
What is the latest distribution of strawberries?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Strawberry, also known as red berry, raspberry, raspberry and so on, is a kind of red fruit. Strawberry is a general name for strawberry plants of Rosaceae, which belongs to perennial herbs. The appearance of strawberries is heart-shaped, delicious, red and tender, with succulent flesh and a special rich fruit aroma.

Strawberry, also known as red berry, raspberry, raspberry and so on, is a kind of red fruit. Strawberry is a general name for strawberry plants of Rosaceae, which belongs to perennial herbs. The appearance of strawberries is heart-shaped, delicious, red and tender, with succulent flesh and special rich fruit aromas. let's take a look at the distribution of strawberries.

Distribution of strawberry producing area

1. The origin of strawberries: strawberries are native to South America, mainly distributed in Asia, Europe and America.

2. Strawberry distribution in China: strawberries are grown in Hebei, Shandong and many southern provinces and cities in China. Strawberry covers an area of more than 1.5 million mu, mainly distributed in Sichuan, Hebei, Anhui, Liaoning, Shandong and other places. Beijing strawberry planting land is less than 50, 000 mu, with Changping as the most.

Growing environment of strawberries

1. Temperature: strawberry likes warm and cool climate, strawberry root growth temperature is 5-30 ℃, optimum temperature is 15-22 ℃, suitable temperature for stem and leaf growth is 20: 30 ℃, bud freezing injury occurs at-15 ℃, flower bud differentiation temperature should be maintained at 5: 15 ℃, flowering and fruiting stage should be kept at 4: 40 ℃. When strawberries pass the summer, shading measures should be taken when the temperature is higher than 30 ℃ and the sunshine is strong.

2. Light: strawberry is a light-loving plant, but it has strong shade tolerance. When the light intensity is strong, the plant is short and strong, the fruit is small, the color is dark and the quality is good. Medium light, large fruit, light color, low sugar content, long harvest time, weak light is disadvantageous to strawberry growth.

3. Moisture: strawberry has shallow root distribution, large transpiration and strict requirements for water, but it has different growth periods. Strawberries have slightly different requirements for moisture. For early spring and flowering coral, the lint percentage per grass is less than 70% of the maximum soil water holding capacity. The demand during fruit growth and ripening period is more than 80%. After harvest, the stolon and new adventitious roots are extracted, and the soil water content is not less than 70%. Autumn is the period of plant nutrition accumulation and flower bud formation, and the soil moisture should not be less than 60%. Strawberries are not tolerant to waterlogging, requiring good soil permeability and paying attention to drainage in the rainy season.

4. Soil: strawberries should grow in fertile, loose neutral or slightly acidic loam, too clayey soil is not suitable for cultivation, sandy soil more stable fertilizer, frequent irrigation, can also grow strawberries.

Selection and purchase of strawberries

1, look at the appearance: too big and grotesque strawberries can not be bought, large strawberries are mostly grown in the use of hormones. Some strawberries are fresh and large in color, with abnormal protuberances on the particles and hollow in the middle after biting open. Long-term consumption in large quantities may harm human health.

2, look at the color: when selecting, you should try to choose the whole fruit bright red and uniform, bright color and luster. It is not suitable to buy fruits that are not fully red or half-red and half-green.

3. Smell the aroma: naturally ripe strawberries will have a strong fruity aroma, while dyed strawberries have no aroma or a touch of astringency

4. Look at the seeds on strawberries: if they are white, they ripen naturally; if the seeds are red, they must be dyed

5. Look at the surface: the strawberries with bright green leaves, fine fluff, bright surface and no damage are good strawberries. The white or gray spots on the surface may be sick strawberries.

6. look inside: naturally ripe strawberries, the flesh is red, only the inner core will be a little white, and the fruit flavor is very strong. The dyed strawberries are white and have no aroma.