
Is the latest longan hot or cool?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Longan, also known as longan, intelligence, etc., is the fruit of longan, an evergreen tree plant belonging to the genus Longan of Sapindaceae. It has very high nutritional value and is rich in vitamins, fruit acids, minerals and other nutrients. It can not only supplement the nutrients needed by the human body, but also promote human health.

Longan, also known as longan, Yizhi, etc., is the fruit of longan, an evergreen tree plant of the disease-free family longan, with high nutritional value and rich in vitamins, fruit acids, minerals and other nutrients, which can not only supplement the nutrients needed by the human body. and promote human health, help digestion, let's take a look at longan is hot or cool!

Is longan hot or cool?

Longan is a warm fruit, but partial to heat, if it belongs to spleen deficiency and serious anemia, people with bad appearance are advised to eat more longan. But hot people do not eat a lot of food, hot people can easily cause constipation or dry mouth after eating. In addition, patients with phlegm-dampness and fever in the body such as cold, fever and cough are not suitable to eat, especially pregnant women, this is because pregnant women are usually yin deficiency, easy to give birth to internal heat, showing symptoms such as dry stool, yellow urine, dry mouth, eating longan not only does not play a beneficial role, but increases internal heat, which may cause threatened abortion symptoms such as red, abdominal pain, abdominal distension and so on.

Is longan acidic or alkaline?

Longan is an acidic fruit. The acidity and basicity of food is classified according to the characteristics of food. in fact, the nutritional criteria for dividing the acidity and basicity of food are not based on the taste of food, but on the basis of the acidity and basicity of the final metabolites decomposed in the human body. all the final metabolites decomposed in the body are called acidic food, on the contrary, alkaline food. Nutritionists believe that fish, meat, poultry, eggs, rice, flour, oil and sugar are all acidic foods, while vegetables, fruits, bean products and milk are all alkaline foods.

Those people can't eat longan?

1. Longan is a hot and humid food, it is easy to stagnate qi when eating more, and it is not suitable to eat when there are symptoms of inflammation.

2. Phlegm fire or yin deficiency fire is exuberant, and those who stop drinking with dampness should avoid eating.

3. Avoid eating when the tongue is thick and greasy, full of qi, slippery intestines, diarrhea, cold and indigestion.

4. Dried longan contains high natural sugar, so people with diabetes should avoid eating.

5. Those who suffer from acne, surgical carbuncle, pelvic inflammation, urethritis and menorrhagia should not eat.

6. Longan heat helps the fire, so children and teenagers should also eat less.

7, most women after pregnancy Yin blood deficiency, Yin deficiency will give birth to internal heat, in order to avoid abortion should be careful to eat.