
Common diseases of the latest passion fruit and their control methods

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Passion fruit is a popular fruit in recent years, which is deeply loved by consumers for its high nutritional value, unique flavor, relatively high price and high planting profit, so it needs to be planted by many people. But many novice growers are new to it and don't know much about its habits.

Passion fruit is a popular fruit in recent years, which is deeply loved by consumers for its high nutritional value, unique flavor, relatively high price and high planting profit, so it needs to be planted by many people. But many novice growers have just come into contact with it, do not know much about its habits, planting experience is less, especially in the aspect of diseases and insect pests, the following pro-agricultural network brings you its common diseases and control methods.

1. Sudden collapse disease

The sudden collapse disease occurs in the seedling stage, when it occurs, the stem of the plant has a water stain, and spreads rapidly until the stem of the plant falls down to the ground. If the ground humidity is high, a layer of white mildew will grow around the plant, and then the leaves and roots all rot and die.

Control methods: select the land with high topography, low groundwater level and good drainage performance when sowing and raising seedlings, disinfect the seeds and soil before planting, and spray diluted potassium dihydrogen phosphate regularly to prevent diseases. In addition, attention should be paid to ventilation and light transmittance in the seedling stage, and watering should be based on soil and climate.

2. Mosaic disease

Mosaic disease is a worldwide virus disease, not only on passion fruit, the leaves begin to fade and appear disease spots, serious leaves will curl and deform, it will also lead to flower deformities and sparse flowers during flowering. The growth of the plant is weak and dwarf, and the result is very small.

Control methods: cultivate virus-free, disease-resistant plants, strengthen management, increase plant resistance, mosaic disease is transmitted by many insects, so eliminate vector aphids and other insects, find diseased leaves and plants clean up in time.

3. Epidemic disease

Phytophthora blight is a fungal disease, the main harm is similar to seedling stage, and quenching disease, the initial emergence of waterlogged disease spots in the stems and leaves, the disease expanded rapidly, resulting in leaf shedding and plant death.

Control methods: select the seedlings with strong disease resistance, spray copper oxychloride on the soil before planting, clean up the diseased leaf disease plants in time after finding the disease, prevent the disease from spreading, and then spray with copper oxychloride.

4. Insect pests

Passion fruit has many insect pests, including aphids, thrips and red spiders, these pests are eating tender stems and leaves or sucking juice, resulting in plant stem and leaf withering and death.

Prevention and control methods: most of them lay eggs in winter and hatch in the coming year, so collect and burn the weeds and fallen branches and leaves around the plant, and scrape off the plant immediately when it is found that there are eggs. It is found that pests can be controlled by its natural enemies or removed directly by pesticides.

The above are the common diseases and control methods of passion fruit brought by the pro-agricultural network. The diseases and insect pests of passion fruit are mainly prevented and should be carefully managed so as not to think that it is too late to find the disease.