
The latest course of pineapple planting management techniques and methods

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pineapple is a tropical perennial herbaceous fruit tree, which likes to be warm and humid, avoid low temperature frost, strong drought resistance, but good growth and development requires sufficient moisture, insufficient or excessive or uneven rainfall, which should be regulated by drainage and irrigation. Pineapple is native to tropical rain forests and tropical plateaus.

Pineapple is a tropical perennial herbaceous fruit tree. It likes warm and humid, avoids low temperature and frost, and has strong drought resistance. However, it requires sufficient water for good growth and development. Insufficient or excessive or uneven rainfall should be regulated by irrigation and drainage. Pineapple originated in tropical rain forest and tropical plateau areas, with strong shade tolerance, like diffuse light, avoid direct light, but high yield and high quality still need sufficient light. Pineapple has a wide range of suitability for soil, but it should not be neutral or alkaline soil, sticky or unstructured silty sand, requiring PH5--6. Pineapple plant short, less damaged by wind, but 6Winds above grade A can also cause damage.

Planting and seedling

Pineapple 666.67 square meters planted 3800--4000 plants, the number of seedlings required is large, commonly used plastic germination propagation, vegetative propagation and tissue culture three methods. Germination time and method: May to November to select 40 cm long green leaves, usually 40 leaves of cocaine, Philippines varieties 35 leaves of the plant. Each plant was irrigated with 25ml of a mixture of 250mg/l ethylene, 1% urea and 0.5% potassium chloride for germination. On the 5th and 12th day after treatment, the plant was irrigated with 25ml of 1200- 1500 and 600 - 750 times of plastic hormone solution respectively. Vegetative propagation, commonly used seedling cultivation, that is, the use of small terminal buds, small buds, small suckers and fruit buds in the field after the classification of artificial planting nursery cultivation nursery. The small bud left on the fruit stalk after fruit picking is used to grow and cultivate seedlings, and the old stem is used to cut and reproduce and renew the old stem. Tissue culture seedlings, using Ms medium, at room temperature 30℃, light 12 hours or natural light culture room culture.

Pineapple planting techniques

1. Select the garden: choose a place facing south, sunny, rich in water and convenient for transportation as a commodity production base.

2. Scientific planting: before planting, improve the barren soil and apply sufficient base fertilizer; select strong seedlings for planting. The density was 3000- 4000 plants per 666.67 square meters for cocaine and 4000- 5000 plants for queen.

3. Strengthen fertilizer and water management after planting

(1) Fertilization amount: N 42.2 kg, P 26.8 kg, K 38.5 kg per 666.67 m2 in Guangxi, China, N∶ P 2O 5∶ K 2O =1∶0.62∶0.9;

(2) Fertilization period: usually from December to February of the next year, bud promotion fertilizer is applied before bud pulling, and bud strengthening fertilizer is applied from July to August after fruit picking; bud strengthening fertilizer is applied between bud promotion fertilizer and bud strengthening fertilizer; foliar fertilizer is applied once in April, June, July and September every year, and topdressing is applied twice in May and August, with 1% urea plus 0.5% potassium sulfate solution; base fertilizer is applied after fruit picking.

③ Water management: timely irrigation, flood prevention and drought resistance.

4, do a good job of other management: such as not to affect the fruit growth and development, should be appropriate in addition to buds and buds; in order to promote flowers to promote flowers; in order to improve the weight and quality of fruit to spray fruit, after all flowers die, with 50 mg/liter gibberellin plus 0.5% urea spray fruit, after 20 days spray the second time, spray 70 mg/liter gibberellin plus 0.3% urea. In order to make the fruit mature uniformly, when the fruit develops to seven ripe, spray the fruit with ethylene 300 mg/L to accelerate ripening.

pest control

1. Disease control

① Wilt control: after the disease, the leaves become soft and drooping, the color of the leaves is light green to red, the base is rotten, and finally the whole plant dies. This disease is caused by mealybug infestation. Control methods for the first strict attention not to propagation of disease seedlings. Secondly, put out the mealyscale shell insects in time, dip the head with 500 times dimethoate solution when planting, and plant it after inversion and drying. After planting, if the mealyscale is found to be harmful, spray dimethoate 500 times solution or 25% Zhongke Meiling 1500 times solution in time. If a diseased plant is found, it should be dug out in time to prevent it from spreading.

② Black rot control: The affected fruit core turns black and gradually expands to the whole fruit rot. The bacteria mostly invade from the bud picking place and the fruit handle wound. Control methods are to pay attention not to topping and fruit picking in rainy days to reduce the chance of pathogen invasion. This disease is also the main disease of fresh pineapple in storage.

(3) Prevention and control of seedling heart rot: seedling heart rot and death. It is mainly caused by stacking heat or ponding. Control methods to avoid seedlings stacked too long, especially in the process of long-distance transportation should be minimized stacked too long, so as to avoid high temperature, high humidity and airtight caused by fever injury seedlings. Spread out immediately after transportation to the destination, plant after 1~2 days of slight sun, avoid planting in rainy days, pay attention to deep ploughing and shallow planting.

2. Pest control

The bite of a cricket on the ripe fruit will cause the fruit to be of poor quality and become an out-of-class fruit. Control methods: rice bran 5 dry grams fried sweet potato 1 kg into a small amount of pickled vegetable juice, and then add 90% crystal trichlorfon 100 g, made of bean-sized bait, in the evening each bait will be scattered around the plant trap.

harvesting and processing

When harvest is appropriate is related to fresh food or processing, near sale or export. Generally, it is appropriate to harvest 1/2 small fruit turning yellow near the market, and to harvest 1/4 small fruit turning yellow when the fruit is sold or processed.

Pineapple can be fresh food, but also processing, can be processed into canned pineapple sugar water, pineapple juice, pineapple fresh fruit can also be frozen: washed, peeled, through the core, cut into pieces, frozen at-35℃, stored at-20℃ low temperature, can make nutrition and fresh pineapple the same. In addition, pineapple processing by-products, sugar, alcohol, monosodium glutamate, citric acid and so on.