
What are the latest goat tits?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Goat milk, also known as March jujube, sour Mimi, Elaeagnus, etc., is an evergreen erect shrub of the family Elaeagnaceae, with sweet and sour berries, 7 kinds of amino acids and vitamin C, raw food, pigment, wine, beverage and jam, flower buds, fruits and twigs.

Sheep's milk, also known as March jujube, sour Mimi, Elaeagnus, etc., is an evergreen erect shrub of Elaeagnaceae. Elaeagnus angustifolia is sour and sweet, contains 7 kinds of amino acids and vitamin C, can be eaten raw, and can provide pigment. It can also be used as wine, beverage and jam, flower buds, fruits and twigs can be used as medicine, and flowers are honey sources. They are mostly distributed in Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei and other places in China. Now let's take a look at what goat milk is.

What is a goat's milk?

The goat milk tree is spiny, spiny terminal or axillary, sometimes short, dark brown, young branches slightly prism-shaped, densely covered with rust-colored scales, old branches scales deciduous, black, glossy. Leaves leathery, elliptic or broadly elliptic, sparse moment rounded, both ends obtuse or base rounded, margin slightly revolute or crisped, upper with silvery white and a few brown scales when young, glabrescent after maturity, glossy, brownish green or brown after drying, densely covered with silver-white and a few brown scales below, fruit core covered with white filamentous cotton hairs. The flowering period is from September to December, and the fruiting period is from April to June in the following year.

Growth habits of Sheep Milk

Goat milk has strong cold resistance, can survive the winter in the open field in the south of North China, can withstand the absolute low temperature of minus 8 ℃, the suitable temperature for growth is 24-34 ℃, and it can withstand high temperature and extreme heat. Although the country of origin grows under the sparse forest on the hillside and in the shady valley, it is not afraid of sun exposure and has strong shade tolerance. It is not strict with the soil, can grow on neutral, acidic and calcareous soil, and is resistant to drought and barren, but not to waterlogging. Produced in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places, Japan is also distributed.

The main value of goat milk

1, medicinal value: sheep's milk seed can stop diarrhea, leaf treatment of lung deficiency and shortness of qi, radical treatment of hematemesis and decoction scabies have a certain effect.

2. Dietary value: the fruit of sheep's milk is rich in nutrition, sweet in taste, can be eaten raw, can also be made into wine, sugar, drinks and jam.

3. Ornamental value: the plant shape of goat milk is natural, the red fruit is drooping, it can be planted in the grass, and it is also used as a hedge on the edge of the forest and outside the tree group.

4. Industrial value: the stem bark of goat milk is rich in fiber, which can be used for papermaking and artificial fibreboard.