
Development and Reform Commission: agricultural and rural economy to maintain a stable and good trend

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I. the overall stability of the agricultural and rural economy in the first half of the year since this year, agricultural production and the rural economic situation have been generally stable, summer grain has had another bumper harvest, the production of other major agricultural products has been basically stable, and farmers' income has continued to grow rapidly. (1) there will be another bumper harvest of summer grain.

I. the agricultural and rural economy is generally stable in the first half of the year.

Since the beginning of this year, agricultural production and the rural economic situation have been generally stable, summer grain has had another bumper harvest, the production of other major agricultural products has been basically stable, and farmers' income has continued to grow rapidly.

(1) there will be another bumper harvest of summer grain. The area of summer grain is about 415 million mu, an increase of 1.66 million mu over the previous year, and the total output of summer grain is 282.1 billion jin, an increase of 8.9 billion jin or 3.3% over the previous year. Among them, the yield of winter wheat was 247.2 billion jin, an increase of 7.1 billion jin. The sown area of autumn grain remains stable and grows normally.

(2) cash crops are basically stable. The output of rapeseed harvested in summer was 13.88 million tons, an increase of 160000 tons or 1.2 percent over the previous year. Vegetable production is basically stable. According to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, the vegetable field area of 580 key vegetable production counties continued to grow from January to April, with an increase of 1.6% at the end of April compared with the same period last year.

(3) the output of meat has decreased. According to the statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics, the output of pig, beef, sheep and poultry in the first half of the year was 39.06 million tons, down 2.4 percent from the same period last year, of which pork production was 25.74 million tons, down 4.9 percent; 417.39 million pigs were stored, down 6 percent from the same period last year; and 334.37 million pigs were fenced, down 5.1 percent from the same period last year. Pig prices have risen greatly in the past four months. according to the survey, the average profit of live pigs in the main producing provinces and regions reached 210.2 yuan in June, an increase of 163yuan over April.

(4) the income of farmers has increased steadily. In the first half of the year, the per capita disposable income of rural residents was 5554 yuan, an increase of 482 yuan over the same period last year, an increase of 8.3 percent in real terms, which continued to be higher than the growth rate of GDP and per capita disposable income of urban residents.

II. Rural reform has been comprehensively deepened and agricultural modernization has been accelerated.

In accordance with the general requirements of stabilizing grain income, improving quality and efficiency, and driving innovation, all localities and departments continue to comprehensively deepen rural reform, actively promote the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, and promote the simultaneous development of agricultural modernization and new industrialization, informationization, and urbanization, so as to provide strong support for sustained and healthy economic and social development.

(1) Investment in agriculture and rural areas continues to increase. The proportion of investment arrangements in the central budget for agricultural and rural construction has exceeded 50% for five consecutive years. Efforts have been made to promote the reform of the agricultural investment and financing system, actively promote the integration of agriculture-related funds, and strive to improve the efficiency of the use of funds. The construction of agricultural and rural infrastructure is progressing smoothly. We will improve the agricultural subsidy policy, adjust 20% of the comprehensive agricultural subsidy funds nationwide to support the appropriate scale operation of grain, and carry out pilot reforms of the "three subsidies" in agriculture in some areas. The central government will continue to increase support for major grain-producing, oil-producing and seed-producing counties, and improve the benefit compensation mechanism for major grain-producing areas.

(2) Rural reform has been deepened in an all-round way. Steady progress has been made in rural land reform, with the expropriation of rural land, the entry of collective construction land into the market, and the pilot reform of the homestead system in 33 county-level administrative regions. The reform of the rural financial system continued to deepen, the pilot project of rural contracted land management rights and mortgage loans for farmers' property rights began, and the pilot project of mutual assistance of funds within farmers' cooperatives was steadily carried out. The reform of water conservancy and forestry is progressing smoothly, and the pilot projects of water rights registration and water rights transfer (trading) have been carried out in some areas. The implementation opinions on encouraging and guiding Social Capital to participate in the Construction and Operation of Major Water Conservancy projects were issued, and pilot projects were carried out in 100 counties to reform the property rights system of irrigation and water conservancy and to innovate the operation management and protection mechanism. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Reform Plan for State-owned Forest Farms and the guiding opinions for the Reform of State-owned Forest areas. The decision on deepening the Comprehensive Reform of supply and Marketing Cooperatives has been issued and implemented, and all localities have vigorously promoted the system reform and mechanism innovation of supply and marketing cooperatives in accordance with the direction of separating government from government and social enterprises.

(3) the price formation mechanism of agricultural products has been gradually improved. We will continue to improve the minimum grain purchase price and the temporary purchase and storage policy, and the minimum purchase price for wheat and rice will be the same as that of the previous year. The local government is responsible for organizing all kinds of enterprises to purchase rapeseed, and the central finance gives appropriate support to some major producing areas. In-depth summary of Xinjiang cotton, northeast and Inner Mongolia soybean target price reform pilot experience, improve subsidy methods, reduce operating costs, and ensure that subsidy funds are cashed in full and timely to farmers. We will optimize the reserve scale of important agricultural products and adjust the regional layout and variety structure. We will improve the management system of central grain reserves and encourage qualified diversified market entities to participate in the policy collection and storage of bulk agricultural products.

