
Causes and control measures of the latest winter and spring wheat seedling death

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Wheat in the growth process often appear some conditions, dead seedlings is one of them, the harm to wheat growth is big, and the most common winter and spring dead seedlings of wheat. So what caused this? Let's take a look at it together with Xiaobian. 1. Wheat dies in winter

Some conditions often occur in the growth process of wheat, and dead seedlings are one of them, which do great harm to wheat growth, and the most common dead seedlings of wheat in winter and spring. So what is the cause of this? Come and have a look with the editor.

1. Causes of death of wheat seedlings in winter and spring

1. Internal cause

The ability of cold resistance and drought resistance of wheat itself is weak, if the variety with poor cold resistance is used in cultivation, it is very easy to suffer frost injury and die seedlings. Some farmers sow early and the wheat seedlings with pre-winter ear differentiation into two-ridge stage are weak in cold tolerance, and serious seedling death often occurs in case of freezing injury, while other late-sowing weak seedlings are very easy to die in case of cold injury and drought injury because of their own less sugar accumulation.

2. External cause

In addition to wheat itself and variety factors, adverse climate, soil conditions and inappropriate cultivation measures can also cause seedling death. For example, less precipitation in summer, insufficient soil moisture, less rain and snow in winter and spring and more cold wind will aggravate the soil drought and make the wheat tiller node in the cold and warm soil layer, which will also cause wheat physiological dehydration.

II. Measures to reduce seedling death

1. Select cold-resistant varieties

When selecting varieties with strong overwintering ability and good cold resistance, the most effective measures to prevent frost injury are the most effective measures. When introducing varieties, we should first understand its quality adaptability, and consider the cold resistance at maturity while taking into account the yield. The selected varieties should survive the winter safely in at least most local years.

2. Irrigation at seedling stage

For the early sowing wheat field sown with soil moisture, it can be watered at the tillering stage, and if the soil fertility is insufficient, a small amount of chemical fertilizer can be applied properly to promote the early development of seedlings so as to facilitate the seedlings to survive the winter safely. The management of late sowing wheat field should be based on improving soil temperature and preserving soil moisture, ploughing and loosening soil can be carried out, and watering is not suitable at seedling stage, otherwise the ground temperature will be reduced and the growth of seedlings will be affected.

3. Timely winter irrigation

Winter irrigation can form a good soil water environment, regulate soil nutrients in the plough layer, increase soil heat capacity, promote plant rooting and tillering, and cultivate strong seedlings. Watering overwintering water is not only beneficial to overwintering seedlings. It can also reduce the adverse effects of cold injury, drought injury and drastic temperature changes in early spring, which is an important measure to prevent the death of wheat seedlings in winter and spring.

4. Timely suppression

Repression can break the soil mass, stabilize the soil, make the tight combination of wheat root and soil, promote the development of root system, and increase and preserve soil moisture.

5. Timely coverage

Covering wheat with sand and breaking soil in winter can deepen the depth of tiller node and protect leaves near ground layer, reduce soil water evaporation, improve water condition at tiller node, and play a role of heat preservation and anti-freezing. Generally, covering soil 1-2 cm can play a good role in preventing freezing and protecting seedlings.

The above is the introduction of the causes and control measures of dead wheat seedlings in winter and spring. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about it, please pay attention to us.