
On the Aesthetics and appreciation of Huilan

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Danfeng Chaoyang, Guangdong, selected by an old orchid family; oblique leaves, thin and narrow leaves, thick leaves, dark green. The outer three petals are emerald green, and half of the inner petals are bright red (up to 2/3 when the light is strong and strong). Hold the petals together to thank you; correct flower shape, bright contrast between red and emerald green; the whole plant type is elegant and handsome!

Author: Asking for Land

I. Introduction to Cymbidium Appreciation

Chinese orchids are different from other flowers. They are based on one of the unique geographical plants in China. They have been loved by people for thousands of years. In addition to their flower quality, flower color, flower fragrance, leaf type and other factors, people have further personalized their various characteristics. The ancients borrowed things to express their aspirations and entrusted things to express their feelings. Orchid was widely praised by people because of its high purity, wind and rain, and did not change its essence. Because it was born in the valley, it was not fragrant because there was no one, so it was praised as a gentleman in flowers. Mei Lan Zhu Ju four gentlemen, its proud snow Lingfeng, not afraid of destruction, hollow straight, Ling Han bullying frost characteristics of integrity is appreciated.

Cymbidium is widely loved by people because of its wide distribution, long planting history, tall inflorescences, dignified flowers, thick petals, rich fragrance, fluttering leaves, natural and unrestrained, broad leaf quality and texture. Here, the author focuses on the aesthetic appreciation of cymbidium some feelings written down and discussed with everyone.

The appreciation of orchids, from the appearance, is to explore how to appreciate the opening of orchids. From the Chinese culture "round sky and square" concept and derived from the appreciation of Chinese orchid, pay attention to symmetry, pay attention to square coordination, internal and external unity. We generally appreciate the "axisymmetric" flower type, that is, the common regular lattice flower, which is symmetrical to the left and right of the center line of the flower shape, and the objects centered on the center line are equal and almost identical, which reflects a balanced and stable beauty. Chinese architecture is a typical example of this appreciation standard. Similarly, there are such standards in the aesthetics of Chinese orchids, reflecting the Chinese aesthetic standards of simplicity, harmony and balance. The five gates and eight forms of cymbidium and the petal theory of cymbidium constitute the aesthetic standard of traditional cymbidium appreciation. Of course, tradition should be carried forward and inherited, and it should be improved with the times and constantly enrich its appreciation standards. Chinese orchid in the aesthetic color pay attention to the element, tender green for one, old green for two, yellow followed. The rest is not mixed into the grade! All colorful and miscellaneous, are not into the product! This is the same point of view as Lan and Hui. the traditional aesthetic and color standards of chinese orchids are actually related to the philosophy of life of our ancient people. The ancients paid attention to meditation and inaction, and did not like grandstanding. Pay attention to indifferent Mingzhi quiet Zhiyuan, its element, tender standard from this see. However, with the development of the times, our aesthetic standards for Chinese orchids have changed with the progress of the times, and some new elements have been enriched and supplemented. Now some colored flowers are gradually accepted by the majority of blue friends because of their bright colors. Therefore, for the aesthetic and appreciation standards of Guolan, we should inherit and carry forward! We should not only keep and inherit the good side of our traditional Chinese orchid aesthetic standards, but also keep pace with the times, constantly enrich and carry forward the connotation of Chinese orchid aesthetic standards. so that it can not only conform to that traditional aesthetic standard, but also conform to the aesthetic and appreciation needs of our modern people. At its core, I think, is harmony. It is the harmonious unity of grass color, grass shape, flower shape, flower color and flower fragrance.

II. Traditional Cultural Basis for Appreciation of Cymbidium

Cymbidium originated in Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the past, but now it flourished in the whole Yangtze River and Yellow River basin including Shaanxi, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui and Shandong, and even as far as Japan and South Korea overseas. Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces are the land of fish and rice. They have a rich cultural heritage. They are the regions where Chinese traditional culture flourished. Japan and South Korea are deeply influenced by Chinese civilization. Therefore, the cymbidium grown in Si has also been deeply branded with Chinese traditional culture.

More than 2000 years ago in China, the Communist Party stood side by side, a hundred schools of thought contended, and the ideas of hundreds of schools of thought influenced generations of Chinese people. Confucianism, benevolence and moderation; Mohism, love without attack; Taoism, quiet and inaction; Buddhism, cultivate nature and persuade good...... The profound thoughts contained in each school still shine incomparably bright, and Confucius 'Confucianism is advocated and inherited by later generations because of its more comprehensive and self-cultivation characteristics.

