
The latest loquat seedling planting technology tutorial

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Loquat originated in southeast China, because the shape of the leaves like pipa musical instrument and name, propagation methods are mainly sowing and grafting two kinds, using grafted loquat seedlings can bear fruit after two years, sowing propagation generally begin to bear fruit in the third year, 8 to 10 years into the full fruit period, below I

Loquat originated in southeast China, because the shape of leaves like pipa musical instrument and name, propagation methods mainly have two kinds of sowing and grafting, using grafted loquat seedlings can bear fruit after two years, sowing propagation generally begin to bear fruit in the third year, 8 to 10 years into the full fruit period, below we will take a look at the planting technology of loquat seedlings bar!

Conditions for Loquat Seedling Planting

1, temperature: loquat origin subtropical, higher temperature requirements, the annual average temperature of 12℃ or more can grow normally, but the annual average temperature for economic cultivation should be 15~17℃, and no cold weather. Loquat flowering in late winter and early spring, winter and spring low temperature will affect its flowering.

2, soil: loquat planting should be selected flat, deep loose soil layer, fertile, rich in organic matter over the years cultivated high-yield dry land, with soil pH 6.0 as the most suitable, land selection must consider the water source, to ensure that in November of each year to May of the following year orchard irrigation, convenient transportation and transportation. It is not advisable to choose land with low and flat terrain that is easy to accumulate water. Before planting, it should be deeply ploughed for more than 30 cm.

Techniques of Seedling Raising of Loquat

1. Seedbed selection: Nursery land should choose sandy soil with good performance of shade, leeward, loose soil, rich organic matter, medium fertility, fertilizer and water retention. Half a month before sowing (in the first and middle of May), apply proper amount of decomposed compost, soil miscellaneous fertilizer, pig manure or 50kg compound fertilizer per mu as base fertilizer. The soil is then tilled, raked and leveled to form furrows, each 1.2 m wide and 30 cm deep. Soil disinfection with carbofuran should be carried out before soil preparation to kill underground pests.

2. Seed screening: loquat seeds have no dormancy period. Before sowing, loquat seeds should be screened, small and abnormal loquat seeds should be eliminated, and loquat seeds with large and plump seeds can be sown after washing and drying.

3. Sowing method: Sowing time is from late May to early June. Sowing methods are broadcast or drill 2 kinds (usually drill). The row spacing of drilling is 20- 25cm, the plant spacing is 10- 12cm, depending on the germination rate of seeds, 1-3 seeds are sown in each hole. When sowing, gently press half of the seeds into the soil, and spread a layer of fine dust thinly, so that no loquat seeds are seen. If the seed is too deep, it is difficult to unearth, it will also cause mildew, too shallow, it will not take root. After sowing, water should be poured through the seedbed immediately, and straw or fresh pigsty grass and other moisturizing materials should be thinly covered on the soil surface to keep the soil surface from hardening and facilitate emergence.

4. Post-sowing management: Before the seedlings are unearthed, the seedbed should be kept at a certain humidity, not too dry and wet, and the grass should be removed after emergence. Because loquat seedlings like shade, leaves are easy to burn in strong sunlight. Therefore, after sowing before emergence, it is necessary to use shade net to build a good shade, shade 50-60 cm high. Qi seedlings, timely thinning to weak seedlings, too dense seedlings, sick seedlings, according to the size of the plant spacing to stay a strong seedling. When seedlings grow 3-4 true leaves, thin human dung or compound fertilizer can be used to irrigate once every half month, and weeds should be removed in time. When the seedling height reaches 20 cm, pick off 1-2 tender leaves at the top, promote the thickening of the lower stem, and at the same time do a good job of pest control. Sunshade nets are removed in late August and early September. In the spring of the second year, when the diameter of rootstock seedlings reaches more than 0.6 cm, they can be grafted, and those that do not reach the standard can be transplanted and re-cultivated and managed to be grafted in the next year.

Cultivation techniques of loquat seedlings

1, the choice of the garden: first of all, we should choose a place with convenient transportation to build a garden, loquat has strong adaptability to the soil, but it is still the best with deep fertile, loose and breathable, slightly acidic sandy loam with pH value of about 6 - 6.5. However, it still grew normally and showed good resistance in slightly alkaline soil (such as slightly alkaline stone-bone soil in mountainous area, PH=7.5-7.8), which was obviously better than pear, peach, plum and citrus.

2. Transformation of soil: Due to the shallow root distribution of loquat, weak expansion force (generally not exceeding the canopy drip line), poor wind resistance, so we must carry out deep soil improvement or ditch green or big hole green pressure, seedlings planted in the ditch or big hole (soil layer less than 50 cm should be blasted to improve soil), after each year to expand the deep hole green, in order to improve soil permeability and fertility, lead roots deep into the soil, enhance root growth, expand root group distribution, make plants grow strong, increase wind resistance. For flat or clayey soil, 40 cm wide and 50 - 60 cm deep trenches should be opened every 2 rows for drainage.

3. Seedling planting

① Planting time: Loquat is warm in winter in most areas of the south, and can be planted from September to March of the next year. The autumn rain season from September to October is the best. 2-3 It can also be planted when there is a spring rain in the month.

② Seedling treatment: When planting at close distance, loquat seedlings can be taken without soil, but it is best to irrigate water before digging, so as to dig the whole root, and it is best to keep moisture and transport. This method is superior to soil-bearing seedlings in long-distance planting.

(3) Planting density: For short and dense early orchards, planting methods such as plant spacing of 1×3 meters (planting 222 plants) and 2×3 meters (planting 111 plants per mu) can be used.

④ Planting method: dig the pit one month before planting, and apply enough base fertilizer in the pit to mature in advance. When planting, the roots should be evenly manipulated and filled with fine mud, so that all roots are in full contact with fine mud, and it is appropriate to just cover the root neck and expose the marriage interface. The planting surface should be 20-30 cm higher than the surrounding ground. After planting, the root water is poured thoroughly, and each plant is watered 20 - 25 kg (depending on the soil moisture). It must be fully watered, which is the key to improving the survival rate of seedlings. After the water has penetrated into the soil, cover the tree tray with a film of 1 square meter, but be sure to seal the edges of the film to truly maintain soil moisture and increase ground temperature. After planting, attention should be paid to inspection, soil should be watered when dry.