
Are the latest melon seeds nuts?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Melon seeds, also known as melon seeds, side fruits, etc., are common snacks with many kinds, including sunflower seeds, white melon seeds, hanging melon seeds, watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, cucumber seeds, loofah seeds, etc., which contain vitamins, proteins,

Melon seeds, also known as melon seeds, called side fruits, etc., are common snacks with many kinds, such as sunflower seeds, white melon seeds, hanging melon seeds, watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, cucumber seeds, loofah seeds and so on. Their nutrition is very high. The vitamins, protein and oil contained in them are all outstanding. Let's take a look at whether melon seeds are nuts.

Are melon seeds nuts?

Melon seeds are nuts. Nuts are generally divided into two categories, one is tree nuts, including almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, pine nuts, chestnuts, ginkgo (ginkgo), pistachios, macadamia nuts and so on. Second, seeds, including peanuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds and so on. Nuts contain more protein, fat, vitamin E, calcium and so on, which are beneficial to the human body and can supplement the nutrition needed by the brain.

What are the kinds of melon seeds?

1. Sunflower seed: sunflower seed is the fruit of sunflower, which can be used not only as a snack, but also as a raw material for making pastry, as well as an important raw material for oil extraction, and a high-grade and healthy source of oil.

2. White melon seeds: fried white melon seeds can be eaten directly, and can also be made into multi-flavor melon seeds, which taste delicious, and can also be used as excipients for pastry, which are rich in protein, fat and vitamins. Traditional Chinese medicine uses white melon seeds as an insect repellent for intestinal parasites, which is not only effective, but also has no side effects of chemicals.

3. Hanging melon seeds: the fried melon seeds have a moist taste, crisp fragrance, bright brown appearance and full kernels. It is known as the "king of melon seeds" and is the top grade of edible melon seeds.

The edible disadvantages of melon seeds

1. Melon seeds contain too much salt, which can easily lead to high blood pressure, which is the source of all diseases. Long-term consumption of melon seeds and shells will take away a lot of people's saliva, and a large amount of lack of saliva will be dangerous and harmful to people's life and health.

2. Melon seeds contain a certain amount of sugar. People with diabetes should eat less as much as possible. If they eat 500 grams of melon seeds every day, it will definitely have an impact on blood sugar, which is not conducive to the control of blood sugar by diabetics. Eating more melon seeds is bad for diabetes.

3. Melon seeds are not only rich in protein, but also oils. Eating a lot of them not only increases calories, but also increases blood lipids. Part of blood lipids can be converted into glucose through gluconeogenesis and increase blood sugar.

4. When eating melon seeds, saliva will be lost due to adhesion to the shell of melon seeds. Excessive loss of saliva will lead to oral ulcers, gingivitis, dental caries, indigestion and other diseases, but also dull taste and loss of appetite.