Chinese literati followed the Confucian method, advocated the way of Confucius and Mencius, and their appreciation and aesthetic judgment also conformed to traditional Confucian thought. The theory of petal type, the classification and relationship of flower bud, head shape and flower quality, the classification, aesthetic value and humanistic idea of flower quality are the core of the theory of petal type, flower bud, head shape and flower quality. The aesthetic appreciation of cymbidium can be further improved on the basis of spring orchid appreciation. Spring orchid has one flower on one stem and cymbidium has nine flowers on one stem. Except for inflorescence, leaf posture, leaf quality and leaf length are different, and growth habits are also different. Orchid and lily, learn them at home, govern them in the country. Chunlan focuses on internal cultivation, while Cymbidium focuses on entering the world, which complements the core idea of Confucianism.

Therefore, it can be said that the thought and aesthetic orientation of Chinese traditional culture laid the cultural and aesthetic foundation of Chinese orchid appreciation, especially for cymbidium.

1. The inherent relationship between Chinese traditional culture and cymbidium appreciation

Since ancient times, China has been known as a country of etiquette. The Confucian six arts of "ceremony, music, archery, imperial control, calligraphy and mathematics" are the first to promote "ceremony". Traditional etiquette can be seen everywhere in Chinese culture and life. When people appreciate cymbidium, some parts of cymbidium can also be named, such as "holding hands","holding Gui tongue","Ruyi tongue" and so on, which all imply Chinese traditional etiquette. Meeting with cupped fists salute, a person holding Gui and good, everything smooth and Ruyi, Gui, Ruyi and so on are commonly used ritual vessels in ancient China.

Chinese culture stresses straight road, aboveboard. People appreciate the tall, straight stems and elegant leaves of cymbidium, which coincide with the moral thoughts and ways of doing things appreciated by Chinese people. The appearance of the leaves is described as elegant and unrestrained, which also reflects the attitude of traditional Chinese literati towards people and things.

Chinese traditional culture stresses that seats are not right, cut is not right, eat everything, talk about rules, relaxation has laws. And people also have such requirements for the flowers of the lily. In the orchid traditional appreciation standard, pay attention to "shoulder flat, out of the frame, outside loose, tight inside, flap thick, bones" this and our traditional aesthetic is similar. Shoulder flat means correct character, thinking but not evil; Loose outside, meaning to treat people peacefully and leniently; Tight inside, it means inner self-examination, principle of doing things; Thick petals, it means to be old and prudent, not floating in things, generous and prudent to people; Bones, it means iron clank, upright and upright; Flower code means noble virtue, its good or bad time length, it means whether people's integrity is consistent, there is a beginning and an end.

The beauty of Hui lies in potential, which is a change based on the shape of regular lattice petals. Compared with regular lattice flowers, this change is more infectious and conducive to the expression of artistic conception and idea. Potential is a kind of modeling and composition, flower, leaf, basin collocation, row bell and turn stem, winding path, complete composition and modeling, finally show face, face (petal shape) change, constitute emotional expression. A series of shapes and layouts, a series of pavilions and pavilions, a series of character shapes were displayed. The middle palace was like a human face, the outer petals were like a human spirit and behavior, the movement of the face, the gestures, and the emotions! Therefore, cymbidium is like a drama, more infectious than the inner monologue of cymbidium.

Potential is a kind of echo and communication, the rotation of the stem, the change of the middle palace and the outer petal, just like the turning of the person, looking back, raising his hand, wanting to speak, completing the artistic conception of the unity of heaven and man. Potential is a kind of artistic conception, freehand brushwork and totem, potential is a kind of balance, harmony, proportion and aesthetics. The complete cymbidium shape implies the artistic conception and dream in the heart.

2. Chinese traditional painting and calligraphy and orchid appreciation Chinese culture is profound and interlinked, and Chinese traditional painting and calligraphy and orchid appreciation also have deep internal relations. When it comes to the unique calligraphy aesthetics of our country, the aesthetic standards of calligraphy in our country are different and harmonious. The way of calligraphy is to pay attention to balance in the structure of the frame, to keep the middle palace and put strokes; to pay attention to "sparse can move horses, tight air"; to pay attention to the precision of strokes, although the pen edge is out, the pen meaning is contained; These points are also true for the appreciation of cymbidium. For the appreciation of cymbidium, the same as the way of painting and calligraphy, we should pay attention to the appreciation of the middle palace of cymbidium. For the appreciation of single flower, we require that the flower shoulder should be flat, the middle palace should be important, the matching of the middle palace and the outer three petals should be harmonious and unified, and the appearance should also be coordinated and balanced; Of course, it is not enough to appreciate the flowers from the shape of a single flower, but also to look at the whole, for the flower spacing and posture on the flower stem also requires moderate spacing, posture also pay attention to "pitch posture", each flower posture on the flower stem is like a stroke posture in a word, requiring the first and last echoes, looking at freedom.

