
How to keep the latest plums fresh for a long time?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Plums are the fruits of plums of the genus Prunus in Rosaceae, also known as Jiaqingzi, Yuhuang plum, mountain plums, etc., usually mature from July to August, full and round, exquisitely carved, beautiful in shape, sweet in taste, rich in nutrition, with tonifying vital energy, nourishing yin and nourishing fluid, moistening intestines and laxative.

Plums are the fruits of plums of the genus Prunus in Rosaceae, also known as Jiaqingzi, Yuhuang plum, mountain plums, etc., which are usually ripe from July to August, full and round, exquisitely carved, beautiful in shape, sweet in taste and rich in nutrition. it has the functions of tonifying middle and nourishing qi, nourishing yin and promoting fluid, moistening intestines and relaxing intestines, and lubricating skin. Let's take a look at how plums are kept fresh for a long time.

When will the plums mature?

Plum varieties mature at different times, generally the earliest varieties can mature in May-June, early-maturing varieties begin to appear on the market in early June, but the most delicious varieties usually mature in August-September. Plums are cultivated in all provinces of China, mainly in Liaoning, Jilin, Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and Taiwan.

How to keep plums fresh and store?

1. Ice cellar storage: lay the bottom of the cellar with crushed ice, then place the pre-cooled fruit basket on the ice, fill it with crushed ice between the layers, and then cover the fruit stack with crushed ice, then cover it with plastic film, and then stack 70 to 100 cm thick sawn wood and other heat insulation materials on the film. Attention must be paid to the closure of the pit door, the pit temperature should be controlled at 0 to 1 degrees Celsius, and the door should be closed quickly when entering or leaving the cellar. Plums stored in mid-late August can be transferred to the ordinary cellar for further storage until the Spring Festival.

2. Controlled atmosphere storage

① controlled gas storage: the plums are stored in a polyethylene film bag with a thickness of 0.025 mm and can be stored for 70 days under the conditions of 0 to 1 degrees Celsius, 7 to 8 per cent carbon dioxide and 1 to 3 per cent oxygen.

② parcel cold storage: remove the plum stem, remove the diseases and insects, hurt the rotten fruit, put it in a polyethylene film bag, each bag contains 1 to 1.5kg, sealed and stored at minus one degree temperature for 2 to 3 months.

Tips on the selection of plums

1. Color: plums are dark red or purplish red can be eaten directly, the one with light turquoise luster is generally medium well, if it is eaten on the same day, you can buy dark red, if you need to eat after 2 days, you can choose with turquoise luster.

2, hardness: plum appearance is very hard is raw plum, firm and micro-Microsoft is good maturity, over-sunken or even sunken plum is over-mature plum, if there is juice overflow, it means that the fruit has gone bad.

3, smell: plums have a unique fragrance, immature plums smell no smell, the outside light fragrance, fragrance is mature plums, the appearance of very strong fragrance of plums show that mature.

4. Pulp: the fruit of plums is relatively small, the flesh of immature plums is dry and green, the flesh of ripe plums is generally sweet and juicy, and the flesh of immature plums is slightly bitter.

What's the advantage of eating plums?

1. Promote digestion: plums can promote the secretion of gastric acid and digestive enzymes, which can increase gastrointestinal peristalsis, so it can promote digestion and increase appetite. It is a good dietotherapy for patients with lack of gastric acid, fullness after eating and constipation.

2. Clearing liver and promoting diuresis: plum meat contains a variety of amino acids, such as glutamine, serine, glycine, proline and so on. Raw food is very beneficial to the treatment of cirrhotic ascites.

3. Diuresis and blood pressure: plum kernels contain amygdalin and a large amount of fatty oil, which has a significant diuresis and antihypertensive effect, and can accelerate intestinal peristalsis, promote dry stool discharge, and also have the effect of relieving cough and expectoration.

4. Anti-aging: plums have a high content of edible fiber after dehydration, which can be used to help regulate the function of the digestive system, and also contains a variety of antioxidants, which has the effect of delaying aging.

5, improve anemia: plums are rich in vitamin B12, which can be used to treat and prevent vitamin B12 deficiency, and vitamin B12 can promote hemoglobin regeneration. Moderate consumption is of great benefit to the anemic.