
The latest precautions against early blight of cotton

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cotton is closely related to our life, and it is also a field economic crop promoted in our life. It is widely planted in our country, but it is inevitable that there will not be some problems in the process of cotton planting, and some of them will grow normally. Among them, early blight is a common one.

Cotton is closely related to our life, and it is also a field cash crop promoted in our life. It is widely planted in our country, but it is inevitable that there will not be some problems in the process of cotton planting, and some of them will grow normally. Among them, early blight is a common one. So how to prevent cotton from withering early? Let's get to know it with the editor.

1. Select varieties resistant to waterlogging and disease.

In planting cotton, it is recommended to select excellent varieties with resistance to waterlogging and disease, which is the basis for the prevention and control of cotton early blight, variety selection should be based on local conditions, and varieties with poor growth period should be selected for early stubble transplanting, so as to avoid the rainstorm season in the peak period of cotton bolls. Wheat and rape stubble transplanting should choose early-maturing varieties, so as not to affect the yield due to late ripening.

2. Trench drainage

According to the occurrence of the phenomenon of early blight in the whole country, where the drainage work is done well, where the phenomenon of early blight occurs lightly, especially in some plots with low-lying terrain and high groundwater level, it is necessary to cultivate soil and dig ditches to do a good job in drainage after rain. reduce the harm of early blight and effectively improve yield and quality.

3. Delay root senescence.

The peak period of cotton root system is from budding stage to early flowering stage, and the root occurrence will gradually weaken after boll setting, so the field management after cotton flowering stage is mainly to maintain root and protect root, delay root senescence and prevent early blight. It is not suitable for deep ploughing after flowering, the principle of fertilization should be adopted for a small number of times, and topdressing should not be too close to the root, so as not to hurt the root, it is appropriate to apply it deeply in the ditch. When cotton enters the peak stage of boll formation, 5-7.5 fertilizer per mu can be applied too close, which can reduce the root burden, and spraying foliar fertilizer every other week can make up for the deficiency of root absorption.

4. Remedial measures

After the occurrence of early blight, corresponding measures should be taken in time according to the degree and cause of occurrence. First of all, drainage treatment should be taken in time to reduce the impact of waterlogging damage. For those with mild waterlogging injury, dry in time, pull out dead plants, increase field permeability, restore undead plants as soon as possible through field management, reduce fertilizer concentration and restore plants to normal growth.

The above is the introduction of cotton early blight prevention measures, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.