
What is the reason why the latest wheat seedlings are weak and yellow?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Many growers know that the phenomenon of weak and yellow wheat seedlings is very common, and when it is serious in some areas, it will lead to the death of wheat seedlings in a large area, causing huge economic losses to growers. So what is the reason why wheat seedlings are weak and yellow? Along with the small

Many growers know that the phenomenon of weak and yellow wheat seedlings is very common, and when it is serious in some areas, it will lead to the death of wheat seedlings in a large area, causing huge economic losses to growers. So what is the reason why wheat seedlings are weak and yellow? Let's get to know it with the editor.

1. Straw returning to the field and shallow ploughing layer

Sowing wheat after returning the straw to the field after corn harvest is not only in line with the law of agricultural production, but also improve the soil fertility, but also avoid the pollution caused by straw burning, which can be said to kill three birds with one stone. But now the amount of corn returning to the field is large, and the plough layer is generally no more than 20 centimeters, so that part of the wheat roots are stuck on the straw after emergence, so it is difficult to absorb nutrients from the soil, and many people do not have the habit of topdressing at the wheat seedling stage. so it is inevitable to cause weak seedlings and yellow seedlings. Therefore, when the corn straw is returned to the field, it must be chopped and then suppressed to preserve soil moisture, so as to avoid hollow, directly affect the nutrition of wheat seedlings, and nitrogen fertilizer should be applied in time.

2. Continuous low temperature freezing injury

In the period of added low temperature when planting winter wheat, if the climate changes greatly in this stage, such as continuous overcast and rain, continuous low temperature, less light time, the overall condition of wheat seedlings is weak, and affected by low temperature and freezing injury, it will show leaf yellow directly. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the management before the arrival of the cold spell and spray foliar fertilizer to avoid low temperature freezing injury and cause seedling yellow.

3. Lack of fertilizer

In the process of wheat growth, if the sowing is too early, the base fertilizer is insufficient or the nitrogen content in the base fertilizer is low, it will also lead to the yellowing of wheat with nitrogen deficiency. When there is insufficient phosphorus fertilizer in wheat base fertilizer or phosphorus deficiency in soil, it will also cause wheat yellowing of phosphorus deficiency type, such as very few secondary roots, few tillers, dark green leaves and yellow leaf tips. For nitrogen deficiency, it is necessary to apply 5 kg urea per mu in time, and then 10-15 kg urea per mu at jointing stage; 10 kg diammonium phosphate or 45-50 kg superphosphate per mu can be applied for phosphorus deficiency. If the soil is acidified, the chemical fertilizer used should be carefully selected, and it is recommended to use plant lime or quicklime to improve the soil.

4. Sowing too deep

In general, the suitable depth of wheat sowing is 3-5 cm. If the sowing is too deep, then even if the wheat emerges, it depends on the seedlings. If the climate is dry, the seedlings grow weakly, yellowing, and have few tillers. If it is a rainy day, then the situation will be more serious, resulting in a large area of dead seedlings. For the lightly affected plots, it is necessary to buy medicine and spray in time, not only to take root and strong seedlings, but also to sterilize, while some dead fields should seize the time to replant.

The above is the introduction of why wheat seedlings are weak and yellow. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about it, please pay attention to us.