
When will the latest longan mature?

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Longan is one of the famous fruit trees in southern and southeastern China. Longan is an evergreen tree of the disease-free family Longan, also known as longan, Yizhi, Sanfei, etc., which is often compared with litchi. Guangdong is the most popular producing area, followed by Fujian, and wild or semi-wild areas are also seen in Yunnan and southern Guangxi.

Longan is one of the famous fruit trees in southern and southeastern China. Longan is an evergreen tree of the disease-free family Longan, also known as longan, Yizhi, three feet of agricultural flavor, etc., which is often compared with litchi. The producing area is the most prosperous in Guangdong, followed by Fujian. Yunnan and southern Guangxi also see wild or semi-wild in sparse forests. Let's take a look at when longan will mature.

When does longan mature?

Longan usually matures from May to October, but the maturity period of longan varies according to region and variety. From a regional point of view, longan maturity is in late May in Thailand, mid-July in Guangzhou, early July to early August in Guangxi, and late July to late August in Fujian. In terms of varieties, "Fuyan" matured from late August to early September, "Dongbi" matured in late August, "Wulongling" matured in early September, "Songfeng Ben" matured from late September to early October, and "the Beginning of Winter version" matured in late October.

Where is the origin of longan?

Longan is a unique fruit in South China, which is mostly grown in southern China (Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong and Fujian). It is called "the four precious fruits of South China" together with litchi, banana and pineapple (pineapple). The nutritional value and taste of longan are the best of Putian in Fujian. Countries and regions in the world that cultivate longan include Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Madagascar, Queensland in Australia, Hawaii and Florida in the United States.

How to choose fresh longan?

1. Pinch: the hard shell of longan fruit indicates that it is immature, soft and elastic is the characteristic of maturity, but soft without elasticity is overripe.

2. Look: the pericarp of longan should be spotless, clean and tidy, and the quality of the skin with lighter color is generally better.

3. Roll: longan with good quality has high sugar content, shell, meat and core will be connected, and it is not easy to roll on the table, but the opposite is true for those with poor quality.

4. Peeling: the flesh of good quality longan is thick and uniform, the flesh is soft and transparent or translucent, and the taste is sweet.

What are the varieties of longan?

1. Shikip Longan: the original species of Shikip Longan comes from Pingzhou, Nanhai, Guangdong Province. it has a long history of fresh food cultivation and has spread widely to Guangdong and Guangxi. There are three strains of Yellow Shell Shek Kip, Green Shell Shek Kip and Gongfen Shikip. They mature in early and middle August and are precocious varieties.

2. Grass paving longan: the fruit of grass paving species is spherical or slightly flat, medium size. Pericarp reddish brown or yellow-grayish brown, with tortoise lines. Flesh white wax color to light yellow wax white, translucent, easy to enucleate. The fruit ripening period is from late August to late September.

3. Chuliang longan: Chuliang longan is the only variety that can compete with the imported longan from Thailand, and its quality is better than that of Thai longan. It is a good variety of fresh food and processing. The processed longan meat is yellow and translucent, thick, dry and resistant to storage. Can produce first-class to super-grade longan meat.

4. East Yong Longan: East Yong Longan originated in Wuchuan, Guangdong Province, its fruit is large, yellowish brown, undehiscent, the average single fruit weighs 12.5 to 15 grams, the heaviest is 20.85 grams, the pulp is crisp without juice, sweet and honey, early fruiting, high yield, stable yield, high quality fruit.

5. Gushan No. 2: Gushan No. 2 has strong tree potential, semicircular crown, round fruit, average single fruit weight of 9.4 grams, yellow-brown pericarp, milky white pulp, pulp easy to leave core, crisp meat, sweet taste, high quality, etc., maturing in early August, early-maturing and high-quality fresh food varieties.