The perfect orchid is the perfect combination of the tongue, nose and beard in the middle of the palace, the shape of the outer three petals and their matching position with the middle palace. If the middle palace is human, the heart is regular, the shadow is regular, the body is regular, and the quality is transcendent! It's so high!

In addition to symmetrical regular lattice flower type, we should also pay attention to the aesthetic of asymmetric flower type in Chinese orchid, such as peony petal, tree flower, etc. Reflected in the asymmetric beauty of a single flower, and traditional painting appreciation is the same. In addition to axisymmetric aesthetics, I think there should be central symmetry flower aesthetic, such as three-star butterfly and so on. This is mainly reflected in the "odd" of the orchid in the aesthetic of the orchid. The multiple petals are symmetrically distributed around the orchid palace according to the center, harmonious and unified, which also brings a sense of beauty. However, no matter what the shape of the outer three petals is, the quality of the middle palace is good or bad, and the cooperation between the middle palace and the outer three petals is directly related to the quality of the Chinese orchid.

As far as the whole pot of cymbidium is concerned, cymbidium appreciation and calligraphy are more consistent. The overall calligraphy method pays attention to pitch posture, end-to-end echo, pay attention to the size, posture and composition of each character in the whole work; the appreciation of cymbidium coincides with the calligraphy method, pay more attention to the posture and spacing of flowers on the flower stem, and pay attention to the matching of flowers and whole pot grass. If Chunlan is a two-character or four-character regular script banner or square in calligraphy, then it is rich in calligraphy forms, which can be a running script screen or a vigorous cursive script "Manjianghong" horizontal axis. Whether the overall composition is harmonious and balanced is closely related to the shape and position of each word in the work. Perhaps a single word alone does not seem to have any aesthetic feeling and does not seem to conform to the aesthetic taste of calligraphy, but at this time, we should put it into the whole work to see. Similarly, cymbidium aesthetic is also the same, a pot of orchid is good or bad beautiful, not only depends on whether the flower row is harmonious and beautiful, but also to see whether the flower, color and grass, grass shape, as well as the overall harmony and beauty of the pot.

The core of the appreciation of Cymbidium is that the strokes can be retracted, but the meaning of the strokes is tightly adhered to the middle palace, which is consistent with the appreciation requirements of single flower products; The strokes are scattered but the meaning is not scattered, the release is thousands of miles away, the collection is quiet and silent, suddenly left to right, suddenly right to left, although partial, but keep the middle balance. Although its petals appear chaotic, but its overall harmony, keep the balance. Among Chinese orchids, cymbidium has thick petals, which makes it more beautiful. This is consistent with the bone power of calligraphy. Guan Ding, Lou Mei and Da Yipin can be compared with Yan Qinli, dignified flower appearance and wide petals; Duanmei, Chengmei, Yuanzi and Qinghua can be compared with Liu Gongquan or Duopagoda, beautiful in appearance, upright and not evil, and harmonious in proportion; Old Shanghai and Dangzi can be compared with Lingfei Sutra and Orchid Pavilion Order, with delicate flowers and flying posture; Zheng Xiaohe can be compared with Wei Stele Calligraphy, vigorous and vigorous, with twists and turns in the cangue; Old best can be compared with European calligraphy, dignified and compact; Zhao Mengfu could be compared to the new top grade, but there was no lack of agility in his modesty…

Chinese literati are often good at painting and calligraphy, calligraphy is also good painting, the two complement each other. The composition, layout and brushwork of traditional Chinese paintings are also in common with the appreciation of Cymbidium. Chinese traditional painting and calligraphy pay attention to the artistic conception, which is related to our pursuit of cymbidium leaf posture; The layout pays attention to complexity but not chaos, while the appreciation of cymbidium is connected from the overall arrangement of pots, cymbidium seedlings and flower stems. Some cymbidium varieties require some pots with hybrid flowers, some cymbidium flowers are delicate and slender, and we require higher pots. All these, etc., must pay attention to the overall coordination and balance; The brush strokes are stained with spots, which we can see from the ancient paintings of orchids. A few strokes show the charm of orchids.

