
The countryside should not become a blind area of financial knowledge.

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, In recent years, the policy of financial support for agriculture has been continuously improved, the support of financial institutions to agriculture, rural areas and farmers has been continuously increased, and the level of rural financial services has been improved to a certain extent. Walking into villages and towns, it is not difficult to find that new financial services have been gradually accepted by farmers: the use of bank cards and ATM machines.

In recent years, the policy of financial support for agriculture has been continuously improved, financial institutions have been increasing their support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and the level of rural financial services has been improved to a certain extent. Walking into villages and towns, it is not difficult to find that the new way of financial services has been gradually accepted by farmers: the use of bank cards and ATM machines has become more common, and electronic banking is nothing new. even the advertisements of some microfinance service intermediary companies also appear in rural markets. In the research, a fellow-villager once told me enthusiastically: "in the past, there were few banks and we were far away from home, so we were used to leaving our money at home." Now you can withdraw money on your doorstep. It's very convenient! "

With the development of agricultural modernization, farmers' demand for financial services in production is becoming more and more urgent. In Gansu Province, for example, the White Paper on Rural Financial Development in Gansu Province issued in 2014 shows that there is a strong demand for microloans in rural areas of the province. 68.9% of the farmers interviewed have borrowed money in the past three years, of which 28.7% have borrowed more than 3 times. Rural finance plays a more and more important role in the development of agricultural economy.

However, with the deepening of the research, I found that most farmers only know more about traditional businesses such as deposits, remittances and loans, but know less about new businesses such as financial consulting, trust, insurance and financial investment products. Some farmers completely do not understand personal information, password settings and other security knowledge, which brings huge hidden dangers to property, while others are full of doubts about these protection measures and reject financial services. What's more, some lawbreakers take advantage of farmers' lack of knowledge and ability in counterfeit currency identification, financial fraud, illegal fund-raising, risk prevention, and so on, to extend their black hands to rural areas. In addition, with the increase of farmers' participation in financial activities, when they encounter financial disputes, due to the relatively low level of education, the lack of certain financial legal literacy, and the lack of a clear understanding of their own rights, the legitimate rights and interests are damaged. When I was doing research, I met an honest farmer who acted as a guarantor for a loan to his fellow townsman. He walked away, but he was heavily in debt. He still doesn't understand: "I didn't borrow the money, so why should I pay it back?"

There is no doubt that there is still a considerable distance between farmers' financial knowledge and the current requirements of rural financial development. if it is not improved as soon as possible, it will become a constraint. Although government departments and relevant financial institutions are aware of the problems and have carried out some rural financial knowledge popularization activities and achieved certain results, there are still many problems: from the perspective of rural financial knowledge popularization activities carried out throughout the country, although there are many participants, most of them are based on the notice issued by the competent department at a higher level, with the completion of the task as the starting point, and lack of overall planning and long-term mechanism. In the activities of sending financial knowledge to the countryside, there are many contents of RMB knowledge, such as counterfeit currency identification, but there is a lack of publicity about farmers' general knowledge of loans, economic and financial laws and regulations, insurance knowledge, financial management knowledge and other knowledge related to their own interests. Throughout the form of popularization of rural financial knowledge, although the use of hanging banners, distribution of publicity materials, on-site explanation and consultation and other means, seems to be a variety of forms, but in fact pay attention to "send" and neglect "answer", or only "send" do not answer.

To this end, I suggest that a plan should be made to establish a long-term mechanism for the popularization of rural financial knowledge. Rural financial education should be included in the important content of inclusive finance, and the objectives, priorities and safeguard measures for the popularization of rural financial knowledge in each stage should be clearly defined. Fully mobilize the participation initiative of banks, insurance companies and other professional institutions, and strengthen the social responsibility of financial institutions. We should give full play to the role of township governments and village committees to provide organizational guarantee and relationship coordination for the construction of rural financial and education bases. Through policies, we will guide public welfare non-governmental organizations and volunteers to participate in the popularization of rural financial knowledge and form a diversified subject pattern.

It is necessary to improve the effectiveness of the content of popularizing financial knowledge. Focus on the prevention of financial fraud, the concept of integrity, the use of bank cards and ATM machines and electronic banks, loans and other aspects of knowledge popularization, but also should increase the knowledge popularization of financial management, insurance and so on. According to the different needs of farmers and migrant workers, we should formulate knowledge popularization programs with different emphasis. With the help of the public cultural service system such as radio and television "access to every village", rural film projection, rural bookstore and so on, we can produce popular and intuitive special publicity films on financial knowledge, and arrange literary and art programs with relevant contents. make professional financial knowledge simple and entertaining. It is necessary to popularize financial knowledge in rural middle schools and shape students' modern financial concepts so that they can integrate into the modern economy and society more calmly and naturally in the future.

In addition, village cadres have close ties with farmers, are familiar with the current situation and needs of farmers' financial knowledge, strengthen their financial knowledge training, and act as financial knowledge propagandists, which can be better targeted. The business personnel of rural financial institutions are the main force in the popularization of rural financial knowledge. It is necessary to improve their professional level and professional ethics in order to make propaganda more authoritative and professional.