
The latest control methods of common diseases and insect pests in sugarcane

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Sugarcane tastes sweet and is our favorite fruit. 1 and it is one of the main raw materials for the production of white sugar. It has a large planting area in our country. However, in the process of planting, it is often disturbed by many diseases and insect pests, which reduces the yield and quality of sugarcane.

Sugarcane tastes sweet and is our favorite fruit. 1 and it is one of the main raw materials for the production of white sugar. It has a large planting area in our country. However, in the process of planting, it is often disturbed by many diseases and insect pests, which reduces the yield and quality of sugarcane. Let's learn about the prevention and control methods of common sugarcane diseases and insect pests brought by the pro-agricultural network.

1. Pineapple disease

It may be strange to see this disease. Pineapple is a kind of fruit, so it has nothing to do with the disease. In fact, pineapple disease is called pineapple disease because the sugarcane emits a kind of pineapple fragrance after the sugarcane is infected. It is caused by the bacteria remaining in the soil, the bacteria invade from the cut of the seedling, and the cut color of the seedling is red at the beginning of the disease. with the aggravation of the disease, all the internal infection of the seedling becomes black, and the seedling of the light one grows thin and underdeveloped. in severe cases, it causes the seedling to die.

Prevention and treatment methods: the disease occurs in low temperature, high humidity or long-term overcast and rainy weather, prevention and control methods are mainly prevention, measures are taken to make sugarcane germinate and unearthed early, medicament is used to disinfect and sterilize the seedling incision, and medicament is used to treat the disease in time.

2. Red rot

Red rot, like pineapple disease, is also caused by pathogens, which mainly harms stems and leaves, but it is difficult to find at the initial stage of the disease. it begins to form white round patches in the internal tissue of the stem, and with the deterioration of the disease, the leaves begin to turn white and wither and die.

Control methods: red rot mainly occurs in the environment of high temperature and high humidity, high planting density, and excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer. Select the varieties with strong disease resistance, disinfect and sterilize the seeds before planting, remove and destroy the diseased plants in time, and then spray and control them.

3. Smut

Smut is a fungal disease, when the disease occurs, a black spike grows at the top of the stem, which is short, straight and unbranched. Sugarcane grows slender after infected with the disease, affecting the yield.

Solution: the disease occurs in dry, barren or high-temperature, high-humidity and rainy season environments, and is mainly spread by air. Select varieties with strong disease resistance, soak the seeds with 0.5% methoxyethyl chloride and disinfect and plant them. After planting, we should strengthen fertilizer and water management, apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to promote the growth of sugarcane, strengthen disease resistance, remove and burn in time after discovering diseases, spray chemical control immediately, and avoid continuous cropping.

4. Borer

The borer, also known as sugarcane borer, has extremely strong fecundity and no obvious dormancy period. it is harmful to sugarcane all the year round and often drills into the interior of sugarcane, resulting in the hollow of sugarcane and the formation of withered seedlings in the seedling stage. Even after growing, it is extremely weak and easy to break, and its insect pests are also easy to cause the invasion of other diseases, which do great harm to sugarcane.

Solution: the borer can survive the winter safely in the sugarcane field, so it is necessary to remove and burn all the residual branches, leaves and stems in the sugarcane field after harvest, and then soak the sugarcane field in water for 2-3 days to completely eliminate the insect source. Disinfect the seedlings before planting. When insect pests are found, the damaged sugarcane shall be pulled out or chemical control shall be carried out in time.

The above are the prevention and control methods of common sugarcane diseases and insect pests brought by the pro-agricultural network, and this is the end of the introduction of sugarcane diseases and insect pests. Sugarcane pest control is based on prevention and control, and management should be strengthened in peacetime to avoid losses when diseases and insect pests occur.