainly has spleen and stomach, diarrhea treatment on the lungs and kidneys have tonic. It is often used as a medicine. Potato can be artificially cultivated, specific cultivation time and method, is today's article to pick up.

1. Select varieties

Now common hairy potato, common planting varieties, are growth force victory, a common one is Japanese yam and fine hair long yam. Among them, Japanese varieties are excellent varieties with good adaptability and quality. If it is popularized in China, it is believed that the quality will exceed that of ordinary varieties. But you can choose quality species that are adapted to local soils.

2, planting time

Planting time, about planting in spring, depends on the outside temperature in spring to decide, generally temperature above 10, you can start planting. Don't be hot, don't be cold. Due to the influence of environmental climate, there will be early and late, and some will be late, almost the plants on the ground can start to grow. You can grow it.

3, planting treatment

Without seeds, planting depends on bulbs to reproduce. The seed stems are usually left at harvest time and continue to be planted afterwards. The bulbs can generally be left whole or cut into small pieces with full buds, which can be planted directly in the field. Planting is ditching, direct planting, spacing is about 10 cm, row spacing is between 20 cm. Planting depth is about 3 to 4 cm, not too deep, germination is unfavorable, too shallow, bulbs are easy to lose water.

4. Management

Digging ditches in the field, digging two ditches vertically and horizontally in the middle, and digging ditches around the periphery. The depth of ditches is more than 20 cm, so as to drain water well. Ridge planting, in the field from 30 cm wide ridge, and then ridge ditch, planting, leaving a shallow groove between the rows, about 10 cm deep can be. Planting base fertilizer is 1500 gold farm manure per mu. Topdressing is a few times can, fertilization to remember watering.

Tapioca is planted in spring after temperature recovery or autumn when temperature is maintained. There are a few details to note about planting. Management should also be meticulous and there should be no mistakes. It can be said that hairy potato is a plant that is relatively easy to grow. The planting method is also relatively simple, but the management should be done well.