
The latest culture method of potted kumquat

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Kumquat, also known as golden jujube, kumquat, small orange, etc., is an evergreen shrub of the genus kumquat in Rutaceae. Potted kumquat has luxuriant branches and evergreen seasons, it is fragrant when it blossoms, the white flowers are very soft, and the fruit is yellowish red when it is ripe, no matter it is foliage, flower or fruit.

Kumquat, also known as golden jujube, kumquat, small orange, etc., is an evergreen shrub of kumquat in Rutaceae. Potted kumquat has luxuriant branches and evergreen seasons, and it is fragrant when it blossoms, the white flowers are very soft, and the fruit is yellow and red when it is ripe. Whether it is ornamental leaves, flowers and fruits, it is also very common at home. Let's take a look at the cultivation methods of potted kumquat.

Grafting propagation

Potted kumquat is usually propagated by grafting, rootstocks are grafted with Chinese wolfberry, lime or sown seedlings, grafting methods are branch grafting, bud grafting and leaning grafting, branch grafting is carried out from March to April in spring, bud grafting is carried out from June to September, and pot planting is usually carried out from April to July.

Soil allocation

Kumquat likes fertilizer, and cultivation requires fertile, loose, slightly acidic sandy loam with good drainage. When pot cultivation, it is appropriate to choose 4 parts of rotten leaf soil, 5 parts of sand soil and 1 part of cake fertilizer. When changing the pot, the hoof or mature cake fertilizer should be applied at the bottom of the pot as the base fertilizer.

Watering management

Kumquat likes to be moist but avoid stagnant water, and the basin soil is easy to rot when it is too wet, so it is better to keep the basin soil moderately moist during growth. Dry and windy in spring, it is necessary to spray water on the leaves once a day to increase air humidity. Spray water 2 or 3 times a day in summer, and spray water to the ground. But avoid spraying water during flowering to prevent rotten flowers and affect the fruit. The stagnant water in the basin should be dumped in time in the rainy season to avoid rotting roots. When you put it outdoors in summer, it is best to use bricks to cushion the flowerpot to facilitate drainage. Kumquat is sensitive to water from white flowering stage to young fruit stage. at this time, the pot soil is too dry, the pedicel and fruit stalk are easy to detach and fall off, excessive watering, poor water permeability of basin soil, and easy to cause flower and fruit drop. At this time, it is appropriate to keep the pot soil in a semi-moisture state that is not dry or wet.

Light management

Kumquat likes a warm and humid climate with plenty of sunshine and should be placed in a sunny place during maintenance. If the light is not enough and the environment is shaded, it will often cause branches and leaves to grow, blossom and bear fruit less. Because kumquat likes cool climate in summer, or summer sunshine intensity is large, it is better to put it slightly in the shade at this time. It is advisable to keep room temperature without icing in winter. If the room temperature is too high and the plant is not fully dormant, it will grow weak in the following year and it is easy to drop flowers and buds.