
Causes and control methods of early defoliation of latest pear trees

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pear is delicious and juicy, sweet and sour, rich in nutrition, rich in a variety of vitamins and cellulose, can be eaten fresh or medicinal, has the effect of laxation and digestion, and can be used to make ice sugar snow pear to relieve cough. China is also a big planting country of pear trees.

Pear is delicious and juicy, sweet and sour, rich in nutrition, rich in a variety of vitamins and cellulose, can be eaten fresh or medicinal, has the effect of laxation and digestion, and can be used to make ice sugar snow pear to relieve cough. China is also a big planting country of pear trees, many people will find the phenomenon of early defoliation of pear trees when planting, which leads to a large amount of nutrient loss, resulting in slightly poor fruit quality and yield, so what about the early defoliation of pear trees? The following pro-agricultural network brings you the causes and control methods of early fallen leaves of pear trees.

1. Water imbalance

In order to speed up the growth of pear trees, many people often apply more chemical fertilizer, but ignore the application of organic fertilizer, which eventually leads to more and more soil organic content. finally, the soil is agglomerated, and the water storage and drainage capacity of the soil becomes worse. Resulting in the plant can not absorb water, especially in drought, even watering is not good, but also easy to stagnant water, due to soil consolidation, poor soil permeability, root growth hindered, and finally caused leaves to wither and fall off.

Control methods: fertilization should apply appropriate amount of organic fertilizer, turn the soil deeply once a year to prevent soil consolidation, in addition, fertilization can be ploughed and weeded several times, which can increase soil permeability. In addition, timely watering during drought and timely drainage in rainy season.

2. Close planting and improper pruning

In order to achieve yield per mu, some growers choose to plant too much density, so that with the growth of pear trees, the crown is formed, resulting in closure between plants, poor ventilation and light transmittance, so that many leaves can not come into contact with sunlight for photosynthesis, resulting in early defoliation, in addition, improper pruning should also cause this phenomenon.

Prevention and control methods: according to the variety characteristics and cultivation methods of pear trees, reasonably close planting, so that each tree to maintain a certain distance, how to form the crown, it is found that the plants are too dense, time shift or thinning. For pear trees with exuberant growth, it is necessary to prune them, control the number of branches and the height of the crown, make them blossom and bear fruit more and increase their yield.

3. Diseases and insect pests

There are many diseases and insect pests that cause great damage to pear trees, such as pear leaf shedding, scab, black spot, pear wood lice, two-spot leaf mite, pear aphid and so on.

Control methods: there are many ways to control diseases and insect pests, such as starting from the source of diseases and insect pests, collecting and burning the fallen branches and leaves of weeds around the plant, and disinfecting the plants and soil. In addition, pests can be controlled by its natural enemies, and diseases can be controlled by chemicals.

4. Improper use of medicament

When we disinfect or control diseases and insect pests, we will use some chemicals, which will do some harm to the plants. if the mixture or the concentration of the agents is too high and the number of times is too high, the leaves will fall off at an early stage.

Prevention and treatment methods: the drug should be used according to the problems encountered by the plant and the nature of the drug, grasp the concentration and method of drug use, be scientific, pay attention to the duration of drug use, and should not be used frequently.

The above are the causes and control methods of pear early defoliation brought by pro-agricultural network. Xiaobian explains the causes of early pear defoliation from four aspects, and brings its prevention and control methods. I hope it can be helpful to you.