
Is the latest walnut an alkaline food?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Walnut is a very nutritious fruit, also known as walnut, Qiang peach, etc., can be counted as fruit, can protect heart function, so it is a lot of old people like to eat, in fact, walnut has a lot of benefits, and is not limited to the elderly, young, middle-aged

Walnut is a very nutritious fruit, also known as walnut, Qiang peach, etc., can be counted as a kind of fruit, can protect heart function, so it is a lot of old people like to eat, in fact, walnut has a lot of benefits, not limited to the elderly, young people, middle-aged people eat the same have a lot of benefits, let's take a look at walnut is not alkaline food!

Is walnut an alkaline food?

Walnuts are alkaline foods. Walnuts belong to nuts, while nuts belong to alkaline foods. In fact, the acidity and basicity of food has nothing to do with its own pH value (food that tastes sour is not necessarily acidic food), mainly food after digestion, absorption, metabolism, and finally become acidic or alkaline substances in the human body to define, acidic substances are called acidic foods, such as animal viscera, muscles, plant seeds, alkaline substances are called alkaline foods, such as vegetables, melons and beans, tea and so on.

Efficacy and function of walnut

1. Break blood and dispel blood stasis: walnut can be used for diseases such as blood stagnation and amenorrhea, blood stasis and abdominal pain, blood accumulation and madness, falling and beating stasis energy and so on.

2. Moistening dryness and smooth intestines: walnuts can be used in the stool of intestinal dryness and constipation. This product is bitter to release and dissipate blood stasis, enter the liver meridian, has a strong function of promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation, dispelling blood stasis and giving birth to new. it is suitable for those with severe blood stasis. In addition, it has the function of moistening intestines and relieving cough.

3. Replenishing deficiency and strengthening body: walnut is rich in walnut oil. A mixed fat diet containing walnut oil can increase body weight and increase serum albumin, but the level of blood cholesterol rises slowly, so walnut is a rare supplement for high fat substances.

4. skin care: the oil rich in walnut kernel helps to moisturize the skin and maintain the vitality of the human body.

5. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer: walnut active ingredients have inhibitory effect on S37 tumor in mice, walnut has certain inhibitory effect on many kinds of tumors, such as esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, lung cancer, thyroid cancer, lymphosarcoma and so on. In addition, walnuts also have analgesic effects on cancer patients, increase white blood cells and protect the liver.

6. Tonifying the brain and intelligence: children often eat fish and nuts with good grades. The higher the level of omega-3 fatty acids (especially DHA) in children's blood, the better their reading ability and memory, and the lower the risk of behavioral problems. The main food sources of omega-3 fatty acids include deep-sea fatty fish such as sardines, mackerel, salmon and tuna, flaxseed and walnuts.

What are the common alkaline foods?

1. Vegetables

① cold alkaline food: water shield, horsetooth, houttuynia cordata, water spinach, tomato, bergamot, zucchini, gourd melon, cantaloupe, muskmelon (cantaloupe), cantaloupe, watermelon, vegetable melon, bamboo shoots, kelp.

② cool alkaline food: Lotus root, konjac, mushroom, kudzu, beet (Laver head), radish, turnip blue, celery, amaranth, eggplant, lettuce (lettuce), Zizania caduciflora, balsam pear, rape, spinach, mushroom, lettuce, cauliflower, Flammulina velutipes, wax gourd, cucumber, towel gourd.

③ flat alkaline food: Lily, carrot, kohlrabi, chrysanthemum, Schizonepeta tenuifolia, cabbage, cabbage, hericium, black fungus, shepherd's purse, Tremella, sweet potato (sweet potato), potato (potato), taro.

④ warm alkaline food: Chamagu, yam, onion, Allium macrostemon (wild garlic), Toona sinensis, leek, potherb, coriander, sweet pepper, pumpkin, ginger, onion.

⑤ hot alkaline food: garlic, pepper, pepper.

2. Edible medicinal materials

① cold alkaline food: Dendrobium, Reed root.

② cool alkaline food: chrysanthemum, mint, Rehmannia glutinosa, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Panax quinquefolium, Radix Ginseng, semen Cassiae.

③ flat alkaline food: Polygonatum, Gastrodia elata, Codonopsis pilosula, Poria cocos, licorice.

④ warm alkaline food: Polygonum multiflorum, Amomum villosum, Cordyceps sinensis, Osmanthus fragrans, Ligusticum chuanxiong, Radix Astragali, Ginseng, Angelica, Cistanche deserticola, Eucommia ulmoides, Atractylodes macrocephala.

⑤ hot alkaline food: cinnamon.

3. Fruits

① cold alkaline food: kiwifruit, persimmon, mulberry, fig, sugarcane, banana, water chestnut.

② cool alkaline food: pear, loquat, orange, citrus, mango, Luohanguo, apple.

③ flat alkaline food: grape, Hawthorn, pomegranate, papaya, longan (longan), betel nut, orange, litchi, lemon.

④ hot alkaline food: peaches, cherries.

4. Nuts

① flat alkaline food: soybeans (soybeans).

② warm alkaline food: chestnuts, almonds.

5. Beverages

① cool alkaline food: tea

② flat alkaline food: wine, soybean milk, milk, honey.

③ warm alkaline food: coffee.

6. Product category

① cold alkaline food: salt.

② warm alkaline food: vinegar.

③ hot alkaline food: edible alkali.