
Is the latest fruit or vegetable?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Water chestnut is also called horseshoe, chestnut, oyster, black taro, Pu chestnut, etc. It is a perennial perennial herb belonging to the genus Water chestnut of Cyperaceae. It grows in ponds and marshes. The dark green stems on the ground are clustered. The flesh is white, sweet and juicy, crisp and delicious. It has the reputation of underground Sydney.

Water chestnut, also known as horseshoe, chestnut, carp, black taro, Pu chestnut, etc., is a perennial perennial root herb of water chestnut of Cyperaceae family. It grows in ponds and marshes. The dark green stems on the ground are clustered. The flesh is white, sweet and juicy, crisp and delicious. It has the reputation of "underground pear". The northerners call it "Jiangnan ginseng". Let's take a look at whether water chestnut is a fruit or a vegetable!

Is water chestnut fruit or vegetable?

Water chestnuts are both fruits and vegetables. Water chestnut is a popular seasonal product, can be eaten raw fruit, but also can be eaten vegetables, very rich in nutrition, phosphorus is higher in rhizomatous vegetables, can promote human growth and development and maintain physiological functions of the needs of tooth bone development has great benefits, at the same time can promote the metabolism of sugar, fat, protein three substances in the body, adjust acid-base balance, so water chestnut suitable for children to eat.

How fast do you peel water chestnuts?

Method 1: Water chestnut can be soaked in water for half an hour, and then cut with a knife, so that the skin of water chestnut can be peeled off smoothly.

2, method 2: chufa skin is a black skin, you can use a knife to directly remove the skin to cut off, so peeling more direct, generally for raw people. Some people will also peel the water chestnut and then use it to boil it, which is also very common.

Method 3: Water chestnut can be cooked in water first, then tear the skin of water chestnut by hand, remove the skin and eat one by one, which is also very sweet and delicious.

How to eat water chestnut

1. Angelica sinensis and barley porridge

[Ingredients] 30g water chestnut, 100g coix seed, 15g angelica

[Practice] Wash water chestnut, peel and cut into pieces, wash coix seed, slice angelica and put it into pot, add water to fry for half an hour, remove residue and extract juice, add coix seed and water chestnut, boil porridge, porridge cooked can be added honey to eat.

[Efficacy] Angelica sinensis promotes blood circulation, water chestnut clears away heat and detoxifies, coix seed removes dampness. This diet prescription has the effects of activating blood circulation and relieving pain, clearing away heat and detoxifying, invigorating spleen and removing dampness, and can enhance human immunity.

2. Steamed meat loaf with chufa

[Ingredients] 6 water chestnuts, 300g semi-fat lean meat, a little Tianjin winter vegetables, 1 coriander, raw flour, chicken flour and salt.

[Practice] Peel and wash the water chestnut, chop it into pieces. Clean pork, slice it and chop it. Wash coriander and cut into pieces. Mix water chestnuts, pork, winter vegetables, cornstarch, chicken powder, salt and a little water. Place on a plate and steam over high heat for half an hour. Sprinkle with coriander and serve.

[Efficacy] Clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and promoting salivation, diuretic and laxative.

3. Stewed lamb belly with water chestnut branch and bamboo

[Ingredients] 6 water chestnuts, 250g sheep belly, 100g bamboo branches, 3 ginger slices, 2 scallion whites, 2 bean curd, 2 teaspoons white wine, white sugar, oil and salt.

[Practice] Wash and peel water chestnuts and pat them flat with the back of a knife. Rinse bamboo branches, soak them in warm water for an hour, and fish them out for later use. Wash sheep belly and cut into pieces. Cook in water for 5 minutes. Remove and marinate with white wine, white sugar and salt. Heat the pan with oil, saute ginger slices and spring onion until fragrant, add lamb belly and saute slightly, then add water chestnut, bamboo, bean curd and a little water and stew for half an hour.

[Efficacy] Nourishing yin and moistening lung, clearing away heat and resolving phlegm, diuretic and laxative.