The ancients painted orchids as much as freehand brushwork, which is related to the humanistic character of orchids, pursuing the beauty of verve, pursuing the way of God likeness, informal, capable and open-minded. Fine brush painting orchid is more common in ancient orchid spectrum, striving to show the details of cymbidium varieties and the differences with other varieties.

3. Appreciation of Chinese Traditional Architecture and Cymbidium

China's traditional architecture has a multi-brick and wood structure, paying attention to axial symmetry and balance, with entrance and exit, tall door face and deep courtyard, which is consistent with the composition of single flower and inflorescence of cymbidium. Except for exotic flowers, peony petals, tree flowers and chrysanthemum petals, the regular lattice flowers all conform to this characteristic, and also pay attention to middle axis symmetry and left and right balance. The whole pot of flowers is in line with the layout concept of traditional Chinese gardens. There are pavilions and terraces, pavilions and corridors, mountains and water, orchids with roots and leaves, stems and flowers; flowers with noses and tongues, main and secondary; leaves with twists and turns, tilting and overlapping. The so-called "basin is half-hidden, flowers are half-closed, do not seek vent, not afraid to wither." The overall shape and single flower characteristics of the lily are connected with the composition, layout and structural characteristics of pavilions in traditional Chinese gardens, which contain rich humanistic ideas.

4. Appreciation of Chinese Opera Elements and Flowers

In Chinese traditional operas, the facial features and appearances of Peking Opera and Kunqu Opera are also similar to those of Cymbidium appreciation. A single lily flower, viewed from the front, has a nose and a tongue, its petals resemble a face, and its main petals resemble hairstyles and hats. Different varieties of lily flowers show different facial features, just like the characters in operas. The red and green flowers, with different flower appearance, show the drama in the clean not ugly image.

Therefore, we can also personify to appreciate cymbidium, dignified and heavy Cheng Mei, Duan Mei can be said to be clean; The top of the round and round can be called old; The elegant and ethereal Shanghai, Dangzi and Jiepei can be called Xiaodan; Elegant and elegant like picking immortal's big first grade, Lou Mei and Qinghua can be called Xiaosheng; The Yuan character who holds Gui bluntly can be called upright minister; Pan Green and dyed characters can be ugly.

5. Golden section and modern aesthetics in the appreciation of lily flowers.

Cymbidium varieties are numerous, but good, beautiful, unforgettable varieties must be overall harmonious balance. What is Harmony Balance? The author thinks that there is a harmonious balance between the number of flowers and the height of the flower stem, the height of the flower stem and the overall height, and the shape and height of the flowerpot and the length of the orchid leaf. Aesthetically speaking, the proportion of each part to the whole conforms to the golden section (0.618), and only in this way can the whole be coordinated and balanced, giving people a sense of balance with relaxation and movement.

6. The relationship between Taoist thought and cymbidium appreciation

Taoist culture is an important part of Chinese traditional culture, and its thoughts also deeply influence Chinese people. Taoist culture stresses "harmony between man and nature","balance between yin and yang","external and internal photography", etc. These ideas are also widely accepted by the Chinese people and deeply affect the Chinese people's thinking and way of life. Chinese traditional culture absorbs some useful ideas from Taoist thought and reflects them in orchid appreciation.

The aesthetic and appreciation of Cymbidium, combined with various aspects of moral indicators and has symbolic significance. The depth and aesthetic level of your understanding of her can also reflect a person's own moral cultivation, own ideas, pursuits, and value orientation. The three petals of the lily flower form a garden, and the middle palace has a wide mouth, which conforms to the Taoist thought of "round heaven and square earth" and also coincides with the attitude of "round outside and square inside" pursued by Chinese literati; the so-called "inside and outside photos" means that the understanding of external things reflects people's inner world, reflecting people's aesthetic standards and their own cultivation, knowledge, accomplishment, morality and social outlook. All these things complement and confirm each other. Reflected in the appreciation of cymbidium, that is, a person's appreciation of the beautiful flower appearance, high posture, distant fragrance, elegant and unrestrained leaf posture of cymbidium, in turn, promotes a person's own moral cultivation, which is also the principle that cymbidium can cultivate one's character.

