
The way to realize the coordinated Development of Agricultural "sixth Industry"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, With regard to the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in agriculture, the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee in 2015 has made a special discussion in Article 12 of part II. Based on my own research in rural areas, the author talks about how to integrate the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in order to realize the coordinated development of the sixth agricultural industry.

With regard to the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in agriculture, the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee in 2015 has made a special discussion in Article 12 of part II. Combined with his own research in rural areas, the author talks about his views on how to integrate the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in order to realize the coordinated development of the "sixth industry" of agriculture.

The same business entity participates in the whole process of agricultural supply chain

The secondary and tertiary industries in the "sixth industry" of agriculture refer to the processing industry and sales and service industries of agricultural products. The secondary and tertiary industries we usually refer to refer to the entire processing industry and the service industry, which are much larger in scope.

It should be emphasized that the coordinated development of the "sixth industry" of agriculture, that is, the integration and interaction of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, is completed by the same business entity. In the past, our primary, secondary and tertiary industries were also closely linked to each other, but they were completed by different subjects. For example, dairy farmers are responsible for producing milk, processing enterprises process milk into a variety of dairy products, and supermarkets specialize in the sale of dairy products, this process is completed by three independent subjects. Dairy farmers in the primary industry can not get high profits from the processing and sales of secondary and tertiary industries, and dairy farmers are the poorest class in the whole industrial chain.

Two successful cases in Shaanxi Province

For a long time, the income of the operators of the primary industry has been on the low side, resulting in farmers becoming one of the lowest-income groups. Although the state has issued a series of policies to benefit farmers, 12 central documents on agriculture, rural areas and farmers were issued successively from 2004 to 2015, and various funds for supporting agriculture reached 1.3 trillion yuan in 2014. farmers' income has improved, but it has not fundamentally improved. in order to obtain higher income, a large number of rural youth fled the countryside and went to work in cities. However, if 1.3 billion people want to eat, the land must be planted, and the arable land is decreasing and the population is increasing, so it is necessary not only for people to cultivate the land, but also for high-quality people to do it. The way to attract high-quality people to engage in agricultural production is to increase their income so that their income is the same as that of urban residents, or even higher than that of urban residents. In 2014, the per capita net income of farmers was only equivalent to 1-3 to 1-4 of the income of urban residents.

If farmers are allowed to extend the industrial chain and extend the primary industry to the secondary and tertiary industries, their income will be increased.

For example, a family farm in Shaanxi Province has raised more than 700 pigs. according to the depressed pig market in 2014, the farm will definitely lose money, but in fact, instead of losing money, the family farm has made more than 2 million yuan. The main reason is that farmers operate primary, secondary and tertiary industries at the same time. He not only raises pigs (primary industry), but also slaughters and processes pork (secondary industry) and runs farm music (tertiary industry). Although the benefit of the primary industry is not good, the income of the secondary and tertiary industries is better, so the overall benefit is still very good.

The same is true of the Weier vineyard in Shaanxi Province investigated by the author. The price of grapes in Shaanxi fell sharply in 2014, which was only equivalent to 1max 2 or even 1max 3 in 2013. Almost all the grape farmers have lost money, but Weier Vineyard has made better profits. Because the manor owner Hu Weichen not only planted 380 mu of grapes, but also made wine, and held leisure tours and wine tastings in the manor, combining the primary, secondary and tertiary industries of grapes, thus obtaining good economic benefits.

Only by developing the "sixth industry", extending the agricultural industrial chain and value chain, and increasing the income of operators, can outstanding people in society be willing to engage in agriculture, and can agriculture develop continuously and stably. This is a qualitative change and leap in the mode of agricultural management and agricultural development.

Conditions for the Development of Agricultural "sixth Industry"

There must be certain conditions for agriculture to change from a single primary industry to a "sixth industry" and to realize the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in agriculture.

First of all, agricultural production should have a certain scale. If a farmer raises three chickens, he will take raising chickens as a sideline and will not care about extending the industrial chain and new breeding techniques. This is also one of the reasons why it is difficult to popularize agricultural science and technology in China. At present, there are hundreds of millions of farmers in our country, and the scale is too small to extend the primary industry to the secondary and tertiary industries. To change this situation, three conditions should be met: (1) operators devote themselves wholeheartedly and have no energy to work in other industries to realize the specialization and professionalization of management; (2) operators are interested in science and technology. (3) it can basically meet the economies of scale of raw material supply of secondary and tertiary industrial enterprises. This requires household contractors of agricultural land to consult with other farmers and concentrate production through land transfer. Of course, the Government should do a good job in providing services in land transfer.

Secondly, cultivate a new type of agricultural management main body. There are mainly four new types of agricultural operators: family farms, professional large households, agricultural enterprises and farmers' professional cooperatives. The integration of agricultural primary, secondary and tertiary industries requires agricultural operators to have strong management ability, information acquisition ability and financing ability, because after the extension of the industrial chain, more funds are needed and more people are involved. and products have to directly face the end market, naturally have higher requirements for operators. Agricultural operators must replace hundreds of millions of small-scale farmers by these four new types of agricultural operators. The common characteristics of these four new subjects are strong management ability, sensitivity to market information and certain financing ability.

Thirdly, the government must provide the necessary environmental conditions for the development of the agricultural "sixth industry". The first is to provide the necessary road network, water, electricity, communications and other infrastructure for agricultural products processing zones. Second, agricultural operators should give possible convenience and preferential treatment when applying for the production license of secondary and tertiary industries; third, they should give necessary guidance and help in the direction of development and scientific and technological services.

Promote the development of agricultural "sixth industry" from four aspects

In order to realize the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries and promote the development of the sixth industry, we should actively promote and promote it from the following aspects.

1. There are many models for the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in agriculture. Some are the integration of planting and leisure agriculture, some are the integration of aquaculture and processing industry, some are the integration of planting, breeding and processing, and some are the integration of production, addition and marketing. You can first set up some typical examples for other operators to imitate. We can also organize to visit and study places where the "sixth industry" has done well, and guide agricultural operators to establish their own business ideas.

two。 In order to extend the agricultural industrial chain and develop the secondary and tertiary industries of agriculture, the demand for funds is relatively large. First, banks should lower the loan threshold; second, the government should provide loan guarantees; and third, allow the establishment of farmers' capital cooperatives. To solve the capital needs in the development of the "sixth industry" through a variety of ways.

3. The operators of the agricultural "sixth industry" will devote themselves to the agricultural industry chain and will become the main force of the agricultural industry. The government should give them preferential policy support, such as more preferential agricultural machinery subsidy policies, stronger grain subsidies, and tax relief policies. With the same subsidy standard, large-scale farmers are more active than small-scale farmers.

4. Every link of the agricultural "sixth industry" needs technology, especially the processing of agricultural products in the secondary industry, which requires higher technology, while the tertiary industry requires higher marketing ability. Through training, we should not only improve their technical ability, but also improve their management ability and marketing ability.