
Speed up collaborative innovation and promote the transformation of agricultural production mode in hot areas

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Speed up collaborative innovation to promote the transformation of agricultural production mode in tropical areas the Council of the National Tropical Agricultural Science and Technology Cooperation Network held a news report on July 26 in Panzhihua. China (Panzhihua) Mango Industry Development Forum and National Tropical Agricultural Science and Technology Cooperation sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences

Speed up collaborative innovation and promote the transformation of agricultural production mode in hot areas

The Council of the National Tropical Agricultural Science and Technology Cooperation Network was held in Panzhihua

On July 26, the China (Panzhihua) Mango Industry Development Forum and the Council of the National Tropical Agricultural Science and Technology Cooperation Network sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences was held in Panzhihua, Sichuan Province. Tang Ke, director of the National Tropical Agricultural Science and Technology Cooperation Network and director of the Science and Education Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Wang Qinghuang, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences, Liu Guodao, and Wang Xuejun, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences, and Xu Jianmin, member of the standing Committee of the Panzhihua Municipal CPC Committee and secretary general, attended the council. Leaders of 8 provincial (autonomous regions) Academy of Agricultural Sciences and 110 representatives of 48 governing units attended the meeting.

加快协同创新 推进热区农业生产方式转变

Meeting site

The main task of the council is to implement the spirit of the national on-the-spot meeting on accelerating the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, focusing on key areas and technologies affecting the modernization of tropical agriculture, to discuss how to promote collaborative innovation and promote the transformation of agricultural production in hot areas.

Director Tang Ke made suggestions on the development of tropical agriculture and collaboration networks. First, tropical agriculture should adapt to the requirements of restructuring. It is necessary to arouse the enthusiasm of the broad masses of scientific and technological personnel through scientific and technological innovation, adjust measures to local conditions, adhere to appropriate scale operation, give full play to the leading role of leading enterprises, and give full impetus to the broad masses of peasant households and new business entities, so as to achieve high efficiency and ecology on the premise of ensuring food security. Second, the cooperation network should give full play to its role. As an important platform for scientific and technological innovation in tropical agriculture, the collaboration Network should make good efforts to explore the reform and innovation of systems and mechanisms, coordinate innovation alliances and cloud platforms, raise the level of scientific and technological innovation, and effectively connect with major scientific and technological regulations such as the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Agriculture. We will improve the pertinence of scientific and technological innovation and plan agricultural scientific and technological innovation in hot areas. The cooperation network should strengthen the connection with the leading enterprises and lengthen and extend the industrial chain. It is necessary to give full play to the enthusiasm of enterprises to participate in scientific research innovation, promote the innovation of scientific research systems and mechanisms, enhance the vitality of innovation, and promote more, faster, and early results in scientific and technological achievements. The Collaborative Network should also actively participate in the national strategy of "Agriculture going out", seize the first opportunity, reflect the value of tropical agriculture, and make a difference.

Wang Qinghuang, vice president of the National Tropical Agricultural Science and Technology Cooperation Network and president of the Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences, fully affirmed the achievements of the National Tropical Agricultural Science and Technology Cooperation Network, and put forward requirements on how to better play the role of collaborative innovation and cooperation. First, it condenses the key points and expands its influence. He pointed out that serving the hot spots in China is the responsibility of the Collaborative Network and the Academy of Thermal Sciences. Natural rubber, sugar cane, winter melons and vegetables, southern seed industry, tropical woody food crops, tropical woody oil crops, tropical fruit trees, and spicy beverages are the key areas of service. We should actively participate in Belt and Road Initiative and support agriculture to go out through industrial development, industrial upgrading, and industrial demonstration. The second is collaborative innovation and cooperation. First of all, collaborative innovation should take the project as the link, the demonstration base as the platform, and the government + science and technology + enterprise as the development model to promote collaborative innovation. Collaborative promotion should be market-oriented, take the materialization of achievements as the forerunner, take the engineering of achievements, the scale of scientific and technological products, the development model of marketization and brand, and the design of the whole industry chain. The third is to strengthen the organization and play a role. The Council of the Cooperation Network should closely focus on the key tasks of the hot areas and the country, give full play to its decision-making functions, strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen system construction, give full play to the role of leading enterprises, and science and technology support enterprises to play a role in the market.

Experts and representatives from Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hainan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Special Committee of muskmelon, South Asia Institute of Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences, Panzhihua Ruihua Agricultural Co., Ltd. and other units and enterprises made exchanges and speeches at the meeting.