7. Orchid fragrance___

As the ancients put it: "making friends with good people is like entering a room of orchids, and you don't smell their fragrance for a long time; making friends with bad people is like entering a store of abalone, and you don't smell their smell for a long time." The ancients implied the character of a gentleman with orchid fragrance, which lasted for a long time and refreshed the heart, influencing the people who got along with him. If we say that the beauty of the Chinese orchid is only her external performance, then the fragrance of the Chinese orchid is its soul. Orchids without fragrance are as lifeless as people without soul, which is one of the reasons why Chinese orchids are widely loved.

Orchid for the king incense, Fu for the soul of Hui. The fragrance of Hui is stronger and longer lasting than that of Chunlan. Some varieties must be smelled far away and smelled quietly. Isn't it the same with the virtue of a gentleman?

Third, the body uses harmony to promote growth, yin and yang balance, and raises orchids

Lanyou posted a post emphasizing the "Doctrine of the mean" in orchid culture, while the core of "Doctrine of the mean" is "harmony". Nowadays, the country puts forward the concept of "peaceful development, harmonious development". Harmony can be seen in prosperity and development in harmony. Refinement extends to our orchid cultivation, I think, water, fertilizer, plant materials, pots, management and other factors should be more harmonious and unified. Orchid, as a pleasant ornamental flower, the real love orchid people should first cultivate their own mentality, appreciate its cultural characteristics, not be influenced by market fluctuations, nourish the heart with orchid, and feel the tranquil and harmonious beauty of orchids! The concept of "harmony" comes down in the same line with Chinese traditional culture, or it itself is the embodiment of my traditional culture. Confucius and Mencius and Confucianism have a long history, reflecting the strong vitality of Chinese culture. These ideas that once shone brightly in Chinese history can still be used by us today, which shows that "harmony" is the universal axiom of the world, and only harmony can develop, and only harmony can live forever! This method applies to the survival and development of all things in the world. It is also suitable for the growth of plants and orchids. A hundred years ago, Mr. Kang Liangtan and others reformed and put forward the idea of "Chinese learning for the body and western learning for use". Based on me, we should learn to use the advanced productive forces and technology of foreign countries at that time to strengthen the country and the people. The way of physical use is also the quintessence of our Chinese tradition. Philosophically, it is the inner essence and appearance of things. From the outside to promote the inside, from the inside to the outside, "body" is the essence of things objectively, "use" is subjective for appearance, and only "harmony between body and use" can make it flourish! This method is applicable to all things in the world and is the objective law of the interaction between all living and inanimate things. The growth of animals and plants and the growth of orchids also follow this pattern. National orchids are mostly terrestrial orchids, which are rooted in soil, have strong and huge fleshy roots, like shade and dry, and have strong vitality. For an orchid, its root is its "body", and its flowers and leaves are its "use". The root is fundamental, and everything of the orchid originates here, and it is the main organ for absorbing nutrition and water; the orchid leaf is the product of fundamental growth, and it also carries out photosynthesis and participates in the growth of the orchid; the flower is the reproductive organ of the orchid, from the seed to the germination of new buds. The three are inseparable and organically unified, and none of them are indispensable. Bluegrass for the body, the external culture environment for use. Good bluegrass should also pay attention to a good culture environment. Orchid grass for the body, orchid people for use, there are good orchid grass, but also orchid people can carefully and patiently according to the nature of orchid to take care of and raise her. At this time, bluegrass and people who raise orchids are physically interchangeable and for each other! People can cultivate and choose excellent orchid varieties, and good orchid grass can also gradually adapt to the local climate and a set of breeding methods for orchid farmers. The so-called "basin" comes from this. The process of culture is the process of mutual adaptation and interaction between orchids and people. at this time, the evolutionary characteristics of orchids will be fully reflected, and the fun of raising orchids will come from this! The way of physical use is combined with orchid, it can also cover the appreciation of orchid art. From the leaf shape of the orchid itself, the color and shape of the flower, and then to the pots used for planting, it can be analyzed and managed in the way of body use. The orchid is the body, the basin is for use, what kind of orchid needs to use what kind of basin, including the texture, size and shape of the basin, must be in harmony with bluegrass. Just imagine. It is obviously not suitable for big grass to use small pots and small pots to grow big grass. Purple sand, pottery basin, mud basin, and each has its own attention, including the shape and decoration of the basin, as well as the inscription above, a pot of bluegrass, in addition to the orchid itself, choose good, appropriate basin tools, but also have the finishing touch! Raising orchids should not only pay attention to the combination of physical use, but also the balance of yin and yang! Everything in the world