(4) the construction of major water conservancy projects is progressing smoothly. By the end of June, construction of 60 of 172 major water conservancy projects had been started, and construction of a number of projects such as Cen Tianhe in Hunan and Hekou Village in Henan Province had been speeded up. Last year, new projects such as Hanjiwei in Shaanxi, Datengxia in Xijiang, Jiayan in Guizhou, and Altash in Xinjiang were fully implemented. The rural drinking water safety project has been accelerated, the problem of drinking water safety for 9.6 million rural people has been solved, and the progress of construction has been significantly accelerated. Key forestry ecological projects were accelerated, and a total afforestation area of 64.5 million mu was completed by the end of June.

(5) speeding up the construction of a new agricultural management system. Land circulation and agricultural scale management have developed in depth. In recent years, the scale and speed of cultivated land transfer in China have accelerated obviously. by the end of 2014, the circulation area of contracted cultivated land in rural areas was 403 million mu, with the proportion of transfer reaching 30.4%. Large professional households, family farms and other large-scale operators have initially sprung up, and farmers' cooperatives are growing. By the end of March this year, there were 1.3485 million farmers' cooperatives registered in accordance with the law, with 95.59 million peasant households joining the cooperatives, accounting for 36.8 per cent of the total number of farmers in the country. The relevant departments have issued and implemented the opinions on strengthening the Supervision and risk Prevention of Industrial and Commercial Capital Leasing of farmland, and the entry of industrial and commercial capital into agriculture has become more standardized and orderly.

III. Focus on the next step

(1) strengthen the field management of autumn grain and the work of flood control and drought relief. Great efforts should be made to do a good job in the production of autumn crops, do a good job in technical guidance and services, popularize technical measures for resisting disasters, reducing disasters, and stabilizing yield and increasing production, so as to ensure a bumper harvest. Based on the prevention of major floods and droughts, we will continue to strengthen meteorological monitoring, forecasting, early warning and investigation, closely monitor changes in rain, water, flood and drought, and make every effort to prevent torrential rains and floods. We will further strengthen the construction of water conservancy infrastructure such as river dikes and the reinforcement of diseased and dangerous reservoirs, and constantly improve our ability to prevent and resist disasters.

(2) to improve the regulation and control policy on the market of agricultural products. We will strengthen the monitoring of market prices of agricultural products and implement the policy of minimum purchase prices for rice and wheat. We will improve the policy of temporary collection and storage of corn, promote the marketization of purchase and sale, straighten out the price formation mechanism, send reform signals to the society as soon as possible, and reasonably guide agricultural production and market expectations. We should do a good job in the regulation and control of the import and export of agricultural products and strictly control grain imports. Closely follow the market dynamic changes of major agricultural products at home and abroad, and study and formulate corresponding countermeasures in time in view of the new situations and problems in the development of agriculture and rural areas.

(3) continue to strengthen the construction of agricultural and rural infrastructure. We will implement the investment plan already issued, speed up the implementation of projects under construction, and focus on the construction and implementation of key projects such as rural drinking water safety, irrigation and water conservancy construction, field projects for the construction of an additional 100 billion jin of grain production capacity, and forestry ecology, so as to promote the development of agricultural production and the improvement of people's livelihood in rural areas. We will speed up the examination and approval of major water conservancy projects and promote the implementation of the policy of compensation for land expropriation and the same price for the construction of major water conservancy projects. We will actively study and simplify the examination and approval links of major water conservancy projects, delegate the authority for examination and approval, and optimize the examination and approval process. At the same time, we should make an in-depth study on the integration and optimization plan for the special setting of agricultural investment in the 13th five-year Plan, compress the general, highlight the key points, and concentrate on the construction of major projects.

(4) to promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas. To promote the integration and development of rural industries as an important starting point to change the mode of agricultural development, to improve the interest connection mechanism as the core, to speed up the formation of a modern industrial system with deep cross-integration of agriculture and secondary and tertiary industries. We will vigorously develop the processing industry of agricultural products and the agricultural service industry, and build the whole agricultural industry chain. Give full play to the versatility of agriculture, speed up the development of tourism and leisure agriculture, expand the space for agricultural development, and increase farmers' income. We should pay attention to introducing new technologies, new business type and new models into agriculture, promote the combination of e-commerce and physical circulation, improve the backbone network of agricultural products circulation, and promote the docking of various forms of production and marketing. We will study the establishment of an investment fund for rural industrial integration and development, give full play to the guiding role of government investment, drive and guide social funds to invest in rural areas, and improve the quality of rural economic development.

(5) do a good job in the employment of migrant workers. Pay close attention to the employment situation of migrant workers, formulate work plans in advance, and provide all-round services for migrant workers in a timely manner. Strengthen the skills training of migrant workers, improve policies and measures to promote the employment of migrant workers, and improve the stability of migrant workers' employment. We will properly implement various measures to promote the return of migrant workers to start their own businesses, comprehensively stimulate the enthusiasm of migrant workers and other personnel to return home to start businesses, and create more local employment opportunities. We will speed up the process of new industrialization and urbanization in areas where labor is exported, comprehensively integrate the upsurge of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, speed up the cultivation of new driving forces for economic and social development, and create new momentum for the improvement of people's livelihood, economic restructuring, and social harmony and stability.