
The latest control methods of edamame bean rust

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Edamame is a common field cash crop in our life, which has a wide planting area, but in the process of soya bean planting, rust seriously endangers the normal growth of edamame bean. So how to prevent and cure edamame bean rust? Come and have a look with the editor.

Edamame is a common field cash crop in our life, which has a wide planting area, but in the process of soya bean planting, rust seriously endangers the normal growth of edamame bean. So how to prevent and cure edamame bean rust? Come and have a look with the editor.

1. Symptoms

Edamame bean rust mainly harms the leaves, and the damaged leaves are dense pillow-sized rust spots, which are immature summer spore piles parasitic on the plant, and with the increase of temperature, the summer spore pile gradually develops and cleans up. When the epidermis breaks, it will emit rust-colored powder. Black dots will appear in the leaves in the later stage, which is the germ's winter spore pile, but because most of the temperatures are low in winter, the winter spore pile is generally visible in southern Guangdong, because the temperature is also relatively high in winter. there is basically no spore pile in the rest of the region.

2. The regularity of the disease

The pathogen of rust is bean layer rust, which is a kind of fungus. Its pathogen mainly uses summer spores as the primary infection source and reinfection inoculum, and spreads the disease in the field with the help of wind and rain, and the annual cycle. Disease is easy to occur in warm, rainy and humid weather or low-lying and humid plant environment, and the disease resistance among varieties is unknown. Whether some varieties with strong disease resistance can also resist rust also needs further investigation.

3. Prevention and control methods

① agricultural control

First of all, disease-resistant and high-yield varieties should be selected and seed yield should be mixed with new high-fat membrane before sowing, which can effectively isolate virus infection without affecting germination and swelling function, strengthen respiratory intensity, and improve seed germination rate and seedling emergence rate. In the process of planting, it is necessary to ensure the balance of fertilizer and water, avoid overgrowth of plants and too wet soil, so as to reduce the disease. Spraying Zhuangtieling once at flower bud stage, young pod stage and fruit expansion stage can strengthen flowers and stalks, enhance pollination quality and promote fruit development.

Chemical control of ②

It can be combined with the prevention and control of downy mildew, when the plant is close to the closure period, spraying metalaxyl and other anti-downy mildew agents, 25% rust rather than wet powder 2000 times solution is added for simultaneous treatment.

The above is the introduction of the prevention and control methods of edamame bean rust, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.