
The latest prevention and control methods of cotton lodging with plastic film mulching

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cotton is inseparable from our life, cotton planting area in our country is very extensive, and in the cotton planting process, lodging is the most troublesome new type, if we do not deal with it in time, it will lead to a serious reduction in cotton production. The editor below is to bring the land.

Cotton is inseparable from our life, cotton planting area in our country is very extensive, and in the cotton planting process, lodging is the most troublesome new type, if we do not deal with it in time, it will lead to a serious reduction in cotton production. The following editor is to bring plastic film cotton lodging prevention and control methods, hoping to help you.

1. Timely removal of mulch film

Studies in many places have shown that the main roots of dual-mode cotton are in the stage of transplanting, and a large number of lateral roots and fibrous roots grow in the shallow soil layer, because of good temperature, fertilizer and water conditions, and sufficient soil fertility. the absorption of fertilizer and water by dual-mode cotton is stronger than that of direct seeding at budding and flowering stage, and the vegetative growth and reproductive growth are also stronger than direct seeding. At this time, if we timely remove the plastic film and strengthen ploughing and soil cultivation, then dual-mode cotton will be able to give full play to its advantages, but if we do not uncover the film for a long time, once the extreme weather comes, it is extremely easy to lodge because of the shallow distribution of roots and poor supporting ability. therefore, it is appropriate to remove the plastic film in time, fine management, promote root protection, and uncover the film at the first florescence.

2. Fertilization

Because the growth and development process of plastic film cotton is 20-30 days earlier than that of direct seeding cotton, and the consumption in the early stage is higher than that of direct seeding cotton field, the management measures should be taken in advance, especially the rapid application of flower and boll fertilizer, 10 kg urea per mu, or 10 kg ternary compound fertilizer per mu. For potassium-deficient cotton fields, 5-10 kg of potash fertilizer should be applied per mu, and 15 kg of urea should be applied per mu when the average number of peaches per plant is 2-3. If the fertilizer and water are neglected, the cotton will turn yellow in a large area after bearing peaches, and in serious cases, it will be accompanied by physiological withering and premature senility.

3. Coordinated and balanced growth

Plastic film mulched cotton is prone to overgrowth because of its rapid growth, so it is necessary to take relevant measures to balance its income and expenditure and spray delayed plant growth regulator promethamine or prophylaxis after cotton enters the full bud stage. 2 grams per mu or 8 grams of 12 milliliters to 40 kg of water. At the same time, we should also pay attention to spraying the adjustment fund to promote the leaf color to turn to thick green quickly; third, we should pay attention to leaving no residual film in the field when opening the film, so as not to affect the cultivation of soil and the management of the next crop; fourth, we should spray boron fertilizer for 2 times and advocate the application of high content of Suele boron.

The above is the introduction of the prevention and control methods of plastic film cotton lodging, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.