
The latest course on planting techniques and methods of summer black grape

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Xiahei grape, produced in Japan, is a descendant of Jufeng grape. It is an early-maturing variety in Europe and the United States. It can mature in July. It is characterized by early maturity, seedless, high sugar and low acid, rich aroma, crisp meat, medium hardness, and relatively hard grapes in Europe and the United States. The following editor is big.

Xiahei grape, produced in Japan, is a descendant of Jufeng grape. It is an early-maturing variety in Europe and the United States. It can mature in July. It is characterized by early maturity, seedless, high sugar and low acid, rich aroma, crisp meat, medium hardness, and relatively hard grapes in Europe and the United States. The following editor will introduce the cultivation techniques of Xiahei grape.

Know about summer black grape

Under natural conditions, most of the ears are conical, some of them are bifid shoulder conical, with an average ear weight of 400 grams and an average single grain weight of 3.5 grams. After the treatment with the special expansion formula for summer black, the ear was cylindrical or conical, the fruit was compact and neat, the average ear weight was 670 g, the maximum ear weight was 1 kg, the fruit was nearly round to short oval, the average single grain weight was 9.35 g, the large fruit could reach more than 12 g, the pericarp was purple-black or blue-black, the color was fast, the fruit powder was thick, and the appearance was beautiful. The pulp is hard and crisp, the content of soluble solids is 17.3%, the highest is 22%, the taste is thick and sweet, the quality is excellent; flower bud differentiation is good, high yield, disease resistance, storage and transportation resistance. It matured around June 25 in Jinhua, and the ripe fruit hung for as long as one month without dropping grains, cracking fruit and keeping its flavor unchanged.

The main results are as follows: 1. The growth period of grape is about 150-160 days (it takes about 30-40 days to raise seedlings), and the life span and economic cultivation years of grapes can reach 30 to 50 years.

2. The function of grape: the grape is bright in color and delicious in juice; it is nutritious: it contains 1030% sugar, 0.5% organic acid, 0.15% 0.9% protein, 0.3% 0.5% inorganic salt, and contains a variety of vitamins and amino acids needed by the human body; wine-making: grapes can make wine in addition to raisins and grape juice Beautification, shading: planting grapes on the platform of the top floor of the home can not only beautify the roof, but also shade.

3. Planting season: spring planting with a temperature of 15-25 ℃ is suitable, such as from early March to April; crimping can start at the beginning of April; crimping can start at the beginning of April.

Preliminary preparatory work

1. Select improved varieties: there are many grape varieties, such as Jufeng, Fujiminori, Golden finger, etc., they mature early and have strong adaptability. High-quality varieties can be selected according to the local weather and the use of fruits.

2. Soil layer selection: the sandy loam with convenient transportation, convenient drainage and irrigation, deep soil layer and loose soil (good air permeability and fast ground temperature recovery) is better.

3. Soil preparation: in the autumn and winter of the first year, the soil was prepared by applying rotten organic fertilizer and evenly mixed with the soil. Before soil preparation, about 1500 kg of rotten fertilizer per mu was applied, and at the same time, a kilogram of superphosphate was added, and then the soil was turned into a 30 cm deep soil, and the soil was hammered into a seedling bed with a width of 0.8 m, a depth of 0.4 m and a depth of 0.6 m.

4. Selected frame type: v-shaped frame, high and wide vertical T-shaped frame and horizontal scaffolding can be selected, but single-wall hedge is not suitable. Reasonable construction, material selection and scaffolding according to the selected frame type.

5. Rational planting: from late November to March of the following year, select sturdy seedlings and leave 2-3 full buds for short cutting and planting. Water thoroughly after planting and cover with black plastic film to moisturize and prevent weeds. There are two kinds of cultivation trellis and scaffolding, and the corresponding planting density is generally 2.5m × 1.2m (double cross V-shaped frame), 2.8mi 3 × 1m (high and wide vertical T-shaped frame) and 4m × 1m (horizontal scaffolding).

6. Promote protected cultivation: in addition to open-air cultivation, Xiahei grape can be cultivated in facilities if possible. Greenhouse-facilitated cultivation can mature 10 to 15 days earlier and increase economic benefits. Although the cultivation of shelter from rain can not be listed in advance, it can reduce the occurrence of diseases.

Young tree management

1. Topdressing to promote growth: fertilization follows the principle of frequent application of thin fertilizer. Generally, topdressing begins after 8 leaves, once every 10 to 15 days. Before August, quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer is mainly applied, and 0.3% urea or 0.5% carbon-ammonia solution is used from April to May. The root of the seedling was poured after breaking the membrane. From June to July, 0.3% to 0.5% compound fertilizer will be applied; after August, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer will be applied mainly; topdressing will end in September.

2. Strapping vines and shaping: after planting, the seedlings should erect cement columns and tighten the wire. Planting seedlings insert a bamboo pole, when the new tip grows to 50 MULTHI 60 cm, draw the vine on the pole, and timely do a good job of binding vines, removing tendrils, heart-picking and so on. The V-shaped horizontal frame and the high and wide T-shaped frame are coring at the first wire, leaving two auxiliary tips on the top, leading to the left and right sides to grow, forming two arm vines; the horizontal scaffolding is coring as it approaches the shelf surface.

3. Spraying to prevent diseases and insect pests: the first year is mainly to control black pox and downy mildew. After 3 leaves are unfolded, fungicides are sprayed every 8 to 10 days to prevent the disease, and Cobo, Bink and Kelu can be used alternately. Baolifeng No. 1 or No. 2 is added when spraying in the middle and later stage, and insecticides are sprayed together when insect pests are found.

4. Winter scissors: cut off the winter scissors at the joint of the two arms. The secondary shoot on the arm vine is ≥ 0.5cm in diameter, leaving 2 buds, less than 0.5cm cut off. If the seedlings do not grow to the 1st wire, cut 2-3 buds at the base and wait until the second year to reshape. There are 3-4 branches on the surface of the scaffolding.