
How much is the latest dragon fruit planting investment?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Fire dragon fruit is a tropical and subtropical fruit, also known as red dragon fruit, dragon bead fruit, immortal honey fruit and so on. It is cultivated in Hainan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, Yunnan, Taiwan and other places in China. It is rich in nutrition and unique in efficacy. It integrates the advantages of fruits, buds, vegetables and medicine.

Fire dragon fruit is a tropical and subtropical fruit, also known as red dragon fruit, dragon bead fruit, immortal honey fruit and so on. It is cultivated in Hainan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, Yunnan, Taiwan and other places with rich nutrition and unique efficacy. It integrates the advantages of fruits, buds, vegetables and medicine, and has very high cultivation value. Let's take a look at how much is invested in dragon fruit cultivation.

How much is the investment in dragon fruit planting?

The planting investment of dragon fruit is relatively not high. For planting one mu of dragon fruit, 110cement columns need to be built for planting one mu of dragon fruit, generally 1520 yuan each, totaling 2200 yuan. Generally, a column of four seedlings requires 440 seedlings, and the ordinary red meat species costs 3 yuan and 5 yuan per plant. the expensive red crystal is estimated to cost 10 yuan per seedling, and the ordinary red meat seed costs 2200 yuan, plus 1200 yuan per mu of labor and fertilizer, and the upfront investment is 5600 yuan per mu.

How much is the income from dragon fruit planting?

The average annual purchase price of dragon fruit is 5 yuan / jin for red meat dragon fruit and 3 yuan / jin for white meat dragon fruit. The gross income of planting one mu of red meat dragon fruit is 15000 yuan (according to the lowest yield and price, the same below), and the gross income of planting one mu of white meat dragon fruit is 12000 yuan. Minus the cost of one mu of dragon fruit, the income is more than about 10000 yuan.

What are the conditions for growing dragon fruit?

1. Temperature: lukewarm dragon fruit is not afraid of high temperature and low temperature, the average annual temperature is not less than 18 ℃, the average temperature in January is not less than 8 ℃, the extremely low temperature is-3 ℃, the duration is not more than 6 hours, the optimum growth temperature is 25: 35 ℃, the temperature below 10 ℃ and above 38 ℃ will stop growing.

2. Soil: the dragon fruit has a wide range of adaptability to soil, and can grow well in mountain, dry land, semi-dry land, stony mountain, wasteland and waterlogged low-lying land, especially the dragon fruit grafted with the local quantity, its adaptability is more extensive.

3. Moisture: the dragon fruit is a drought-tolerant plant, but it needs plenty of water to grow. If the dragon fruit planting land is short of water for a long time, it will cause the dragon fruit growth to stagnate, and even the original stout fleshy stem will slowly wither.

4. Illumination: the dragon fruit is a typical solar plant, which likes warm direct sunlight. If the sunlight time is long and the sun is sufficient, the photosynthesis is especially exuberant, the flesh stem is stout and green, the flowers and fruits are rich and productive, otherwise the amount of fruit is obviously reduced.

5. Fertilizer: the dragon fruit grows fast, and the fertilizer needed in the whole growth cycle must be sufficient. Sufficient nitrogen fertilizer should be supplied in the early growth stage to help the plant grow fast, tall and strong. In the middle and later stages of plant growth, more balanced application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied to increase plant photosynthesis.

Planting and management technology of dragon fruit

1. Planting methods: pitaya can be planted in a variety of ways, such as climbing the wall or setting up a shed, but column cultivation is the most common, which has the advantages of low production cost and high land utilization rate.

2. Planting specification: the row spacing of dragon fruit with double-season column is 1.5 × 2 meters. According to the calculation of 4 seedlings planted around each column, 750 plants can be planted per mu. But pay attention not to deep planting, implant about 3 cm deep, the initial should keep the soil moist.

3. Frequent application of thin fertilizer: the harvest time of dragon fruit is long, organic fertilizer should be re-applied every year, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer should be applied evenly for a long time, potassium and magnesium fertilizer should be added during flowering and fruiting period, the soil should be kept moist during fruiting period, and the tree plate should be covered with grass or mushroom residue.

4. Coring and pruning: the dragon fruit picks the heart when the branch grows to 1.3 to 1.4 meters long, promotes the branch, and lets the branch droop naturally. After picking fruit every year, cut off the fruiting branches and let them send out new branches to ensure the yield in the coming year.

5. Reasonable interplanting: red dragon fruit has poor self-pollination compatibility, low rate of self-pollination, small fruit and poor marketability, which requires white meat dragon fruit pollination. Interplanting about 10% white meat type dragon fruit can significantly improve the seed setting rate.

6. Artificial pollination: when dragon fruit is planted, artificial pollination should be carried out in overcast and rainy weather. Pollination can be used to apply pollen directly to the female flower stigma with a writing brush before the flowers bloom in the evening or before the flowers are closed in the morning.

7. Pest control: pitaya has fewer diseases and pests, and is vulnerable to snails and ants at seedling stage, so insecticides can be used to control. In the season of high temperature and humidity, it is easy to infect diseases, such as partial branch necrosis and mildew spots, which can be prevented by strychnine, strong copper oxide and so on.