is governed by yin and yang. As the saying goes, there are men and women in people, male and female in animals, and male and female in plants. This is only a very superficial expression of yin and yang. The expression of the real theory of yin and yang in life is very mysterious and infinitely divisible! For orchid grass, the grass just on the basin is yin, potted grass is yang, weak grass is yin, strong grass is yang, leaf back is yin, leaf surface is yang; orchid root is yin, orchid leaf is yang; basin soil is yin, basin is yang; basin water is yin, basin fertilizer is yang; blue water is yin, bluegrass is yang; for watering orchid, morning and dusk water is yin, noon water is yang; winter and spring is yin, spring and summer are yang. Everything is harmonious, yin and yang are in harmony, and the square knot becomes a flower. Cymbidium likes Yin, Cymbidium likes Yang, Cymbidium is born on the shady side of the hillside, and Cymbidium is born on the sunny side of the hillside. The difference of its growth environment also shows the yin-yang characteristics of different species of orchid. So throughout the year, dusk is yellow, and each has its own advantages for the watering of bluegrass. Only by combining the strength and weakness of good bluegrass, the number of leaves, the change of seasons, the size of pots, the thickness of plants, the amount of fertilizer, careful observation, careful watering, can we get good! Strong grass watered, small leaves must be fine drenched; strong grass because of luxuriant growth, well-developed roots, Langen has been fully developed, can be washed with water, as long as the use of granular materials to drain water smoothly, not rotten roots. The grass that has just come into the pot should be watered more carefully because its roots have not yet grown. If there is too much water, it is not encouraged to accumulate waterlogged and rotten roots. This so-called use of small water with Yin water, watering enough root water, can be put aside. Nowadays, people who raise orchids generally pay attention to the time of watering, and it is generally better to water them in the evening. This is also the experience summed up by many generations of people who raise orchids. After a day of growth and sunlight, bluegrass will produce harmful gases and substances in the basin soil. Watering can lower the temperature of the basin soil and take away the waste gas and harmful substances accumulated in the basin. But this is only a universal axiom, where there are special cases, as long as you master the characteristics of orchid and the concept of yin and yang, you can act in accordance with the law at any time, and you don't have to stick to it. By that time, your watering level and Yilan experience will be improved again. As the saying goes, "there are no tricks in your chest". As long as you master the objective laws in the growth process of bluegrass, when to water them depends on the needs of bluegrass. The key is that you should be deeply familiar with the growth law and character of bluegrass. Deeply understand the changes of yin and yang in the growth process of bluegrass. For the family balcony to raise orchids, pots do not encourage all kinds of large and small, large and small pots should be watered with sufficient water, one-time watering, but more water in large basins and less water in small pots. Coarse-grained soil plant orchid, air permeability and water permeability are good, compared with fine plant materials, it can be watered frequently, this so-called wet culture, this so-called "sunny water". Therefore, the yin and yang of water can be explained from the amount of water and the time of watering. All kinds of factors in orchid affairs have the characteristics of yin and yang, and bluegrass itself is the unity of yin and yang. The changes of yin and yang of various factors affect the health of bluegrass, just like people, the disharmony between yin and yang will lead to disease. The disharmony of internal yin and yang, as well as the disharmony of internal and external factors, can affect the normal growth of bluegrass. Specifically manifested in yellowing, coke tip, withdrawal of grass and so on, what is more, the external environment is unfavorable, but also easy to touch germs and bluegrass.

The external environment is for use, the bluegrass itself is the body, adjust the external environment and factors to promote the body, make it conducive to the growth and development of the body; exercise the Noumenon to make it adapt to the changes of external environmental conditions; the combination of body and use, balance and coordination, master the changes of yin and yang in the process of bluegrass culture, master the physical factors in bluegrass culture, and create a good orchid cultivation environment in order to make bluegrass grow healthily.

IV. Conclusion

Chinese culture has a long history, up and down 5,000 years, east, south, west, east and west, it has spread for thousands of years, and has already formed a set of standards belonging to us Chinese people, our own unique philosophy and world outlook, paying attention to the harmonious unity of man and nature, paying attention to the harmonious unity of the part and the whole, and the natural way of balancing yin and yang. The aesthetics of the Chinese nation has never been isolated. For calligraphy and painting, for national orchid, for traditional architecture, and for all aspects of our traditional culture, we all pay attention to harmonious, unified and balanced aesthetics. Huilan's aesthetic appreciation can be combined with the constituent elements of traditional Chinese calligraphy, painting, music, and even medicine and architecture.

For those who love orchid, an orchid is like a world, and Yihui is a universe. When we immerse ourselves, you have it all.