
Why is the latest durian so expensive?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Durian is one of the famous tropical fruits, which is widely grown in some countries in Southeast Asia. It is most famous in Thailand and is known as the king of fruit. It is rich in nutrition and has the effect of tonifying, especially for the weak and postpartum women. In addition, for stomach cold and

Durian is one of the famous tropical fruits, which is planted in some countries in Southeast Asia. It is most famous in Thailand and is known as the "king of fruit". It is rich in nutrition and has the effect of tonifying, especially for the weak and postpartum women. In addition, it can also relieve stomach cold and dysmenorrhea. Let's take a look at why durian is so expensive.

Why is durian so expensive?

Durian is a tropical fruit, and its growing environment requires perennial high temperature, so most parts of our country cannot meet this condition. We can only rely on imports, including freight, tariffs and other factors. Of course, its price is much more expensive than ordinary fruit. Moreover, durian has high nutritional value and sweet taste, many people like to eat it, and the market demand is very large, which is also the reason why the market price of durian is more expensive.

How much is durian per jin?

The price of durian varies in different regions, but the overall price fluctuates around more than ten yuan per jin. Cheap varieties are also sold for more than 8 yuan per jin in harvest season and 1315 yuan per jin when it is expensive. For example, the more famous gold pillow durian is about 12 yuan per jin, while the market price of King Elvis durian is more than 100 yuan per jin.

What are the benefits of eating durian?

1. Nourishing yin and strengthening yang: durian is rich in sugar, starch, protein, vitamins, fat, calcium, iron and phosphorus. Eating durian can supplement the energy and nutrition needed by the body and achieve the effect of strengthening the body and nourishing yin and yang. It can be used to nourish the body after illness and postpartum.

2. Enhance immunity: durian fruit contains a wide range of amino acids, rich in content, including 7 kinds of essential amino acids in addition to tryptophan, among which glutamate is particularly high, which can improve immune function and regulate acid-base balance in the body. and improve the body's ability to adapt to stress.

3. Activating blood circulation and dispelling cold: durian can relieve dysmenorrhea, because durian is a hot fruit, which can promote blood circulation to disperse cold and relieve menstrual pain. At the same time, its heat can improve the cold condition of abdomen and promote the rise of body temperature. it is very helpful to friends with cold physique.

4, appetizer laxative: durian contains very rich dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, promote appetite and treat constipation, but it should be noted that eating durian to treat constipation can drink more boiled water, otherwise the rich fiber has no water to absorb. Will absorb water in the intestines.

5. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer: durian fruit is rich in vitamins, and its vitamins A, B and C are high. A large number of studies have proved that vitamins are essential micronutrients for the human body. it not only has the physiological functions of maintaining normal growth, reproduction, vision and anti-infection, but also can prevent and fight cancer.